Travel Hacks To Stay Safe While Backpacking

Thankfully, however, I’m pleased to state this has not been the case. I was a lone female visiting some pretty dodgy places – I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t felt a little apprehensive on some occasions. But in terms of actual bad things happening? Nada. Nothing. Not one story to report. The worst thing that happened was being ripped off by a Cancun cab driver at 5 A....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 850 words · Patricia Mueller

Twitter Use It Productively

It’s the funniest thing. It allows people to answer, in brief, the question no one was asking: What are you doing, right now? Hundreds of random people keeping other random people up to date on their random day-to-day business. Twitter is the no frills, no hassle mini-blogging tool that’s really catching on. But why? Two minutes ago someone posted “waking up, showering, looking for socks”. Before I question how it was possible for this person to write such an update, I ask why he feels compelled to share?...

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1203 words · Thomas Garcia

Ultimate Productivity Hacks You Must Try Today

This infographic by Samsung and infogr8 presents tips to be more productive that would help you streamline your day in an efficient manner. It will inculcate in you the habits that will enable you to stay productive, and stay ahead. By following these productivity hacks, you will avoid making the mistakes that keep you from reaching your goals. The productivity of your work hours would increase and the time taken to perform tasks will reduce drastically....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 110 words · Kevin Bouchard

Unconditional Love What It Really Means And How To Give It

But is it possible? Science[1] says it is. Mario Beauregard, professor at Montreal University’s Centre for Research into Neurophysiology and Cognition, conducted a study and found that not only do all humans have the capacity to show unconditional love but, more importantly, specific areas of the brain are activated during this process, releasing dopamine—the chemical involved in sensing pleasure. Loving unconditionally is a mutually beneficial endeavor. Unconditional love is hard because we misunderstand what it is Loving someone unconditionally means loving the very essence of the individual....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1016 words · Sandra Hirschman

Urgent Vs Important

What are you view on urgent tasks vs important tasks? How do you usually tackle them? Hurry! – [Seth Godin]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 20 words · Sylvia Riley

Use This 6 Step Checklist To Become A Savvy And Successful Home Buyer

Here is the 6-step checklist you should be using when buying a home: 1. Know Your Credit Score Also known as your FICO score. This score matters when it comes to qualifying for a loan. The better your score, the better your financing opportunities. You can check your score for free on Annual Credit Before you purchase a home, it’s critical to understand what you can reasonably afford. There are online calculators that can help estimate some numbers for you....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 638 words · James Nava

Useful Tips When Buying Mobile Phone For Your Teen

In this article, I am sharing a few ideas on how to select the best cell phone for your teenager. But first, let us first understand why your child needs this gadget. Benefits of mobile phones for kids It is common for parents to be a tad apprehensive about buying cell phones for their teenage children. You worry that they will get distracted in math class or they will text, and jaywalk or they will befriend a drug dealer....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 765 words · Robert Mcdowell

Uses For The Windows Key

But it is there, and can be useful. Although, barely. W = Windows Key W: Opens Start Menu W+ E: Opens up Windows Explorer W+ R: Opens the Run command. W+ U: Opens Utility Manager W+ L: Log Off W+ F: Search files on your computer W+ D: Show Desktop [will switch back and forth from all minimized and back again] W+ F1: Help Menu W+ Pause/Break: System Properties W + Ctrl + Tab: Cycles through Tabs in your current app [eg....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 319 words · Anita Johnson

Ways To Prevent Distraction When Trying To Get Things Done

Productivity is getting more and more attention as the realisation that what you get done, and not how many hours you spend at the office, is what counts. Productivity will affect that promotion you want, getting a great review, or building the character people see. The good thing about productivity measures being taken by companies is that many have moved from the rigid 9 to 5, 40-hours-a-week drudgery to understanding that people often can’t force all aspects of their life into such a model....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1385 words · Cecil Hamilton

What Are You Grateful For 32 Things To Appreciate In Life

There is so much that is wrong with the society we live in. There is so much about ourselves that we wish to change. In an attempt to make ourselves better and to change our society, many times we forget to be grateful for the things we have. We focus so much on the negative that the positive loses its place in our hearts. 32 Things to Be Grateful for in Life Here is a list of little and big things we all should be grateful for, for gratitude itself is a virtue:...

