How To Take Good Notes At Work 6 Effective Ways

Author Tim Ferriss has his entire shelves containing nothing but notebooks filled with his daily scribblings. Not one to mince words, the self-optimization guru once wrote:[1] Virgin Group founder Richard Branson is another avid note-taker:[2] In college, there was such a strong emphasis on effective note-taking — I still have a few stacks of my own spiral notebooks, filled with furiously scribbled lecture notes. Once we embark on our professional careers, however, many of us lose that habit....

December 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1399 words · Paul Kelly

How To Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind For Effective Problem Solving

Perhaps I should say at this point: I am not a neurologist. However, I have researched how our brains work, read books and articles on the subject, and have done several experiments on myself. Guinea pig, yes. Expert, no. Let me share what I’ve learned. Although our brains are the linchpin, it isn’t the only part of our nervous system. We have nerves emanating from the brain and spine to every other part of our body....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 1027 words · William Eisenman

How To Turn Sadness Into Creativity

Negative emotions are crucial for our overall happiness and well-being. They are there to tell us something, help us make sense of life’s ups and downs and evaluate our experiences. When they do come up, they are not to be judged or suppressed but rather should be seen as a tool for getting yourself back onto the right track. When we encounter negativity, it is important that we focus on how to make use of it rather than try to eliminate it altogether....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1207 words · Elizabeth Wells

How To Unplug From Social Media For A Mental Energy Boost

The internet breaks not only distance barriers but also social barriers. People can now tweet their favorite authors, athletes, and other famous personalities and sometimes even get a response! But sometimes, one can get lost in online life that they forget to live real life. People may focus on being more connected only to become disconnected from the real world. Sometimes, you need to take a step back, disconnect from social media and connect with life again....

December 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1466 words · Lula Gagliano

How To Use Mxhero Toolbox To Send Self Destructing Gmail Messages

That’s not just a line from Mission Impossible. A Chrome extension called mxHero Toolbox actually makes self-destructing emails a possibility. By enabling a feature before sending an email, you’ll ensure that the message alerts you when it’s read and then deletes itself after five minutes. Though that’s cool on it’s own, it isn’t the only thing you can do with mxHero Toolbox. Want to see who clinks the links you post in your emails?...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 159 words · Emmanuel Dent

How To Whiten Teeth Without Seeing A Dentist

How to Whiten Teeth without Seeing a Dentist Brushing and flossing Keep teeth brushed and flossed clean to prevent staining and tooth decay which both contribute to discoloration. Always wait for 30 minutes to an hour after eating before brushing teeth. The acids in food soften the enamel, which takes a while to recover. Brushing too soon after eating will be too abrasive on the softened enamel and will cause damage, as well as creating a surface more easily stained....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 776 words · Phyllis Obyrne

How Working From Home Can Make You More Productive

More companies are embracing working from home as a viable option, either during emergency situations like Hurricane Sandy when getting to the office isn’t an option, or on a regular basis to save on real estate and overhead costs. If you’d like to work from home, use the following stats to convince your boss that you’ll be just as, if not more, productive at home as you would be in the office....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 537 words · Vincent Cooney

How Your Dog Can Protect You Before You Re Born

Herein we explain how pets can help your immune system, beginning when you’re in utero!

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 15 words · Gary Navarro

Hunter Gatherers No Carbs Diet

Most people are catching on—you know carbs are making you fat and sick. But you’re only getting half the story because you’re still being told it’s OK to eat certain kinds of carbs, as long as they’re low on the glycemic index. That’s what I call a bad nutrition lie, and what I’m about to say will probably surprise you. You don’t actually need ANY carbs in your diet. None....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 691 words · Russell Tan

I Once Resisted My Mom S Way Of Loving Now I Thank Her For That

When I started high school, fitting in was the number one aim of every kid. Being different meant you were a target and that mindset was enforced in a quick and rapid way. It was around this time that I started to realise that I didn’t really have the same interests as the other kids. I was a lot more withdrawn – I like to think I was more of an observer and listener than a talker – but all the kids around me seemed outgoing, more worldly and therefore intimidating to me....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 568 words · Denise Baerga

