Ten Things Everyone Needs To Learn From Their Childhood Self

1. Be more trusting of others & let others in instead of building barriers As we get older, life throws us challenges and sometimes those challenges cause us to shut off from the world in order to protect ourselves. We get hurt and we quickly learn to judge others and build barriers to keep others and the world at bay. This gives us a sense of control but it also fosters loneliness and disconnection from others....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1198 words · Carl Rauch

The 12 Rules Of Facebook Etiquette

12 Golden Rules Of Facebook Etiquette | The Art Of Manliness Featured photo credit: fb via cdn-media-1.lifehack.org

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 17 words · Charles Dixon

The Art Of Being Happy On Your Own That Everyone Should Master

You cannot and should not try to control the behavior of other people, but you can certainly choose how to respond to their actions, and you can choose the way in which you live your life.. Being Alone Is Not The Same As Being Lonely When you are able to enjoy being alone, you feel less dependent on others. This means that you become more selective in who you choose to be with, which in turn will improve the quality of your relationships and life satisfaction in general....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 565 words · John Ringer

The Best Iphone Accessories To Take Your Iphone Use To The Next Level

Nowadays, phones aren’t just a tool to make emergency phone calls or to touch base with relatives; they’re a sense of identity. They are seemingly glued to the palm of your hands, and people even accessorize them to further display elements of their personality, and give the phone an enhancement in terms of functionality and appearance. This list of iPhone accessories is what you need to take your iPhone use to the next level....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 787 words · Lucien Lacey

The Best Places Around The World To Retire In 2017

Retirement seems to be a common topic among all of us no matter how old we are. With improved medical and healthcare services, we live a longer life, but at the same time, we need to spend more money to sustain a longer life. Also, who doesn’t want to rest and relax after many decades of working? But where should you go after your retirement? Here are 20 best places to retire with low living cost, stunning natural scenery, and large expat communities....

December 12, 2022 · 10 min · 1972 words · Florence Finney

The Best Way Federal Employees Can Spend Their Extra 4 Hours Off On Xmas Eve

Now ask yourself: On that day, what did you do differently? What did you eat? What strategies did you use to avoid distractions, eliminate procrastination, and stay focused all day long? What one thing did you accomplish that made you feel your best? That made you feel alive? The truth is, most of us don’t pay nearly enough attention to our daily routine. That’s why doing a weekly, monthly or yearly review of your routine is beneficial....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 597 words · Olga Verde

The Biggest Communication Problem Is We Do Not Listen To Understand

After I Read This, I Started to Speak Less and Listen More…

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 12 words · Russell Lawson

The Cost Of Driving And Owning A Car

At first glance, you might just take notice of the monthly payments you’ll be making depending on the car you decide to drive away with. But this is only scratching the surface. There are many hidden costs of owning a vehicle, from insurance premiums and gasoline to maintenance and repairs. You’ll also need to take the cost of taxes into consideration – and whether or not this is included in the monthly payment your dealer advertises....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 216 words · Margaret Rossi

The Lifehack Last Minute Gift Giving Guide

Christmas is just over a week away, and no matter how organized you are, I bet there are a few people on your list that you just can’t figure out a gift for. In the spirit of giving, then, I offer these suggestion – each of which is, as of 12/16, available to ship in time for Christmas. (All prices are in US dollars.) Got any special gift ideas of your own?...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 81 words · Robert Glaze

The Most Effective Weight Loss Workout Plan To Jumpstart Your New Diet

Part of the plan aspect of working out implies that you are implementing some form of consistency in how you work out, and the frequency of workouts. Simply put, if you examine an effective workout regimen, but don’t consistently Implement by way of actually performing the suggested exercises, your weight loss efforts will fall short. On the contrary, if you implement these strategic exercises in conjunction with a healthy diet, you will start to see significant improvements in your weight loss efforts and overall quality of life....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1161 words · Joyce Davis

The Most Popular Books Of All Time

Moreover, books are an integral part of our journey as a race. Even now that everything is turning digital, we can’t deny the fact, that the printed word, the ones in magazines, dailies and books, are the recorded history of mankind. Why is this a natural consequence of our character? It’s because reading and learning are a necessary act of the intelligent being that resides in each of us. It’s as ingrained in our DNA as eating, drinking and breathing....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 133 words · Laura Burton

