Is Solar Power For You 10 Tips To Help You Decide

One of the most affordable and accessible ways of saving on energy bills is to install solar panels on your home. If you live in the US, you are in good company as over 700,000 homes now have solar panels. Here are 10 tips to help you decide if this is the right option for you. Is it really affordable and is it going to save you money? 1. Look at your roof first We are talking long term here....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1088 words · Marc Davis

It S Important To Love Yourself But Don T Forget To Love Others

“Take time for yourself.” “Treat yourself.” “Celebrate you.” “Do you Boo.” In today’s society we are inundated with messages that admonish us to put “me” first. And while it is very important to love, accept and appreciate yourself to ensure your mental and emotional well-being are in order; it is equally important to not to become a conceited, self-absorbed nincompoop. Learning how to love yourself is key to being able to love others....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 607 words · Ruth Endicott

It S Okay To Be Unsure About What You Want In Life Once In A While

Feelings that used to be simple became a myriad of complications. Directions that used to be clear gradually merged, twisted, and dispersed into thin air. We used to whistle a tune before we head to work and get there feeling refreshed. Now most of the time we just feel numb. Apathetic, even. Work is dull, boring. We operate like a machine, never sparing more effort than what is needed. Sometimes we feel drained, exhausted....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 837 words · Amy Goodloe

Join A Rock Band In One Month From Scratch

Now, before all the bassies out there start tweeting angrily at me, I’ll qualify that statement further. The bass guitar is an easy instrument to play as long as you stick to simple bass lines. Fortunately, rock music is full of great and well-known songs with bass lines that would fall into that category. With my interest in Edtech as well as my experience as a professional guitar tutor and frontman for several amateur rock bands, this article was inevitable....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1263 words · Mildred Toms

Keep Your Eyes On The Stars And Your Feet On The Ground

Be Realistic While reaching for the stars it is important to keep reality in check. Some stars are not meant for us, and are beyond our reach. Some of those stars may need steps to get to them. If the dream is to make it rich the realistic way to approach making this dream come true is to start with a plan. Start the plan with things that can be done right now, which means reaching for the immediate goal in the here and now....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 537 words · Eddie Cerda

Keeping A Dog Can Help You Become The Best Version Of Yourself Study Finds

1. We are the most patient Dogs are pretty smart, just not smart enough to read our minds. It’s up to us to teach them right from wrong and good from bad. You must remain consistent in your praise and punishment. Getting them to learn commands and to stay off the furniture requires everyday patience. No vacations or half days, but you’ll become a better person for it. 2. They get us more excited to get up in the morning It’s hard getting up in the morning....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 637 words · Rosanne Stevens

Learn This Genius Way To Carry Your Key While Out For A Run Next Time

Should you hide the key somewhere outside the car? Will anyone see it if it is underneath your tire or on the inside of the gas cap? Deciding to bring it with you on your run can also be problematic. What would happen if the key fell out of your pocket while you were running? Where can you put it to ensure that you don’t lose it? Here’s how to carry your key with you on your next workout: Simply take your car key off the key ring and lace it through the laces of a pair of running shoes!...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 213 words · Jerry Myles

Lessons From A Plagiarist

It happens every semester. Some student, thinking themselves very clever indeed, Googles up a WIkipedia entry, some obscure facts page from some obscure website, an essay from one of the plagiarism sites, or, one time, even one of my own papers, and hands it in as his or her own. The smarter ones cut out the links and references to the site their paper came from. The smartest ones cut bits and pieces of several sources together into a seamless new creation – a ton of work and almost admirable, if any of the words had been their own....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 361 words · John Fitzgerald

Lifehack Deals Stack Your Mac With The Istack Mac Bundle Deals

Some of the greatest deals you can find for Mac apps are from StackSocial and their killer Mac app bundles. Today is no different with StackSocial releasing their newest deal, the iStack Mac Bundle featuring 9 essential Mac apps for $49.99. The entire bundle has a total retail value of $953 (with the included iOS App Development tutorial course), in fact, 5 of the apps actually retail over the sale price....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 594 words · Francisco Robert

Lifehacks You Need For Designing An Easy To Clean Home

How many germs are there in your house? A research conducted at the University of Colorado concluded that there are over 9.000 different species of bacteria, fungus, and microbes in the average household. The amount of species of these depend on the gender of the people who live inside the house, the geographical location, and if there are any pets in the house. Generally speaking, your house is filled with germs, but some of them are meant to be there and they are harmless....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 731 words · Robert Boelter

