Never Leave Your Valuables Behind With Protag

So how does Protag work? Just insert the $50 device in the items you don’t want to leave behind, like your wallet, briefcase, purse, suitcase, etc., and then sync the device with your Android or Blackberry smartphone. You can link up to seven Protags up to your phone at once. Then, whenever you leave something behind, your Protag will alert you and provide you with the item’s last GPS coordinates so you can track it down simply and quickly....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 130 words · Alberta Carpenter

New Learning Rejuvenate The Brain Losing Sleep Undoes It

Losing sleep undoes the rejuvenating effects new learning has on the brain – [Brightsurf] But sleep deprivation impairs spatial learning — including remembering how to get to a new destination. And now scientists are beginning to understand how that happens: Learning spatial tasks increases the production of new cells in an area of the brain involved with spatial memory called the hippocampus. Sleep plays a part in helping those new brain cells survive…....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 73 words · Benny Faith

Ngo Distributes Dignity To Women In Need By Providing Female Essentials

Distributing Dignity gives feminine hygiene products and new bras to organizations which support women in need. Partners with Distributing Dignity include Robin’s Nest Inc., Center for Family Services, Libertae, Caring Hearts Ministry, Women Against Abuse, Camden County Women’s Center, Cathedral Kitchen, The Retreat Domestic Violence Services, SCO Family Services and more. These partners help women and their children with family-oriented services and places women can go for food and lodging if they need it....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 669 words · Sherri Okuhara

No More Addiction To Work 5 Tips On Maintaining Work Life Balance

Because today’s technological world makes it easy to be available and working at all hours of the day and night, it’s up to you to make some changes. Here are some work-life balance tips to help you out if you fall into the category of a workaholic or just want to cut back a bit on your 40+ hour workweek. 1. Unplug Technology is amazing and allows people to accomplish incredible things, from the fields of medicine to space and science....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 797 words · Katherine Duncan

Not All Carbs Are Bad How Can You Tell The Difference

Carbohydrates have a reputation for ruining weight loss plans. The truth is, not all carbs are bad. Completely cutting out carbohydrates from your meals can result in restlessness, metabolic crash and depression. Complex carbohydrates are the kind that’s good for you, while simple carbs are out to expand your hips and make you sleepy after lunch. Unfortunately, most foods have disguised simple carbs into looking healthy by mixing them with food coloring or deep sauces....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 152 words · Daniel Julius

One Simple Method To Celebrate Your Kids Each Week

It’s even tougher to ensure that the more important family-building, “good parenting” stuff gets done too, especially in recognizing and celebrating each individual child. And not only that, if we’re not careful, we can go in a very opposite direction. In order to turn the tide in our own family, we started creating space to specifically and publicly celebrate each child. We added “High Fives” to our weekly family meeting as a way to celebrate those moments when the kids really did play together nicely or show perseverance on the soccer field or actually stay in bed at bedtime....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 695 words · Kristen Mahaney

One Simple Secret To Success In 2017

A lot of people have already failed their New Year’s resolutions by now, and there are many reasons why. Do you know what the best predictor of future behavior in sales marketing is? I’ll give you a hint: It’s not your desires, hobbies, or needs. It’s your past behavior. The interesting part is that this applies to many more areas in life than your consumer habits. For someone that promotes change (like me) that can be a bit demotivating....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1099 words · Grace Pelote

One Super Easy Way To Help You Get Rid Of Social Media

We’ve become totally caught up in the online world, either trying to make ourselves look perfect or being jealous over the seemingly ideal lives other people are leading. Wasting our time in front of the computer screen does us no good if it is turning us into slaves to the numbers of likes we receive. Even though we realize that the habit is not good for us, it’s hard to find a way to put a stop to it....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 243 words · Raquel Reeves

Online Teaching On Concentration

Online teaching on concentration – [University of Kent] Take Regular Breaks It is important to take a break before you feel tired and lose your concentration completely. Regular breaks at least once an hour helps to sustain your concentration. If the work is not going too well and you have difficulties in concentrating, you may need a long break and go back to it later. Alternatively, you can try working for shorter period of time, such as 20 minutes, and have more frequent short breaks....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 192 words · Elizabeth Thomas

Only Couples Who Are Always Asked About Babies Can Relate To These 10 Things

Here are 10 things you will definitely relate to if you’re part of a couple that is always asked when they are going to have kids: 1.You and your partner have several lines memorized in case a response is needed for the question. This is typically a short phrase or a sarcastic remark that has become almost second nature in response to the question, “When can we expect a baby [insert your last name here]?...

