How To Adapt Flexible Thinking Strategies To Solve Problems

In our world today, the roadblocks are only increasing. According to Leonard Mlodinow, author of the bestselling book Elastic: Unlocking Your Brain’s Ability to Embrace Change, everything from technology to politics to cultural norms is changing at lightning speed.[1] The way we used to do things may be hitting roadblocks left and right. So, elastic or flexible thinking is one of the most important skills in our modern era. To solve problems, we need to be more flexible in the way we think about situations....

December 12, 2022 · 8 min · 1581 words · Milton Lincoln

How To Answer Common Job Interview Questions

With managers looking for specific things during the hiring process, ComputerWorld has asked a few what their important and common questions are, and what they want out of them. ‘Why Should I Hire You?’ and Other Favorite Interview Questions – [ComputerWorld] “It’s the opportunity to see if the individual wants the job,” says Sherry Aaholm, executive vice president of IT at Memphis-based FedEx Corp. “I want to see if they’re passionate and if they’ve done their research into that position....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 109 words · Marisa Hanson

How To Avoid Comparing At Work

So, if you’re stuck in this vicious cycle of jealousy, comparison and negativity, check out seven of our best tips for to how to avoid comparing at work, and begin to break the pattern of negative comparison with our advice for the workplace. 1. Be clear about what you want. We go to work to earn money to live, but we also go to work to help fulfill a vision of what we want in our head....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1220 words · Rick Clark

How To Avoid These Typical Winter Injuries

In order to avoid an injury that can cause you to miss out on the slopes or work, here are some precautions to take this winter: 1 Choose slip grip shoes over vanity Yes, it’s great to wear stiletto boots with your favorite work outfit to make you feel good, but don’t do it. Shoes or boots with slip grip soles might not be attractive, but you’ll thank yourself if you are presented with an icy pathway....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 598 words · Carroll Barker

How To Be A Healthier Happier More Productive Person

Psychology extraordinaire Martin Seligman has stated in many of his lectures that happiness is 60% genetic and 40% environmental. To conduct a happier life, those of us born without the genetic advantage must rely on our habits and perspectives on life! TollFreeForwarding has collected and presented some quick yet effective habits that will help each and every one of us lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. For example, by showing an ‘attitude of gratitude’, taking action, exercising, laughing listening and giving back we create better environment within which we can blossom!...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 110 words · Leonel Byrd

How To Be Confident And Get Over Uncertainty

-Norman Vincent Peale What is the definition of confidence? According to Merriam-Webster, confidence is “the quality or state of being certain.” When it comes to confidence, it will starts within you. You can’t possibly gain confidence from other outside influences. We all experience difficulties and hardship throughout the years. As Jim Rohn would say it, “The same wind blows on us all.” We all experience the same difficulties of life like paying for the bills, eating healthy and staying fit, reconnecting with our spouses and raising our children....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 617 words · Mary Dunnington

How To Be Positive In 14 Ways

1. They Don’t Assume the Worst. It’s amazing how many problems wouldn’t exist if we didn’t invent them. Positive people know that leaping to conclusions is usually a bad idea. Instead of freaking out about an unanswered text (“What if they don’t like me?”), they go on with their day (“hmm, they must be busy!”). Before they decide another person is untrustworthy, they make an honest effort to find out more about them....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 823 words · Lawrence Medina

How To Be Productive And Counteract Low Productivity

You may be thinking that there has to be a better way to do things, rather than banging your head against the wall, and you are absolutely right! Are you taking the right action at the right time? There can be many reason behind your frustrations: First and foremost, are you sure you are focusing on the right action steps? If this is not the case, then it’s time to stop for a moment, see the bigger picture and redefine the tasks you should be doing right now....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1127 words · Jesus Robles

How To Build Muscle Fast 10 Steps To Be Strong

1. Weight matters. That sounds obvious, but to build muscle, you need to challenge yourself with increasingly heavier weights. If you keep lifting the same amount day after day, you won’t build muscle. So challenge yourself to lift more, and you’ll build that much more quickly. 2. Go fast. Don’t try to time how long it takes you to lift, hold, and release when you’re lifting. Instead, think about powerful movements and increase the tempo a bit if you can....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 670 words · Carri Verity

How To Change From A Manager To A Leader In 5 Steps

Being a leader will fulfil your vision. In essence, a manager is a person who controls and administrates a group of people, whereas a leader literally leads a group towards his or her vision. By definition, leading is ‘a route of means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction.’ – They inspire and motivate their followers or team to share and fulfil their vision. So, which is it: controlling, or leading?...

