Google Calendar Notifier For Firefox

Download Google Calendar Notifier – [Nicholas Pike]

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 7 words · Tammy Tucker

Grab The Quora E Book That Answers Over 100 Popular Questions

Download “Best of Quora 2010-2012” PDF Yoav Perry’s answer to Food: Why is it safe to eat the mold in Bleu Cheese? Brian Lee’s answer to Food Industry: How do supermarkets dispose of expired food? Jonas M Luster’s answer to Cooking: If there were ten commandments in cooking what would they be? Madeline Puckette’s answer to Wine: Why do American winemakers produce mostly varietals, while French winemakers produce blends? Andrew Roberts’s answer to Food: Why are the chocolate chips in chocolate chip ice cream generally “chocolate-flavored chips”?...

December 12, 2022 · 12 min · 2486 words · Michael Potter

Happiness Is The Best Productivity Tool

1: Happy people work better with others 2: Happy people are more creative 3: Happy people fix problems instead of complaining about them 4: Happy people have more energy 5: Happy people are more optimistic 6: Happy people are way more motivated 7: Happy people get sick less often 8: Happy people learn faster 9: Happy people worry less about making mistakes – and consequently make fewer mistakes 10: Happy people make better decisions...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 141 words · Robin Phillips

Here Are The Most Popular Drunk Foods From Around The World

Being English I can confirm that on a night out you’ll see at least twenty people flailing around trying to hold on to their cheesy-chips, but what’s the most popular drunk food where you’re from? If you’re feeling particularly brave maybe you’ll tell us the worst thing you’ve ever eaten whilst drunk? Mine is floor-cake, it was not good. The Most Popular Drunk Foods Around The World | BuzzFeedYellow Featured photo credit: The Most Popular Drunk Foods Around The World | BuzzFeedYellow via youtube....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 84 words · Kevin Eckert

High Fiber Diet Health Benefits And Whole Day Recipes

The average woman needs anywhere from 30–35 grams a day of fiber each day and men need anywhere from 30–45 grams per day for optimal digestive, weight, and heart health. The dietary requirements for fiber set by the national government have changed over the years but have tended to range between 20 and 35 grams per day. Normally, fiber intake is usually best anywhere between 30 and 35 grams at a minimum....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 1032 words · Brandon Enriquez

How Love Is All About Sacrifice Ruins Our Love Lives

In my very first relationship, I became completely enveloped in my new lover. Nothing else mattered. I had no problem going above and beyond for them in order to make them happy, because seeing them happy made me happy too. I thought that by devoting myself entirely, I was paving the way for a happy and long lasting relationship. Love is blinding. I couldn’t see the inevitable even though it was right in front of my face....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 881 words · James Skinner

How 1000 Origami Cranes Made The World A Better Place

– Mariëlle To celebrate random kindness and this wonderful idea, we’d love it if you would join us in sharing an origami crane with someone you love. Here’s an easy tutorial to follow and it would be really lovely if you shared pictures of your cranes with us on Facebook and Twitter! Happy folding! 1000 Cranes For 1000 Strangers | Magical Daydream Featured photo credit: 1000 Cranes For 1000 Strangers | Magical Daydream via youtube....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 75 words · Tom Luper

How And Why To Choose A Limo Rental Service In Toronto

Note the time and date when you need the limo There are different locations and places in this city which people love to explore as a good night out. The city is full with nightclubs, bars, and pubs along with good restaurants, and provisions for Casino playing. Limos are one of the best alternatives to driving to any of these venues. One thing you should note about when booking a limousine is the time and date when you need it....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 658 words · Christopher Biggs

How Bloggers Can Use Friendfeed Effectively

FriendFeed is becoming more and more popular, and if you’re not on it yet, you’re in the minority. While some people stop what they’re doing to complain about the ever-changing landscape of social networking – don’t get me wrong, a totally valid peeve – get a headstart on them by becoming an effective FriendFeed user. First Stop: Managing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio Services like FriendFeed are known for generating a lot of noise....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1120 words · Lawrence Ducking

How Easy Is Your Writing To Understand

How easy is your writing to understand? – [Communication Nation via HotLinks] The next time you do a grammar check, Word will show you how your document scored on readability according to the Flesch-Kincaid scale. Language isn’t math, and any mathematical test of readability is going to be imperfect. Some longer words are easy to understand, and some shorter ones quite difficult. But as a rough indicator of how you’re doing, it’s not bad…

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 74 words · Kimberly Johnson

