Five Techie Things Designed To Bring Iot Into Your Kitchen

Cook Precisely with a Tech-Enhanced Precision Cooker Pressure cookers are nothing new. They are shiny pots that you put items you either need to deep-fry or boil into that plug in an electric circuit, and voila – your food is ready. Although pressure cookers are known for their speed in cooking, they do not provide much else. This is the opposite of a precision cooker. Precision cookers are designed to provide your kitchen with speed, accuracy, and a way to keep all nutrients in your food intact throughout the cooking phase....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 711 words · Patricia Simon

Five Things Your Kids Can Do That You Might Not Expect

What a lot of us parents might not realize about our kids, though, is that they are capable of amazing things that we don’t expect. But given a little encouragement (ok, maybe a lot of encouragement for a really long time), most kids will thoroughly impress you with good manners, kind gestures, and a clean bedroom. Once your kids have mastered these, you can tackle bigger projects like initiating world peace and ending global warming....

December 13, 2022 · 6 min · 1066 words · George Jett

Fly Easier

Make a list of what you’re taking and minimize. Categorize your belongings. Check as many bags as possible. Come one hour early, not two. Purchase tickets far in advance. Have proper ID at the ready. Though nothing on the list is a revelation, the reasoning behind it all was interesting, and it might spark further additional add-on hacks. In fact, after you read Tim’s piece, come back and tell us what YOU would do to make the airport security part of your travel easier?...

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 94 words · Daniel Potts

Forget Things Easily Try These 4 Simple Ways To Improve Your Memory

Depression, a lower education level, being physically inactive, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking were contributing factors in the amount of memory loss a person can suffer, with depression being the biggest factor in all ages. Of course, our modern lifestyles can lead to increased stress that goes towards memory loss in our younger years but overall mental health is important to ward off those moments of forgetfulness....

December 13, 2022 · 3 min · 627 words · Casey Soto

Four Effective Ways To Fall Asleep

When you fall asleep you progress through five stages of sleep which help your body and mind recover from daily activities. During the first four stages of sleep (NREM sleep) the body releases growth hormones which are vital for physical recovery. During the fifth and final stage (REM sleep), the neurotransmitters in your brain are rejuvenated. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help transfer signals which explains why it’s hard to concentrate if you suffer from a lack of sleep....

December 13, 2022 · 3 min · 588 words · Juliet Wright

Freelance Blogging Why You Should Schedule

This is great in theory, yet anyone who has turned to working from home has found this is fraught with pitfalls. Why You Must Have A Schedule When you have all the time in the world for work, you end up using all that time to work. If you resign to the fact you have the entire day to finish your workload, it will literally take the entire day to finish....

December 13, 2022 · 5 min · 1003 words · Lloyd Craig

Genius Of All Centuries 10 Memorable Quotes From Albert Einstein

Life isn’t worth living, unless it is lived for someone else. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. Type or paste your text here to convert caseany man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves....

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 156 words · Benjamin Mitchell

Get A Job In Any Field No Matter What You Major In

First of all, you’re not alone. Very few people end up working in fields related to their undergraduate major. Even if you were pre-med, it’s not a sign of failure that you didn’t go to med school or become a doctor. It’s becoming increasingly less of a stigma to switch careers and try things until we land on the career that we find most meaningful. Here are three arguments you can wield when someone challenges your life choices:...

December 13, 2022 · 3 min · 508 words · Gladys Larson

Goal Setting From The Inside Out

To get our minds focused back on what the year holds in store for us we make these shoulds-posing-as-resolutions and order all kinds of shiny productivity tools and smile at the future coming toward us. Then February rolls around and we glance sideways at our list and hope nobody’s looking over our shoulders. Straight out, resolutions are dangerous little dragons because we humans need meaning. We need a resonant, compelling context for any goal, wish, or dream to have a shot at making it into our everyday schedule....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 720 words · Florence Roman

Got Decisions 6 Tips To Harness Their Power

What’s the answer? The power of decision. Everything that’s happened in your life, both the good and the bad, has started with a decision. These moments of decision shape your life. The decisions you’re making every day of your life will determine how you feel today and who you are tomorrow. We all have decisions that we can look back on and either be thrilled that we made, or wonder “What was I thinking?...

December 13, 2022 · 8 min · 1685 words · Sandra Pack

Happy Holidays To You And Yours From Stepcase Lifehack

And to everyone else, may the holiday season bring you light, peace, wisdom, and joy. Whatever your faith, or lack of faith, let us join together with a wish for peace on Earth and goodwill among all humankind.