December 14, 2022 · 18 min · 3777 words · Andrew Thompson

What Can Tongue Analysis Tell You About Your Health

Please note: you should consult a healthcare professional before making any serious decisions about your health. That being said, this guide could certainly come in handy! What do you think about tongue analysis?

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 33 words · Steven Rigdon

What Is A Serial Dater And Why Can T They Stand Loneliness

However, that rarely happens. Even marriages, supposedly stable relationships by definition, are being wrecked by high levels of divorce.[1] According to the CDC, if 6.9 people out of 1000 got married in the 2000-2014 period, 3.2 filed for divorce. Almost half of the people who vowed eternal love and support for one another could not bring themselves to stay together. The modern dating environment has encouraged more serial daters. As a result, speed and online dating have reached record levels of popularity, with online and mobile sites and applications making meeting people easier than ever....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 812 words · John Godbolt

What Is Displacement Defense Mechanism Is It A Good Thing Or Not

Also, Wikipedia defines a defense mechanism as an unconscious emotional mechanism that reduces stress as a result of unacceptable or potentially damaging stimuli.[2] Sigmund Freud was one of the first proponents of this construct. However, defense mechanisms may bring about healthy or unhealthy consequences with regards to the circumstances and frequency in which the device is used. While all these mechanisms can be harmful, they can also be very useful and allows us to function normally....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 877 words · Elvin Prescott

What Is Keeping You Awake At Night Infographic

It’s important that we work out what our individual sleep problem is so that we can fix it. Lack of sleep can have a huge impact on our daily lives. It can make us feel extremely tired which can decrease our performance at work. It can also lower our mood and contribute to depression. But please don’t worry. This infographic will help you discover how to fall asleep when you can’t and what steps you can take to change your habits....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 103 words · Barbara Mccarville

What Is Love And What Is Not

This age-old question has been asked by everyone from love-struck teens to romantic poets and philosophers to curious scientists. Guess what? We have the answer to the “what is love” question. And the answer is….. (drumroll please)….. It depends on your perspective. Let’s look at a few first: Different Definitions of Love From a Romantic’s Perspective: Love Is Perfect What is love to you? Do you think it should be easy with no disagreements, ever?...

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1016 words · Gay Jackson

What Is Mentally Tired 11 Ways To Combat Brain Exhaustion

Let’s not deny exercise, getting enough sleep and clean eating are all important. However, you are doing all those things and are still feeling exhausted. There is a great chance there are deeper mental and emotional issues your brain is constantly feeling under attack from and therefore is suffering from constant mental fatigue. It feels like you just can’t seem to get a break and you are constantly running on the treadmill and cannot step off, even if you want to....

December 14, 2022 · 11 min · 2184 words · Dennis Rhodes

What Most People Don T Know Before Getting Married

Marriage is not two people giving 50/50 Marriage is about two people each giving 100%. When you start keeping track of “all the things you do all the time” and expecting tasks to be 50/50, you can easily start resenting your spouse. Focusing on what your spouse doesn’t contribute to the marriage and how your spouse isn’t being fair can increase your discontentment. Rather than continually keeping tabs of who last emptied the trash can, it can be helpful to focus on making your spouse feel special....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 813 words · Kristopher Blackford

What Too Much Salt Actually Does To Your Body

What we used to believe about too much salt intake Humans are wired differently and this difference applies to our sense organs too. While a person’s taste buds may be highly sensitive, the next person’s taste buds might be less sensitive and because of this disparities mostly, the level of salt intake varies for most of us. With several research carried out on the subject, we have been told that high level of salt content in food has negative effects especially because it heightens the risks of high blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 425 words · Jacob Phillips

What We Really Want For Christmas

Stores are busy right now. Maybe people aren’t buying as much as in past years but they’re buying nonetheless. Everyone is in the spirit of giving, but deep down also looking forward to receiving. The common denominator here is “things” and “stuff”. Now, I’m all for making people happy and seeing the smile on their face when they open an exciting gift – that really brings me joy. And, of course, I love receiving a gift from someone special, but life experience has taught me that this “stuff” cannot really bring what most of us want for Christmas....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 551 words · Luther Dore

What Your Christmas Cookies Say About You

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Luna Brown