Pit Bulls In Floral Crowns Would You Adopt A Pit Bull

Sophie Gamand, a French photographer currently based in the USA, wants to change this perception of pit bulls the world seems to have. In her new series entitled ‘Flower Power, Pit Bulls Of The Revolution‘ Gamand features pit bulls from shelters around New York that are waiting to be adopted wearing flower crowns. All proceeds from any prints bought will go straight to the shelters that home the dogs, but mostly Gamand wishes to change our views on these misunderstood creatures....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 131 words · Maureen Hayden

Prepaid Debit Cards And Other Banking Alternatives

Here’s a breakdown of your alternative banking options: Cashing a Check If you need to cash a check, but you don’t have a bank account, you’re going to pay a fee. Places like Walmart and your local grocery store will cash a check for the lowest fees, but they do run background checks. If you owe money to a bank, you will be denied. Check cashing, Pay Day Loan, Title Advance, and other such places can be your only option if you need to cash the check in a pinch....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 529 words · Amanda Reeves

Prom Tips From One Mom To Another

For moms, sending your kid to prom can be somewhat nostalgic, but it can also produce a bundle of nerves and anxiety. Reflecting on the events of your own prom night might send you into a frenzy of planning and preparation. You want your kiddos to remain safe while also having a great time. Here is a tested checklist that will help you ace the prom night planning adventure:...

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 699 words · Clifford Perez

Quick Way To Eat All Your Green Vegetables

As the bulk of the nutrients from any vegetables is in the juice, using this method to get all the nutrients from green vegetables is far more efficient. Where it might be impossible to eat as much celery, spinach, kale, arugula, and cabbage as you need on a daily basis, making a small cup of juice with this concoction can be an delightful snack that is rich in nutrients. When creating your green vegetable juice, add as many green items as you can (to get chlorophyll benefits), but be sure to include a single green apple....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 125 words · Tina Karo

Quote Of The Day How To Be A Great Person

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Breaks give us much needed time to rest our eyes, move around, stretch our stiff muscles, get more blood and oxygen flowing to our brain, to unwind and obtain a fresh outlook on complex work problems. There is just one problem – we often forget to take them. (Note: Going to the bathroom, grabbing a cup of coffee or checking Facebook updates does not count, as these activities hardly give us enough time to energize our body and restore our concentration and productivity....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 203 words · Jacob Chapman

Read People A How To

As stated in the series, it’s no easy task and doesn’t happen overnight. But developing these kinds of skills could be vital in successfully networking in business, let alone your personal life. The key to effectively reading people is by being completely objective – having an empty cup so to speak. Overcoming our biases, prejudices and projections allows us to be completely objective. Beyond the Words Reading people is as much a science as it is an art....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 255 words · Matthew Goodson

Relationship Goals 8 Traveling Couples To Follow On Instagram

What happens when both of these worlds collide? For many, you get couples who accomplish the cliche of ‘traveling the world together’, because it does have it’s benefits – or you get the next level of goal accomplished by eight couples below – of not only traveling the world, but also their lifestyle, romance and travels. Keep in mind while there are so many traveling couples with the hottest selfies or filling your feed daily with exotic locations straight from a postcard, there are traveling couples who keep it real....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 297 words · Michael Swavely

Remove Pages From Google Search

http://services.google.com:8882/urlconsole/controller?cmd=reload&lastcmd=login It will be handy, when you require a quick removal. Getting things deleted from Google’s cache – [xml-dev.com]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 19 words · Charles Stefaniak

Research Supports Your Longing To Read Fiction

It’s not just a tool to make them smarter or help them do better in school, though. Research has proven over and over again that reading fiction gives people both emotional and physical benefits they never even knew they had. In case rereading a favorite book series wasn’t already at the top of this week’s to-do list, here are a few more ways that fiction readers benefit from their hobby....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 598 words · Everett Wassermann

Science Explains Why You Keep Getting Unfriended On Facebook

It’s not your oversharing of baby pictures, or the hundreds of photos of you being loved up, or even the incessant “inspirational” quotes you post that will get you unfriended on Facebook in a hurry. It’s your political views (or at least, publicly voicing your political opinions) that will make you unpopular on the social networking site pretty quickly. It seems voicing your opinions on politics isn’t just bad etiquette at the Christmas dinner table, it’s also very much frowned upon on Facebook....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 704 words · Misty Deguire