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 38 words · Hilda Heard

Heal Diastasis Recti With These Proven Training Methods

What is Diastasis Recti? Diastasis can be considered the symptom of chronic core weakness. Just like core weakness can cause back pains, disc herniations or lead to knee, ankle, or neck pains, it can also lead to diastasis. This happens when the core’s inner unit is not effectively transferring forces; when it is not regulating intra-abdominal pressure effectively. If an excess of pressure is consistently forced into the tendinous linea alba sheath rather than balancing synergistically throughout the abdominal muscles, the forces may be great enough over time to cause a severe stretching....

December 13, 2022 · 5 min · 957 words · Eva Granado

Healhy Eating Habits For Busy People

Another big challenge is the level of multi-tasking demanded of adults today! Between work, errands, getting the kids to their events, and a home life, eating can seem like a mountain of a task – let alone eating healthy. It’s just as challenging for college kids or high school kids who are as busy, but often limited in their choices and ability to get good food. Most of us are lucky if we get one semester in high school or college where food is addressed....

December 13, 2022 · 8 min · 1639 words · Kathleen Whitworth

Health Problems Related To The Geek Lifestyle

Sometimes I felt my attention span is less than other people. If I get into the flow, I can focus on the single task and being very productive, but by default I am sort of multi-tasked guy. I see sometimes it can be a good and bad attribute. What do you think? I believe this relative perception of poor attention span is actually caused by two factors. The first is genetic....

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 111 words · Alma Oneill

Here Is What Your Farts Reveal About Your Digestive Health

You might have previously wondered whether if stinky farts are unhealthy and whether farting too frequently means having good intestinal health. Here are what the smell and frequency of your fart could tell you about the overall health of your digestive system. 1. Stinky Farts Photo credit: Source Stinky farts are pretty normal if you’re eating red meats, broccoli, cauliflower, beans or milk. This scent is usually a gas created when we break down foods with sulphur in it called hydrogen sulfide....

December 13, 2022 · 2 min · 319 words · Belinda Grupe

Here S What You Can Do About Spending Hours Staring At The Computer Screen

Computers have made our lives easier. It has also caused a number of problems to surface, such as back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and eye strain. Problems with one’s vision can affect other aspects of an individual’s life due to the secondary conditions associated with the concern. Most people who have eye strain also suffer from headaches, dizziness and fatigue. If you spend most of your time in front of the computer at work, this could be making the condition worse....

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 150 words · Toni Spurlin

High Blood Pressure Diet That Can Save Your Life

People with high blood pressure need to pay close attention to what they eat since the right high blood pressure diet can save their lives. Some foods can dangerously increase your blood pressure while others can help you maintain it. Food You Must Avoid The next time you go over your grocery list, you need to make sure to exclude the following items since they can significantly increase your blood pressure as far as this is concerned for most of the people who like it....

December 13, 2022 · 2 min · 219 words · Rose Morones

Homemade Air Conditioning

Geoff’s Homemade Air Conditioner The system will cool an average room to a comfortable level in approximately 15-20 minutes. Depending on flow rate, a full bucket of water will last approximately 1-3 hours. I use a single bucket before bed on hot nights, which lets me get to sleep. Once the water runs out, the house has cooled off enough that the fan alone provides sufficient cooling. It doesn’t rip quite as hard as central air, but for less than $25 CAD I’m not complaining....

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 120 words · Shawn Barr

How A Healthy Dose Of Narcissism Could Help You Succeed

Narcissism. People use the word all the time… usually in a negative way… without really understanding the meaning of it. This term, generally speaking, is used to describe a person that is self-seeking, self-absorbed, and who largely puts their own well-being as top priority in life. The term has its origin in a Greek mythological story of a man, named Narcissus, who falls in love with himself after looking at his reflection in a pool of water....

December 13, 2022 · 5 min · 909 words · Cindy Ny

How Doing These Simple Things Can Keep You From Being A Bad Father

1. Love Shines Over All. Share love with your children. Showing them love lets them know how to treat others, especially in their future relationships when they get older. Daughters will tend to look for qualities in their partners that remind them of their father and boys will take a father’s loving behavior as an example on how to treat their wife and children. 2. Never Overestimate Spending Time with Your Children....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 800 words · Annie Mikel