Eating For Energy Or For Stress Relief

The way I used to eat: I associated unhealthy food with pleasure, and healthy foods with pain. I would think about that burger, fries, and milkshake all day. About how juicy and tasty it would be, how satisfied I would be afterwards, and how good it make me feel. Isn’t this what most people do? They ‘reward’ themselves with chocolate cake when they have ‘been good’ or ‘deserve a break’, where the salad feels like punishment....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 582 words · Darren Feenstra

Edyn Technology Meets Environment In Your Garden

Your prayers are finally answered! Edyn is an intelligent garden system that keeps an ardent eye on the growth and well being of your plants. You get an intuitive design coupled with advanced technology to get you a device that will keep you connected to your garden at all times through its smartphone app. Now with Edyn watching over your beloved garden, the grass will always be greener on your side!...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 77 words · Gregory Kavanagh

Empathic Listening Is For Everyone S Good

The goal for those of us who want to get all we can out of life must include an interdependence with other people. If we think we are going to succeed at business, social life, or whatever without a meeting of minds with those around us, we are on a rough and lonely road. Not only that, when we have real communication going on, it is more likely that we can arrive at a win/win solution that makes everyone happy....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 577 words · Jonathan Kelly

Enjoy Crafting With This App It Offers 1000 All Level Crafting Lessons Online

Another thing is not knowing how to do things like knitting, crocheting, and painting. You could spend hours walking around an Art-n-Craft store looking for new ideas, but that often is a waste of your time and gas. This is where a unique app for the iOS enabled devices called Craftsy. Crafting is so much easier with this app The Craftsy App was created by a company called Sympoz, Inc....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 378 words · Michelle Peterson

Essential List And Resources On Firefox Extensions

The best feature I ever wanted in a browser is the ability to load extensions which can do some little wonderful things. Firefox is the browser that give me this feature – in any platforms that it supports (Linux, Mac, Windows). I wanted to recommend some extensions that I frequently use here. Those are the extensions that I spared them from the fate of uninstallation. Some of the extensions do slow down the Firefox browser, so I recommend only keep the one that you are using it, and uninstall the one that you find it less useful....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 522 words · Thomas Outlaw

Even You Can Follow This Kick Ass Guide To Build An Epic Work Ethic

You’ve gotta smile now, I have something that can help you get unstuck from that situation. The truth is, I can’t totally blame you from being in this current state. In today’s gazillions of distractions, even the most focused, and the most driven among us can be a victim of inaction. The best move you can do if you’re in this circumstance is… decide that you’ll do everything you can do to turn into an individual who possess a CAN-DO work ethic; the kind that is unbending, strong, and powerful....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 115 words · Kenneth Gilmore

Everybody Has Gone Through Something That Has Changed Them In A Way

The Simplest Ways To Inspire People And Change Their Life

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 10 words · Tina Wagner

Everyone Should Avoid Making These 10 Career Mistakes

1. You limit your networking to inside the company. Some employees cannot be bothered to start networking outside their company. They may be pretty friendly and helpful inside the company, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just think what would happen if you were not in the loop when a new acquisition was proposed. You are the production manager and because you neglected networking, you were just not on the ball....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1077 words · Sue Dus

Famous Biologist Louis Agassiz On The Usefulness Of Learning Through Observation

“That’s only a sunfish,” the student said. “I know that,” Agassiz replied. He continued, “Write a description of it. Find out what you can without damaging the specimen. When I think that you have done the work I will question you.” (1) The Power Of Observation The student wrote for an nearly an hour, until he felt confident that he knew nearly all there was to know about this particular fish....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 744 words · Clara Duncklee

Final Shout Helps You Find Your Lost Iphone

That’s because the app is designed to post the phone’s locations to a specified Facebook, Twitter or email address you set up. Before you lose your phone you need to set up the app so it knows where to post your iPhone’s whereabouts to. Once you lose the phone, just access the app through your desktop computer and you’ll be able to find your lost iPhone in a jiff....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 123 words · Christopher Rodrigues

