Teach Your Kids How To Brush Their Teeth With The Funbrush App

Are you having a hard time teaching your kid how to brush his or her teeth? Try using the Funbrush app. Kids can be difficult when it comes to doing boring routines. Funbrush allows stubborn children to interact with jungle animals while brushing their teeth. The game has a cool theme that is friendly and engaging. You might even want to play the game yourself! The app can also serve as a distraction for kids who can’t stand still in front of the mirror....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 152 words · Barbara Ross

Tenplustwo Konfabulator Plugin To Kill Procrastination

TenPlusTwo Konfabulator Plugin – [Widgetgallery.com] Leave this countdown timer running, and it changes colors and plays sounds to indicate what you should be doing. Inspired by the 43folders.com (10+2)*5 Procrastination Hack…

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 31 words · Leona Wear

The 63 Love Quotes For Her

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Freda Morell

The 9 Career Hacks Of Successful Marathon Runners

1. They Know How To Set Specific Goals For over a hundred years, the marathon distance has been set at 26 miles, 385 yards (or 42.2 Km). That well-defined distance makes setting goals easier because it encourages runners to set time goals. Setting a goal and working hard to achieve it is a key reason why marathon runners are successful. According to Mary Wittenberg, CEO of New York Road Runners, the average runner’s household income was $130,000...

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 656 words · David Yingling

The Best And Worst Jobs For College Grads Right Now

This is an internal debate many college students ask themselves in the face of harder economic times that have lead to some career paths being worse off than others. According to this infographic by H&R Block, those who’ve recently majored in the humanities and social sciences like anthropology, film, history and art have some of the worst unemployment rates. Meanwhile, those majoring in fields like finance, computer science, and business have the highest chance of being employed....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 114 words · William Strope

The Clock Is Ticking Give Up Your Procrastination

Are you having a hard time avoiding distractions? Do you stare blankly at your unfinished to-do at the end of the day? Do you regret every morning what you didn’t finish yesterday? Well, the clock is ticking. Balance is everything The clock is ticking does not mean you should work like a robot, 18 hours a day and get just enough sleep to get by. It is meant to remind you that there is something to do, and you are the only person who can do it....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 422 words · Richard Carlson

The Complete Guide To Increasing Your Focus In Life

Think about it, when was the last time you were so focused on your task that you weren’t distracted? Focusing nowadays is harder than ever. You know what it’s like when you’re at your job and you think about “just checking” your Facebook feed. One thing leads to other and you’ve spent over an hour looking at what your friends are up to. The traditional view of procrastination is as that “a stitch in time saves nine,” that in order to be efficient we should not procrastinate....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1161 words · Kathy Mcgee

The Emotions Of Creativity

Emotions are the simplest reality; our first awareness. Our thoughts can carry us to complex reaches of imagination, but our feelings are more primitively connected to the earth. Emotions lead the mind; we feel before we think. In effect, a statement like, “I can’t believe the way I’m feeling about this” implies that there are two of us: our thinking selves and our feeling selves. Emotional feelings are distillations that can explode into complex thought....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1157 words · Jerry Brown

The Good Things About Daydreaming That No One Will Tell You So I Will

The reality is completely different. Daydreamers might miss a detail here or there, but those who do it often gain one thing that is frequently missing in society: imagination. I created so many stories in my head, as a kid and now as an adult, that I absolutely have to write them down sometimes. At times, the impulse becomes so unbearable that I’ll write something, anything. Not only does daydreaming compel you to create interesting fictional tales, but it’ll develop your mind, since you’re always imaging new worlds, situations, figures, and stories....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 974 words · Carlotta Smith

The Number Of Trees Around You Can Affect Your Income Here S Why

Trees are more than just majestic in how they look. They provide a range of environmental, economical, and even social benefits that improve our quality of life. Trees clean our air, purify water, reduce our energy costs, and beautify our communities. People living in a community with more trees reported that their quality of life improved to the point of feeling up to 7 years younger, and making up to $10,000 more a year....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 544 words · Houston Ragasa

The One Hack You Need To Stop Procrastination And Achieve Your Goals

The problem of focusing too much on numbers When it comes to career planning, many people like linking their goals to numbers. I wish I can proceed to the management level in 3 years. I wish I can break the sales record of the company next quarter. I wish my salary can increase by 30% in one year. No doubt these numbered goals are concrete and easy to visualize so they are able to motivate you in the beginning....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 473 words · Cole Miller