Secure Home Automation Systems For Different Lifestyles

Pet Lovers As a working parent of pets, you’re faced with the same tough decision every day: stick your pets outside in the yard — where there’s potential harm — or keep them locked inside and risk them making a mess. With electronic and magnetic smart doors from PetSafe, you can let your pets go in and out as they please without compromising the safety of your home. The smart door connects with a smart collar that holds a key....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 875 words · Marcia Rincon

See How Much Water You Use Everyday

Even the clothing that we wear can require thousands of gallons in order to create and a couple of pounds of meat can require the same. Overall, living in the rich world can be comfortable, but often leads to over consumption of water while there are over a billion people with no access at all. For all of us, this should be food for thought. Every Last Drop.co.uk interactive page [Every Last Drop]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 73 words · Frank Trager

Share Your Secrets To Be The Change

In any field with stuff worth learning, knowledge-hoarding is shamefully rampant. Have you ever asked someone you admired about how they made something you’re curious about, only to be rebuffed that “It’s a secret”? It’s happened to me 100s of times, and still, I press on to other sources. After all, there may be magic in mystery, but that doesn’t mean you need to be a congested artery when it comes to letting the knowledge flow....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1075 words · Sadie Cleveland

Should Little Girls Be Encouraged To Become Princesses Or Engineers

This is my favourite part of the ad as it doesn’t completely demonise the idea of little girl wanting to be princesses. A lot of the comments on the video also complain that the ad borderline shames women who want to become something that isn’t based in the sciences which I don’t think is the case at all. Little girls should be encouraged to become whatever they want to be, the point is that at this time there is little encouragement for girls that want to work in science which is where ads such as these step in....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 116 words · Wilson Mcbride

Signs Of Manipulators You Might Not Be Aware Of

― Harriet B. Braiker All of us have encountered a manipulator at some point in our lives. Remember that “something” you didn’t want to buy, but had to because someone convinced you? Yes, there is a good chance of that someone being a manipulator. Manipulation is a dirty game. You never know what is going on in a manipulator’s head, and you have no idea what they can make you believe....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 415 words · Robert Bridges

Sinus Headache Symptoms Causes And Natural Reliefs

What a Sinus Headache Feels Like A sinus headache will feel as though you have a tight clamp on each side of your head, and you’ll feel this due to pressure caused by a build-up of fluids. You’ll also usually feel your nasal passages clogged and likely have problems with mucus in your throat. You may find yourself constantly coughing or trying to clear your throat with corresponding tension headaches when suffering (whether daily or occasionally)....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 921 words · Tyrone Nguyen

Start A Productive Workday With The Right Websites

A step in the right direction is to create a GTD bookmark folder with a short list of essential websites Current news website Choose one website that you can quickly scan and easily pick out important headlines. Then spend five to ten minutes getting up to date on the world. Constant interaction with co-workers is almost a certainty these days and building a relationship with them can be hard when you have little in common....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 580 words · Harry Sharp

Study Says People Who Swear Have Better Vocabulary

Science suggests that if you have a rich vocabulary of swear words, you just may be the bomb in the language department. Here are the details. A recent 2015 study published in Language Science compared the general vocabulary of a group of 43 subjects with their knowledge of swear words. The researchers assessed vocabulary through three one-minute language exercises. The first one minute was spent asking each study subject to name as many words as they could that started with a particular letter....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 625 words · Mary Holtzclaw

Summer Giveaway Living Your Values At Home

We all know about using the recycling bin and using reusable grocery bags, but how else can we live our values at home — whether they’re environmental, political, religious, moral, social, or otherwise? Sam Davidson and Stephen Moseley tackle the question of living according to your values in their book New Day Revolution, along with dozens of tips for bringing positive action into every part of your day. The winner of today’s contest will receive a copy of the book, plus an environmentally-friendly coffee mug and a bag of Fair Trade coffee to drink from it....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 465 words · Keith Guedjian

Taking Up These 10 Hobbies Will Make You Smarter

However, these are all misconceptions. While some people have conditions that prevent them from being able to increase their intelligence level, for most people, there are plenty of things that can be done to make them smarter. Hobbies are integral parts of our lives, and once developed, we find ourselves immersed in them on a regular basis. Hobbies are fun and invigorating- and they can also have a great influence on our intelligence....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1070 words · Willie Sturtz