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 610 words · Kimber Milton

Only People With Autoimmune Diseases Can Relate To These 5 Things

Read on for a few misconceptions about autoimmune diseases that need to be cleared up. They are not allergic reactions It is incorrect to classify autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease simply as allergies. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the consumption of gluten leads to serious damage throughout the small intestine. Having a gluten-sensitivity is a common allergy, but being diagnosed with celiac disease is a lot more complicated....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 517 words · Nelda Bradley

Pagepacker Makes Pocket Sized Books

PagePacker makes pocket-sized books – [Big Nerd Ranch Weblog]

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 9 words · Grant Razo

Powerful Methods Of Practice You Ve Never Tried

But, one of the worst feelings is to get stuck and to not know what to do to move forward… even if you keep practicing. This quote sums up why you can’t move forward: If you have this feeling, use these scientifically proven techniques below to overcome your temporary plateau. Those techniques work for any type of topic, whether it is sport, music or academic subjects. Practice less, practice better If you are stuck, chances are that you are not using “deliberate practice”....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 517 words · Frank Dyches

Process Goal Vs Outcome Goal How To Use Them For Success

Goal setting is an important part of getting to the life we say we want. They are the tools we can use in building that life. As with any tool, however, it’s important to know the purpose for which they’re used and techniques to use them correctly. There are a couple ways goal setting can be perceived. Looking from these vantage points, we get a more holistic picture of how we want to go about achieving our life successes using outcome goals and process goals....

December 12, 2022 · 11 min · 2313 words · Willie White

Productivity Made Simple The 7 Main Elements Of Gtd

In the previous parts of this series we were talking about things like how to select what to do next, and how to compile your projects list (and your next tasks list). Today it’s time to get deeper into this topic, and explain the main elements a little more in detail. Not to keep you hanging any longer…let me tell you what the seven main elements of GTD are:...

December 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1468 words · Neal Beaulieu

Quote Of The Day How To Cheer Yourself Up

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. The difference between unsuccessful people and successful people often comes down to one thing: mental toughness. You can be someone who lets failure derail you, feel like a victim, and tell “your story” of defeat to everyone you know. Or you can do the most difficult and healthy thing of all: move on and try a different approach to accomplish your goals....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 102 words · Wayne Jones

Quote Of The Day By Martin Luther King Jr

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. But there may be times where you feel alone and depressed — just about everyone has spells like that, or is strong enough to admit it. It’s not easy to talk about, but loneliness, feeling unwanted, and even self-hate from time to time is extremely common. If your hermiting drags on for weeks, you’ll want the help of healthcare experts, but if it’s not so severe and happens on occasion, here’s some vibrant and practical suggestions for you: How to Love Yourself, Even if No One Else Does

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 103 words · Greg Anderson

Real Story A Simple Act Of Kindness Changed My Life

“Fight or flight” appears to be the most common response. When we believe that injustice has been done on us, it seems natural for us to either retaliate, or to isolate ourselves from the crowd in attempt to avoid the problem. But are they the only options? Josh has chosen differently. This student was frequently bullied by his fellow classmates, and he made the big decision to move to another school....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 747 words · Omar Hathaway

Remember These 7 Things When You Re Overwhelmed With Hardship

Now, when you are on the brink of hardship, this is a hard pill to swallow, but the aim of this article is to give you a simple process that you can use to gain momentum and flow into your life. If we don’t break this cycle these patterns and circumstances will continue to unfold in our lives; therefore, it is worthwhile making the change. Understand the metrics and use the system to increase your flow....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 802 words · Arnita Guthrie

Repair A Scratched Cd With Hair Gel

Scratched CDs? No Problem! – [om3ga] I applied it in much the same way as the toothpaste, except I didn’t dribble water on it. I rubbed it first. Even though I applied it to one area, it ended up evenly spread around the whole disc. I then dribbled water on to loosen it up so I could rub the excess off. So, the secret to scratch free CDs is…… Hair Gel!...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 71 words · Ernest Purvis