Find Out How Not To Be Late Again With These Simple Steps

Be Organized and Plan First things first: you need to be organized with your schedule and plan! I highly suggest that you plan your week every Sunday evening. If you are determined to be on time, you must first know what is on your schedule and at what times. Give yourself time in between meetings to unwind and get refocused for the next meeting. It will be important for you to pace yourself throughout your day so that you don’t get overwhelmed and burnt out....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 636 words · Lyle Bushby

Five Reasons Why Consuming News Excessively Is Bad For Your Health

Read on and decide for yourself. When is enough, enough? Negative news stories increase personal worry We’re inundated with negative news stories daily. Conflicts, natural disasters and other upsetting events are routinely pushed to our news feeds on social media, in newspapers and through our electronic devices. Often times we feel anxious when we hear about distressing events and have empathy for those who are affected. But, did you know that according to psychologists, negative news could aggravate our personal worries that are not even related to the content of the news story?...

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 726 words · Betty Wentworth

Five Types Of Conflict Management

Collaborating Competing Avoiding Harmonizing Compromising There is not one type superior than other, but it is all depends the people, environment and the context. However there is probably one style that is usually utilized in many situations. Find out your type by answering this conflict management quiz. Then read the following posts on descriptions of each style: Avoidance Conflict Management Competitive Conflict Management Collaborative Conflict Management Harmonizing Conflict Management Compromising Conflict Management

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 72 words · Cristopher Martin

Five Whys The Secret To Setting Effective Goals

Determination and intention are not enough. If you wish to reach the stage that you have always been dreaming of, you need to strengthen your goal setting strategy. The five whys are all about defining effective goals that are practical and achievable. Read on to find out more about this technique and how you can benefit from it, too! What Are the Five Whys? Let’s start with an explanation of what exactly the five whys are....

December 12, 2022 · 8 min · 1538 words · Jacquline Babb

For The Future College Freshman

Now, I’m English so I don’t have the American College experience to look forward to but I have seen movies about it so I have an exaggerated idea of what it’s like, which is close enough. Using this guide you can probably manoeuvre your way through a lot of the more challenging aspects of your first year of college. If you are feeling nervous try to remember everyone is a rookie in their freshman year; the experience is about actual academic lessons and life lessons....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 106 words · Dewayne Martinez

Free Credit Rating Estimator

He says it was very accurate, as he shelled out the $15 it usually costs to have a company give you this information and the results were similar. Meanwhile, here are some things you can do to build your credit rating: Open checking and savings accounts Apply for a student credit card Apply for a store credit card Get installment credit (auto loans, personal loans and mortgages) Apply for a secured credit card...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 80 words · Stanley Ballard

Fun And Easy Tips For A Successful Halloween With Your Children

Teach Your Students about Halloween with This Halloween Book | Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 15 words · Sheena Hsu

Get Rid Of Stuff You Don T Use

The good news is that you have control over where you give your attention. Wake up now and only focus on the essentials. What are your three most important focus areas? Decide on your three highest priorities. Then take action using the following nine ways to clear out the crap so you can relish every waking minute as you realign your time and energy with your priorities to recharge your life....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 87 words · Vernell Burnett

Get Well Prepared For Giving Birth Finding A Suitable Child Birth Class

For this reason, you can choose to attend childbirth education classes, which are the best way to prepare for labor and delivery. Depending on where you go, classes range from an intensive workshops which usually last one day or one weekend, to weekly sessions lasting one to two months. Usually a childbirth class covers several kinds of seminars, discussions and pain management and breathing techniques, all led by a trained instructor....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 661 words · Ronald Warner

Glowdeck A Must Have Companion For Your Smartphone

This multi-purpose beauty is intuitive, loaded with all the features you could ever want of a smartphone dock and it looks good even when it’s not in use. Its wooden exteriors come in a variety of finish and once it’s connected to your local network, you can get all your notifications, calls and text messages without even touching your phone. Glowdeck can double up as a sound dock playing music from your phone while charging....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 112 words · Kelli Tolbert