Why Fake It Till You Make It Is Poor Intern Advice

The author illustrates some useful pieces of advice, such as the power of networking and knowing the right people. However, she then goes on to say that the only real skill you need to know is “pretending.” If you pretend you know what you’re doing, you’re good at everything in the eyes of your employer and your network. While this advice could work for the short-term, let me fill you in on something a little more useful: faking it till you make it is poor intern advice....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 775 words · William Jones

Why Are You Getting Things Done

Sounds like a funny question, especially for a topic on Lifehack, whose sole purpose is to show you how to get things done faster and better. But, the question remains. What is the point of these systems and getting all this stuff done? The End Game GTD prides itself with using a bottom up approach to productivity rather than the “traditional” top down approach like Covey and other life-coach type of gurus have tried to teach us....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 763 words · Eva Blodgett

Why It S Amazing To Date People Who Love Traveling

Consider yourself fortunate if you find love with a traveler, because being in relationship with such a free-spirit comes remarkable perks. In addition to having a motivational travel buddy, you’re given the opportunity to revisit important life lessons. Your traveler will likely reconnect you to values such as open-heartedness, self-reliance, trust and gratefulness you may have lost sight of. Travel lovers are more receptive to people and experiences. Adventure out of your familiar social network and neighborhood, and you expose yourself to new people with life perspectives different from yours....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 831 words · Kristin Dyke

Why Motivation Could Be The Most Damaging Thing To Your Success

Before you slam down your coffee cup in outrage, answer these questions for me (then if you wish, slam it down with all your might): If motivation is the answer, then why are you continuing with all the habits that have proven harmful to you in the past? If motivation is the answer, then how is it that after reading all the books, listening to all the audios and attending all the life-changing seminars, you are still no closer to success than you had hoped?...

December 13, 2022 · 3 min · 632 words · Robert Beals

Why You Need A Weekly Reset

If we come back from our vacation rejuvenated, the reset was a success, if we don’t the reset was not long enough – we didn’t have enough time on our vacation to accomplish all that we wanted to do. And/or if we come back totally stressed out, we blame it on doing too much on the vacation, instead of resting But all of this could not be further from the truth because the problem is not what you are doing to reset, but rather the frequency of the reset itself....

December 13, 2022 · 5 min · 862 words · Guy Shipley

Wise Men Are Not Always Silent But They Know When To Be

7 Wise Ways to Find Focus and Get Things Done

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 10 words · Randa Zoutte

Working At Night Is For Raccoons Not You

If you’re packing your computer or briefcase and lugging it home to do more work most days you gotta ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” When you’re sitting in front of the keyboard writing an email to someone at the office at midnight would your friends ask, “Aren’t there other things you’d rather be doing?” When you get your paycheck do you think, “I sure get paid well, that’s why I work all the time!...

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 668 words · Glen Corbett

Writing Change Yourself Change The World

1. Change Change is the reason so many people choose to write. It is what drives me – and perhaps many of you. After all, Margaret Mead was right when she said: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” And writing about both the good and bad experiences has been the foundation of change. Not convinced? Let me tell you exactly how writing can instigate change – both on a personal and global level....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 789 words · Mary Steen

You Are 7 Steps Away From Making A Habit Last

Building habits is arguably the most impactful skill we can acquire in life. Can you imagine that 16 million deaths could be avoided every year by simple habit change? It is hard though to break old habits and form new ones. People seem to believe that they can transform their lives by simply making a wish when comes the New Year. But 92% of these resolutions fail.[1] Could it be that modern life makes us lazy?...

December 13, 2022 · 10 min · 2000 words · Susan Perez

You Can T Always Control Who Walks Into Your Life But

December 13, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Michael Holmes

You Have To Give Up On People Because They Don T Care

15 Things You Need to Give Up if You Want to Be Happy

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 13 words · Thomas Moore

You Just Need Someone To Tell You You Re Not As Terrible As You Think You Are

This Is How You Become Unattractive And You’re Not Aware of It

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 12 words · Angela Johnson

You Ll Be Amazed By The Numerous Benefits Of Purple Corn

You’ll Load Up On Fiber Purple corn is a high-fiber food, and this is great news because fiber is good for your digestive system as a whole and helps prevent problems like constipation. It has also been associated with improved heart health and can help to lower high cholesterol. You Get A Ton Of Vitamins And Minerals, Too The typical American diet can be pretty poor in vitamins and minerals, but when you eat purple corn, you’ll be getting a lot of both....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 678 words · Julie Hatfield

You Need To Play Video Games Because They Can Help Prepare Your Life

1. They allow you to cheat Let’s get this one out of the way early, shall we? Video games are full of cheats and tricks that allow you to unlock certain areas or items without putting in all the (gasp) work you would otherwise need to do if you played the game fairly. While I wouldn’t condone getting ahead in life through unethical or immoral means, there are certainly many people who have gotten away with doing just that....

December 13, 2022 · 4 min · 754 words · Juan Maxwell

You Only Have 11 Minutes To Work In Office

Good article. Sometimes we are just willing to get interrupted by unexpected calls and emails. We have to get use to disabling or screening phone/emails when we need concentration. Why modern offices only let you work for 11 minutes – [The Herald]

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 42 words · Catherine Heling

You Should Add These 20 Super High Fibre Food In Your Diet

While knowing this is one thing, however, ensuring that you have enough fibre in your diet is quite another. As a starting point, however, there are some signs that you should look for to determine whether or not you are suffering from a lack of fibre. These include: – You Are Bloated Or Constipated This is the single most obvious sign of a fibre shortage, as this nutrient helps to maintain regular bowel movements....

December 13, 2022 · 9 min · 1893 words · Troy Bingham

You Ve Never Went Diving Like This Checkout What It S Like To Be Dragged Underwater

Combining speed and diving, the Subwing is an entirely new underwater experience. Imagine being dragged behind a boat like a wakeboard, but underwater. The contraption works using an attachment that is hooked up to a jet ski or boat. The person then holds on for dear life as he or she is being pulled to extreme speeds. The wing is foldable, allowing full control of depth and angle. I recommend the Subwing for water sports enthusiasts who are looking for the next big thing that they can use to push themselves to the next level....

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 145 words · Bernard Davis

You Ve Probably Never Realized How These Everyday Things Are Affecting Your Mood

Wrong. According to a video from Buzzfeed everyday activities and sites have an affect on our lives all the time. For example, different colours impact our moods in different ways, being disorganised brings us down and Facebook actually slowly diminishes our self-image. Check out the video below to learn even more amazing facts about job promotions, smoking and even your bedside lamp: Everyday Things That Affect Your Mood | Buzzfeed Featured photo credit: Everyday Things That Affect Your Mood | Buzzfeed via youtube....

December 13, 2022 · 1 min · 83 words · Lauren Tiburcio

Your Thoughts Words Actions Habits Character Will Become Your Destiny

December 13, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Barbara Gilbert

Easy Way To Find Curated Movie Content

However, some of the more interesting features of Media Hound are the discovery and social sections. With plenty of filters, including the source, genre, and even score on Rotten Tomatoes, you can discover specifically curated content for exactly what you want. The social aspect will also allow you to view and share playlists that other people have created that might fit within your interests. Overall, there are multiple ways to discover some type of curated film content for your viewing pleasure....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 85 words · Elsa Young