The Only Best Selections Of Inspirational Quotes You Need In Your Life

At some points in life, we struggle, frustrate and lost. We don’t know what we want to do with our lives, we lost sight about how to move on, worry about all the uncertainties that life might throw us or simply had a bad day where things just not goingthe way we expected. We can always train up ourselves to live a positive life by practicing gratitude and developing habits that maintain our positive attitudes....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 840 words · Joseph Horton

The Only Thing That Interferes With Your Learning

If I were to be 100% honest, probably the most valuable skill I learned in college was how to talk to girls (certainly a vital skill for happiness and success, but not what I was there to learn). The economics classes? Nope, mostly academic mumbo-jumbo that is entirely useless to all but a handful of policy makers. The computer science classes? Hmm, maybe about 10% of that I’ve used, but it’s nothing I couldn’t have picked up with a couple good books, which I routinely do now....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 197 words · Luella Mosley

The Positive Impact That Drinking Healthy Tea Can Bring To Your Life

Luckily, there is a simple solution and it only requires you to savor every sip. It’s the kind of beverage that has had an immense significance culturally in different parts of the world. In this article, we’ll look into the many benefits of a healthy tea, and the kind of teas that make you healthier. Why should you include tea as part of a healthy lifestyle? Having too much caffeine on a daily basis can wreck your system and cause a negative impact on your body....

December 12, 2022 · 9 min · 1795 words · Robert Horner

The Power Of Yoga How Diamond Dallas Page Keeps Fighting

When it came to getting his body to heal so he could get back into the ring in the late 1990s, Dallas turned to yoga and defied all odds with a full-on comeback. However, what separates DDP YOGA from all other kinds of yoga is not just that it is fronted by a celebrity, or that the program combines yoga poses and calisthenics with physical therapy principles, or even that it has an interactive app that lets its users do the workouts from anywhere, but that DDPY is something that anybody at any age or skill level can do....

December 12, 2022 · 14 min · 2806 words · Doris Porter

The Psychology Of Visual Attraction

One of the biggest factors in visual attraction is symmetry -which is important in nature, architecture and, even the faces of people. While a small asymmetrical detail like a beauty mark might offset the balance of a person’s face just enough to make them visually interesting, a face that is shaped asymmetrically can sometimes be hard for someone to look at for a long period of time. We also find different shapes attractive and assign particular traits to different shapes, which can affect how we think about something as characterless as a building as having a certain personality....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 120 words · Kelly Canon

The Reality Of Marriage That You Won T See People Posting

Arguing is an art form When you live together, arguments are inevitable. Spending hours every day in the same space is a recipe for inevitable conflict. It doesn’t matter how well you get on or how much you love one another, there will be times at which you end up yelling at your spouse for the most ridiculous and trivial of reasons. Most petty arguments are over within minutes and forgotten within days, but they feel pretty important at the time....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 489 words · Odell Chan

The Secret Of Happiness Don T Wait Just Take The Chance

1. Nothing will simply come to you Unless you were born into an incredibly wealthy family, you’re going to have to work for everything you want in life. Unfortunately, many people have grown up with a sense of entitlement, putting hard work off until “tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.” We seem to be under the impression that one day everything we’ve ever wanted will simply appear in front of us for the taking....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 923 words · Shelia Rasmussen

The Secret Way To Apply For A Thousand Jobs In Twenty Minutes

How many of us scour LinkedIn, Craigslist, Indeed, and AngelList applying for countless positions? It’s time-consuming, takes a relentless drive, and the uncertainty of hearing anything back puts us under constant stress. What if all this pain could disappear in just twenty minutes? I was working and miserable. The worst part: I didn’t have time to apply for jobs. I only sent out a resume or two a week. I was stuck....

December 12, 2022 · 4 min · 819 words · Sonja Martin

The Simple Way To Track And Save Money

This is where You Need a Budget (YNAB) helps by providing you with software that assists you in managing your budget. Plus, unlike Mint, it supports more than just the US and Canada, and not only that, YNAB teaches you a 4-rule method to manage your money with the goal of saving enough so that you can live off the previous months savings without spending any of this month’s income....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 490 words · Christopher Powell