If You Aren T Using Cloud Computing For Your Business Yet You Should Be

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing uses “the Cloud” to store and manage your data—so it isn’t on a local server or individual computer. “The Cloud” is a network of servers all over the world that provides external secure data collection and allows you to access your files from anywhere. Using cloud computing gives you superior storage capacity so you can expand the data you collect. It also provides a much safer backup solution and recovery system in the event of a disaster and loss of data....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 758 words · Renee Jones

If You Don T Know What Fibonacci Numbers Are You Should Watch This Now

December 12, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Douglas Rice

If You Follow These 3 Rules To Live Your Life You Can Get Everything You Want

Recognize, understand and flow with the universe’s governing principles Being cognizant of natural laws and then aligning your actions to flow in tandem with these laws gives you a better chance of achieving a desired end. Our bodies are a system that operates under a series of principles. If you fail to exercise, eat healthy, and visit the doctor regularly, you increase the probability that you will die relatively young. Add smoking to the mix, and you more than double the odds of sickness and an early death....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 661 words · Eddie Shaffer

If You Have A Smart Girlfriend You Ll Understand These 10 Things

1. She has strong opinions. Even when you discuss random stuff with her, like sports, politics, literature or entertainment, she has strong opinions. She knows what she is talking about and her opinion is centered on what is pleasant to her and not to you. 2. She can handle her money. She knows how to handle her money. She sees money as a tool rather than an item. She is resourceful with it and treats is as valuable....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 583 words · Mark Gittens

If You Have Stomach Problems Frequent Small Meals Will Save You

Feelings of being bloated or nauseous after eating a meal or feeling full after just a few bites are often caused by a condition called gastroparesis. This means that the stomach empties too slowly and causes these unpleasant digestive symptoms. According to the Motility Society, one of the best ways to help prevent this digestive issues is to eat smaller but more frequent meals. They maintain that these meals: In short, small amounts of food are easier for your digestive tract to handle and can prevent problems like heartburn, nausea and GERD....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 157 words · William Johnson

If You Have These 6 Struggles You Re Highly Intelligent

They struggle with issues somewhat different than those of the rest of the world, but still challenging and difficult. If you are a highly intelligent person, these struggles and the lack of understanding from peers can leave you feeling lonely. Maybe your friends and family don’t seem to be mindful of your feelings. In order to help you feel acknowledged and understood, here are some of your most common struggles....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 574 words · Louise Fuentes

If You Want A More Fruitful Life First You Need To Simplify It

December 12, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Louise Davis

If You Want Better Sleep Your Bedroom Shouldn T Lack These 5 Plants

One thing that can significantly enhance and alter the overall ambiance and serenity of your sacred sleep space is the addition of plants. Studies[3] show that there exists a number of plants that have sedative properties and create a sense of calm just by having them near you. 5 plants you should have in your bedroom to produce a better night’s sleep 1. Lavender Lavender is famous for its ability to reduce anxiety, soothe your senses and induce sleep....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 401 words · Jason Davis

Important Things To Know About The Revolutionary Share Economy

The share economy is made up of companies like Airbnb, Elance, VerbalizeIt, Mechanical Turk, co-working spaces and numerous other services that unite those who have available goods and services with the people who need access to them. The “share economy” is changing the way people access the resources they need. But it’s not all rainbows and puppies, there are downsides. If you are already participating in the new sharing economy or considering it, you need to know these nine things....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 762 words · Patricia Powell

Increase Your Happiness With These 5 Life Hacks

With such an epidemic sweeping our society, we need all the happiness in our lives we can get. However, we can’t just sit around all day waiting and hoping to feel good. We have to take action and need to create happiness ourselves. UCLA psychology researcher, Alex Korb, has found that there are 5 hacks you can start doing right now to increase your happiness. Stand Tall, Smile Wide and Open Your Eyes It turns out that your posture and facial expressions have a profound effect on your happiness levels....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 848 words · Ralph Harmon