When I Saw This List Of Things Balloons Could Do I Wished I Knew It Earlier

#1 Give Yourself Waterproof Pockets Simplest waterproofing ever: carry a balloon in your pocket. When you need to keep your cash and other small objects dry, stuff them inside the balloon and tie off the neck, #2 Support Your Papier Maché Creations Paste newspaper strips over your balloon, let the whole thing dry, then pop the balloon and trim the stiffened paper to the shape you want. You could make a giant egg, a bowl, or even a candy-filled piñata....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1000 words · John Bell

Whipping Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening

In reality, many people are willing to shell out a chunk of their earnings just to buy over-the-counter (OTC) teeth bleaching kits and products. For those who have fatter paychecks, they run to their dentists and have themselves subjected to teeth whitening procedures just to achieve a lighter shade of teeth color. But sadly, some of these procedures aren’t as gentle as expected. This leaves them clueless and hopeless as to how they will continue fulfilling their desire for whiter teeth....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 615 words · Judson Braden

Whiteboard Calendar At Home

Two months setup sounds pretty useful as you can let your family know your schedule at least one month in advance. Move the new month to the top * Erase last month’s calendar * Fill in the dates for next month * Fill in any commitments we know about * Put next month’s calendar at the bottom on the fridge As we go through the month, we can easily deal with adds, removes, and changes to our schedules… Air traffic control for the family – [Genuine Curiosity]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 87 words · Lisa Read

Who Controls The Food You Eat

The team at Finances Online have created an infographic that explores the reality behind the food we buy from the supermarket. This infographic reveals the multinational corporations that own everything from beer to cheese. For instance, Kraft owns at least one brand in 22 food categories, including mayonnaise, meat, fruit drinks and coffee. Nestle – who I have personally always associated with chocolate milk alone – actually owns pizza, baby food and pet food, amongst a bunch of other stuff....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 154 words · Ione Fulkerson

Why A Great Pen Makes All The Difference

When I first got into the whole “systematic productivity” thing, I did a ton of reading on the subject. One of the things I kept coming across was people discussing which notebook and which pen they used in their own systems. I would read these, all holier-than-thou, and think something to the effect of, “a pen is a pen. Is a pen. Is a pen. Who cares?” I was WRONG....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 567 words · Stephanie Latus

Why Articles On How To Manage Millennials Are A Waste

Groups Aren’t Coherent or Cohesive Millennials, Gen X, Boomers — these are categories defined exclusively by age. This is one of the least-useful predictors of a person’s values, traits, or actions, with the sole exceptions of perhaps predicting whether or not they will have children (and how many), what their major purchases in life will be, and how they will die. For example, the vast majority of kids are born to parents between 20 and 40 years of age....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 955 words · Oscar Baumann

Why Do Men Cheat On Their Loved Ones And What They Actually Think

Are men more likely to cheat? Well, sadly, the answer is yes. But perhaps we can try to better understand this occurrence before we crucify the male species for their shortcomings. Statistically speaking, men do cheat more than women. But not as many men as you may think. It all comes down to the numbers. This whole topic is a hard pill to swallow, but rest assured, it actually isn’t as bad as you may predict....

December 14, 2022 · 8 min · 1589 words · Robert Dickow

Why Doesn T Coffee Work For Me Science Says You Should Try Coffee Nap Too

Thanks to my (minor) addiction, I’m always looking for new ways to prove that coffee (or more generally speaking, caffeine) is in some way beneficial to your health. In this article I’ll explore one of the more unbelievable positive aspects of coffee: that it’ll make your naps more effective! If that sounds counter-intuitive, I understand. I was a bit bamboozled too before I did some more research into the subject....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1184 words · Roger Dumesnil

Why Having A Coffee Habit Isn T Bad For You

While it truly is best that you cut caffeine out of your diet or curtail your consumption, for many of us it’s the one thing we’ll hold onto even when making other drastic changes in our lives. Never fear—there are still many benefits to drinking coffee, and I’ll show you how to defend your manic addiction to the world when confronted by an overzealous stampede of crusading lifehackistas! A Reduced Risk of Disease Have you seen all those tea advertisements that claim it’s the best source of antioxidants?...