Lost Track Of Your Spendings Tighten Up Your Belt With This

The average American is spending $1.33 for every $1 earned.[1] So many people worldwide are in debt from student loans, auto loans, home loans, and credit card spending. In fact, the average American household has $8,700 in credit card debt. This happens to most people. We want to save money, but we often end up spending more than we expected. This makes it so hard to save enough money for the important big-ticket purchases: cars, vacations, homes, etc....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 621 words · Jacob Buchanan

Mail Braindump Mail Do

I tried doing a brain dump, but that alone wasn’t really working. I couldn’t get everything out of my head and into GTD. So here’s the new method. Mail- work Brain Dump- second life Mail- second life Do – execute By following this method, I clear away the few emails of value in my day job account. I then move into getting the things I came up with on the ride to work into a format that I can use them later (I use 37 Signals Backpack to hold my brain dumpings)....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 242 words · Audrey Calogero

Make Good Habits Stick Easily With Productive The Habit Tracker

What we need, then, is a way to easily keep track of our good habits. For example, if someone wanted to run for twenty minutes a day, it could be useful to have something to help them plan their day around it, or keep track of the days they have succeeded in running for twenty minutes. The app Productive has been designed with this is in mind. Effective use of the app could make maintaining good habits easier, and fun, thanks to the numerous ways the app helps you....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 581 words · Artie Augeri

Managing For Creativity

Managing for Creativity – [Richard Florida and Jim Goodnight @ Havard Business Review]

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 13 words · Andrew Simpson

Messy Environment Can Breed Creativity And Productivity

There’s order to the chaos Oftentimes, someone living in a messy apartment or has a pile mounting on their desk will have a little voice echo in their heads saying, “I should clean my room.” It sounds like a great idea. Cleaning can be a great way to release some tension, stress, and ultimately, increase pleasant endorphins that may lead to even more productivity. But that’s when the problem comes up – where did I put that book?...

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 643 words · Marie Omoyosi

Mobileme A Review Of Apple S Mac Descendant

It’s been a rocky start for Apple’s MobileMe, but things look like they’re settling down now and the service is, for the most part, chugging along. If you’re an optimist, the botched launch wasn’t such a bad thing after all, with Apple issuing free trial periods of up to four months before the subscription fee kicks in for affected users. I’ve been lucky—I haven’t had to put up with any of the teething problems since I signed up for my account a few days ago....

December 12, 2022 · 11 min · 2320 words · Travis Moss

Must Try Cheese Recipes

Whether you are planning on hosting for a big game party, celebrating with family and friends or simply looking for some innovative ways to enjoy cheese, these recipes are sure to impress. Ranging from a few minutes to full hour meals, you are sure to find something to fit in your schedule and that will not require a long grocery shopping list. Below, you will find cheese recipes that will help you discover quick breakfast ideas, alternative snack options, lighter desserts and appetizers....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 760 words · Muriel Ackland

Myth Busters 4 Lies Seniors Shouldn T Believe About Obamacare

With so many myths and rumors swirling around the issue, it’s important to trust a reliable source and make sure that you’re properly informed. Here are four lies seniors shouldn’t believe about Obamacare, regardless of who tells them. Myth: Obamacare Will Increase Insurance Premiums The most believed myth among Americans is that Obamacare means increased and unaffordable insurance premiums. Since many seniors are scraping by on social security benefits, an increase in their premium could literally mean the difference between living underneath a roof and being thrown out on the street....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 610 words · Bobbie Martini

Never Apologize For Being Sensitive Or Emotional

How To Overcome Emotional Sensitivity

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 5 words · Matthew Frailey

Never Give Up 11 Inspirational Quotes That Motivate You To Overcome Setbacks In Life

Life can go down. Things happen. And on the bad, down days, you wonder if you will find the strength to overcome the setbacks in your life. The disappointment can be crushing, but this is not the end of your story. There is more for you and I hope that reading through these quotes will give you the strength to choose to never give up. Reset and Begin Again in the Morning Even on the days when it feels like your world has come crashing down around you, remember this: we are gifted with a new morning to start afresh, to begin again....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 820 words · Angela Gordon