How Ideas Sex And The Collective Mind Will Continue To Make The World Go Round

To understand this question and come to an answer, author of The Rational Optimist and member of The House Of Lords Matt Ridley says we need to know how ideas have sex and how important the collective mind of everyone on the planet is crucial to development. Bear with us: Matt Ridley: When Ideas Have Sex | TED Featured photo credit: Matt Ridley: When Ideas Have Sex | TED via youtube....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 71 words · Trey Rigel

How Many Calories Are In Your Coffee The Results Will Surprise You

Coffee is great. It can make you more productive and boost your weight loss efforts. Unfortunately, it can also be a source for unwanted calories. If you drink coffee 3-4 times a day, the graph above will make you rethink your favorite drink. It was only recently that people started adding new ingredients to their coffee. Back in the day, individuals stuck to sugar and milk only. Going back even further, coffee was usually drank as is — black....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 109 words · Anibal Andrade

How Motor Learning Can Help You Learn Effectively

While this saying is off, as perfection is impossible, the practice side of it is the only way for us to get closer to that level. And the only way a motor skill can get to that level is through motor learning. It’s through this concept where we can grow the various skills in our lives, but also to learn effectively by learning the right way. What Is Motor Learning?...

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1221 words · Barbara Farnam

How Much Do Newborn Sleep

What are the typical sleep patterns for newborn? Newborns are believed to sleep in short bouts –about an estimated 30 minutes to 4 hours throughout day and night. Most parents end up being sleep deprived by their baby’s sleeping pattern as babies in their first years are “active sleepers”. This means that they tend to easily awaken since their sleep are characterized by fluttering eyelids, sporadic movements, brief grunts or crying and irregular, rapid breathing....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 620 words · Alexis Castle

How Not To Die Of Embarrassment

I’m sure you’ve experienced this state many times. (I certainly have!) Just think of the times when you’ve tripped in public. You tried to look cool about it – but inside you probably felt a whole load of embarrassment. Do You Know There Are Actually 6 Types of Embarrassments? You may not have given it any thought, but embarrassing situations can actually be divided into six types. (These types are caused by ourselves, environmental factors, or other people....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 795 words · Viola Hernandez

How One Small Change To Your Sleep Pattern Can Have A Big Impact

In 1999, a plane, American Airlines 1420 crashed on the runway of Little Rock Airport, Arkansas.[1] There was nothing out of the ordinary about the flight, such cross country flights are routine, the kind every pilot in the world makes hundreds of times in their career. The plane was working perfectly. Yet the crashed killed 11 people, including the captain, and wounded over one hundred others. After some investigation, it was concluded that the pilots were too fatigued, and didn’t pay full attention the the situation around them, and failed to activate the spoiler system, a device in the plane to aid in landing....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 613 words · Jessica Hutchinson

How Social Media Manipulates Our Views On Winners And Losers

The illusion of “perfect lifestyles” make us resent our own lives. Social media is no longer just about sharing your thoughts and actions among your peers. It’s become a form of self promotion. Establishing a brand, and sharing the lifestyle that you lead. However fabricated and fraudulent that supposed lifestyle may be, many of these individuals who follow these social media gurus honestly believe that these people lead flawless, exciting lives....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 1053 words · Eugene Bryant

How The 5 Love Languages Help Strengthen Your Relationship

Everyone gives and receives love in different ways. So, the goal of this article is to help couples gain a deeper understanding of what are the love languages and their differences and boost communication. The love language test applies for couples or for singles who want to understand what are the love languages they need from a relationship. The test also applies to men who want to succeed in life, for children and teens, and even for those in military service who face unique relationship challenges....

December 12, 2022 · 8 min · 1659 words · Joann Brightharp

How Their Sleeping Lives Affect Their Waking Lives

How much sleep do we need? What is sleep debt? What causes us to feel sleepy? America is a sleepy society. What is the biological clock? What does it do for us? Drowsiness is red alert! What is sleep? What are sleep disorders? Should (you) Stanford undergraduates know about sleep disorders? How common are sleep disorders? Are student health physicians familiar with sleep disorders? What All Undergraduates Should Know About How Their Sleeping Lives Affect Their Waking Lives – [William ....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 84 words · Victoria Lam

How To Ace An Interview 17 Things That Hiring Managers Look For

Most of my interviews have been full day experiences on a college campus featuring multiple interview panels and several meals; sometimes campus tours, presentations and student events. I’m not sure this is the norm for corporate America but I like to think that this experience has given me a certain amount of unique insight on how to ace an interview. But beyond that – as an employer, I could easily double that number in terms of the total number of interviews I’ve conducted....

December 12, 2022 · 9 min · 1860 words · Judith Anderson