The Only One Way Your Brain Can Multitask Effectively

There is only one way, however, that we can do two things at the same time… We know instinctively that practicing two tasks that are majorly challenging at the same time would end in disaster. For example, we wouldn’t try learning how to drive at the same time as learning Portuguese. But there are other skills we already know that we can combine that will work and allow us to use our time effectively (i....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 266 words · Ruby Furlow

The Periodic Table Of Periods

Do you ever sit and think to yourself “we don’t talk about periods enough”? Well, even if you’ve so far managed to so far avoid the topic like the plague; they’re happening. Mensies are unavoidable. That’s why I Heart Guts have created this table, to share the wonders and complexities of periods! Featuring Slang (“Shark Week” has to be my favourite), Menorrheas, Food, Moods, Tools and many more columns, this periodic table to periods ensures you know almost everything you need to know about The Red Tide....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 189 words · David Caldwell

The Productivity Strategy For Writing I Guarantee You Won T Try

What’s this fancy new secret, you ask? Here it is: write everything at least three times. I can almost hear the groaning and complaining. You thought I was going to hand you a “magic bullet” of blogging and productivity strategy; one that will immediately–and without an once of real work–shoot your efforts to the moon. You might wonder how super-producers like Danny Iny can craft such compelling, thorough content, literally churning it out at inhuman speeds....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 392 words · Mary Wilson

The Science Behind Enlightenment

Enlightenment is often described as peace, liberation, reading your full potential, becoming one with creation, constant happiness or support from the environment but is there an actual science behind it? Lao Tzu An enlightened brain working at full capacity shows an abundance of Alpha Waves which represent inner wakefulness and brain wave coherence which results in greater intuition, calm thought processes and deeper mind-body co-ordination. When measuring co-ordination and restful alertness of the brain, it is clear that athletes, managers and musicians have respectably high levels, however Long-Term Transcendental Meditation (TM) is far more effective....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 150 words · Guadalupe Donahue

The Science Of Sleep 8 Secrets About Sleep And Productivity I Wish I Knew Earlier

1. You approach the end of the work day with more energy According to studies, if you don’t get enough sleep, you reach exhaustion around 11% faster than people who get enough sleep. That may not sound like a lot but in an 8 hour work day, that’s the difference between getting tired at 4:15 P.M. and getting tired at 5 P.M. That last 45 minutes can be some of the most productive of the day if you’re awake enough to experience it....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 539 words · Rogelio Marth

The Secret Wonder Audience On Youtube

On Youtube you can find videos featuring anything, targeted to every single category of people. But according to the surveys, the most popular and most profitable domain on Youtube is an unexpected one: kids! The top earners on Youtube are channels dedicated to kids entertainment, which provide educational and entertaining content to kids aged 1 to 5. Fried.com conducted a research and found the top earners on Youtube, gathering them in an infographic....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 73 words · Wayne Ramos

The Trouble Is You Think You Have Time

“But I do have time, I can get things done”. Wrong. You have no time unless you plan how to use it wisely. We keep on thinking like this, leading us to a no-end point. It is always the same. We procrastinate, we believe that we have time and we panic when we reach the deadline and have nothing done. Why? Why don’t we just finish it before it needs to be done?...

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 619 words · Judy Pursell

These Are The Top 10 Healthiest Fruits And You Can Buy Them From Anywhere

As I’m sure your grandmother and multiple doctors have told you throughout your life: fruit is really, really good for you, and what better time to start concentrating on nutrition than in summer! So, we know all fruits are fantastic for our health but which ones are the best? Ask Doctors Online are here with the answer. Some are what I’d call “everyday fruits”, you know, the ones that are usually in your fruit bowl anyway like apples, oranges and bananas....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 119 words · Emma Mccarroll

Things That Only Parents Of Threenagers Can Relate To

1. You hear a resounding “no” anytime you ask them to do something From a request to wash their hands for dinner to cleaning up their toys, the N-O word seems to be on repeat at all times in your house. The only time that you hear a yes is when it has to do with the TV or chocolate. Go figure. 2. You have come to realize it is their way or the highway When your child finally gets around to the chore that you requested them do, they will only do it their way....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 542 words · Bertha Thacker