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 956 words · Jesse Boyd

How To Change Your Mindset For A Happy And Successful Life

The good and bad news is this – it’s all in our head. Even when it seems impossible to look on the bright side of things, it’s actually 100% in our power to transform the way we see life. This article compiles 10 ways how to change your mindset and go from being unhappy or just “okay” with your life to feeling (and finding) that it’s already quite a success....

December 12, 2022 · 9 min · 1872 words · Michael Ashford

How To Convince Your Boss To Let You Work From Home

If you are able to do your job from home, why can’t you? What is the benefit of traveling upwards of an hour each day, through stressful traffic, to enter the distraction-full environment that most offices are? Tim Ferriss has written a book called The 4-Hour Work Week and writes a lot of good articles at his blog. Earlier this year he was interviewed by Yahoo Travel to answer these questions: Something that I’ve been working by the last year is similar to what Tim mentions....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 128 words · Charles Wickliff

How To Cool A Drink In 2 Minutes

December 12, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Erma Vincent

How To Create A Daily Schedule To Organize Your Day

What my piggy bank was then to me, my daily schedule is today. We all have a vision for the future, and it can feel overwhelming to stare it down from afar, especially without a plan. The best way to accomplish goals is to break them down into smaller, daily habits. That handful of coins might seem trivial today, but what you do repeatedly ultimately creates the quality of your life....

December 12, 2022 · 10 min · 1997 words · Neil Robles

How To Create An Instant Connection With Your Website Visitors

The missing human element can seem even more obvious online. And that’s a real problem. Because your customers are searching for that personal touch—for a connection. No matter how much we love the convenience today’s fast-paced business world provides, we all still largely prefer to exchange our time and money with people we know and trust. But just because you run a business online doesn’t mean your company is doomed to make a faceless, robotic-like impression on your audience....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 817 words · Cornelius Bos

How To Declutter Your Mind To Sharpen Your Brain And Fall Asleep Faster

But don’t worry, in this article I’ll get you some practical tips on how to declutter your mind for a sharper brain. Why is your mind cluttered? With access to different information platforms like Google, Facebook, News channels, families and even your own perspectives walking down the street, your mind becomes cluttered. Your brain is busier than ever before as an information-processing system.[1] As you sit down to work in front of your computer, you may find yourself too overwhelmed to focus....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 900 words · Nicole Johnson

How To Digitize All Your Paper

Step 1: What Do You Need? First off, you need to round up your tools for digitizing the large load. A good shredder is important—many individuals feel that if the document is simply thrown away and mixed with the trash, they are safe, but that isn’t the case. Thieves and criminals can and will go into your trash to steal documents containing compromising information. You’ll also want to look into investing in a good set of manila files....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 965 words · Steven Rinaldi

How To Get Over Your Self Defeating Thoughts And Behaviors

Humans are creatures of habit and thrive on habits most of the time. Our brains actively try to keep us from changing our ways, from trying new things and leaving our comfort zones. However, habits do run their course. If you’re engaging in healthy habits such as brushing your teeth each morning and night, your trips to the dentist will be less painful, if at all. And then, there’s habits of self-defeat, the ones we might not recognize are hurting rather than helping us....

December 12, 2022 · 11 min · 2212 words · Debra Mello

How To Get Started With Sous Vide At Home Infographic

Just consider how different things were before fridge-freezers, conventional ovens, microwaves and grills were everyday appliances, and how much harder it would have been to put together even the simplest of meals. Now that every home has all of the necessary tools to create great food at home, we have now reached a stage where modern appliances are all about improving the quality of what we can whip up at home....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 212 words · John Silva

How To Get That Travel High Even When You Re Not Traveling

Then, after it’s over, you’re depressed, thinking about the fact that you only have this couple of weeks to travel in a year. You think about quitting your job for travelling, but maybe you love your job or you just aren’t the type that wants to be a nomad. Maybe you just want more of that feeling you get when you travel. The feeling of waking up somewhere new, seeing new things, eating new things, doing new things, be far away from your office and your everyday life (international data plans are expensive!...

December 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1472 words · Gary Tunstall