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 950 words · Douglas Medina

Why It Is A Lie That Time Heals All Wounds

You have seen people who, after breaking up, give the impression that they have moved on. Sometimes, they seem to do it almost immediately. You see the photos on social media of them drunk at party and surrounded by hoards of people having “fun”. Or there may be cryptic status updates with quotes from anyone from Buddha to Adele. Yet what is not on display are the nights they spend crying, asking for other people’s advice and obsessing....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 848 words · David Cook

Why It S Much Better To Be Alone Than To Be With Someone Who Makes You Feel Lonely

Popular wisdom would have us believe that when we’re part of a couple, we’ll never feel lonely again. Unfortunately, many people discover that spending time with the wrong person can be a wretched experience that leads to feelings of emptiness and isolation. If you are in a relationship with someone who isn’t right for you or even abuses you, time spent with that person is not the enriching, uplifting experience that it oughts to be....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 617 words · Michael Bowie

Why Negative Self Talk Is Bad For You And How To End It In 3 Steps

The reason why many of us can’t get there is because we have a critical inner voice inside our head that tends to be negative and convincing. Our inner voice is trying to convince us that we are not smart enough, strong enough, or good enough to do what we want to do in life. This invisible enemy inhibits us from pursuing the life we deserve, leading to anxiety, depression, and a higher stress level....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1275 words · Jill Whitlock

Why No One Is Listening

December 14, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Leslie Barbosa

Why Readers Make Better Lovers

1. Readers are smart and intelligence is undoubtedly sexy. In the hit viral video from his Teen Choice Awards acceptance speech, Ashton Kutcher recently proclaimed that, “The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart.” Ashton is not alone in this sentiment—studies show that intelligence is ranked as one of the most attractive qualities in a mate. Reading makes you smarter and that’s a fact. People who read often not only have higher GPAs and test scores, but a greater overall knowledge on a variety of topics....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 705 words · Michael Mikos

Why Rejection Hurts So Bad And How To Overcome The Pain

The pain of rejection is self-inflicted You know what I mean: Beating yourself up after getting dumped or being rejected. It’s bad enough that our brains are wired to feel pain from rejection. Scientists placed people in functional MRI machines and asked them to recall a recent rejection, and they discovered something remarkable. It activated the same areas of our brain as physical pain! That’s right – rejection causes you literal pain....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1061 words · Patricia Vincent

Why Whole Grains Can Be Both Good And Bad For Your Digestive Health

The Upside: Whole Grains have health benefits which include lowering your cholesterol and improving your digestive health as they are rich in fiber. As Anderson says, ‘”If there’s one thing America lacks, it’s fiber…We need 20 to 30 grams a day and we maybe get 12.” Plus, it also gives you the feeling of a full stomach. Downside: However, whole grains are a complete no-no if you have gluten intolerance or celiac disease....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 159 words · Claud Castillo

Why Your Creative Mind Works The Best In The Cafe

Historically, some of the greats artists, writers and musicians frequented cafes to ponder on great ideas and cultivate their creative energy. Now they’ve become a hotbed for modern creatives such as entrepreneurs, graphic designers and even DJ s. Yet most of us are still not completely sure exactly why we gravitate towards our favorite cafes. Some say it’s the whiff of freshly brewed coffee and getting a caffeine fix that fires up creative juices....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 694 words · Cecile Dilly

Why Your Free Time Is Boring

I believe the answer goes against what many of us have been taught about how to spend our free time. From early childhood we’ve been taught to divide everything to do into two groups, work and leisure. Work consists of all the things we need to do and leisure is everything else. Splitting the world this way isn’t necessarily wrong. But the subtle message contained in this split is that work and leisure shouldn’t resemble each other....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 605 words · Patricia Rickon

Wikis And Blogs Transforming Workflow

The news writer, Shamus McGillicuddy, also interviewed couple of key people in different companies and talk about the benefit of using wiki and blog. Good info. Wikis and Blogs Transforming Workflow – [SearchCIO]

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 33 words · Edwin Bannon

Women And Their Skin A Love Hate Relationship

Here you have an infographic that not only looks at the love-hate relationship that women have with their skin, but also shows effective ways to fix the three biggest skin care woes. I’m pretty sure we all know the number one skin woe for a women: acne; it doesn’t just plague teenagers. Numbers two and three on the list belong to rosacea and dermatitis. It’s inevitable, as we get older our skin ages and often changes for the worse....

December 14, 2022 · 1 min · 133 words · Charlotte Matthews