Top 5 Tips To Get The Best Online Deals On Black Friday

Traditionally an American holiday, we inherited Black Friday back in 2013 and through the physical fighting for TV’s and sleepless nights staring at loading screens – the country will be needing deals more than ever. From previous years of Black Friday chaos, we all know that the high saving products sell out the quickest. The demand for deals is so high that retailers have now taken to starting their sales more than a week early and offering special quick-fire deals each day leading up to Black Friday....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 582 words · Lillian Henderson

Turn Your Smartphone Into Your Bike Key With Bitlock

BitLocker is there too help you out by transforming your Smartphone into a key for your bike. Funded on Kickstarter, it bring the true keyless entry experience to you! Simply put, it turns our Smartphone into your bike’s key. It’s a seamless experince enabling you to lock and unlock your bike without even touching it. Just walk up to your bike and press the unlock button on your Smartphone. Similarly, you can lock the bike by just pressing the lock button and walk away....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 135 words · Michael Levitz

Types Of Nonverbal Communication That You Can T Ignore

Whether you realize it or not, something similar occurs in everyday life. And by learning more about it, you will be able to create better interactions around you. Nonverbal communication actually helps you to express yourself better. The world was shocked when Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was proven – after he had vehemently denied it! Yet, many telltale signs that he was lying were there, such as touching his nose more than three times what is normal....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 855 words · Ruby Vargas

Unsuccessful People Have These 7 Things In Common

Advice on how to be successful is omnipresent. At a certain point, since much of it contains almost the same basic guidelines, it can feel like noise. How many books teach you how to be the opposite – to be unsuccessful? Imagine if you knew what they were, you could subsequently avoid these steps to increase your chances of success in the process. Well, here are 7 things that are guaranteed to make you unsuccessful....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 973 words · Sandra Russ

Use And Abuses Of Jargon

Watson believes people have decided to live in an economy, not a society, and this vague, overblown language has become so commonplace in people’s professional lives they bring it home with them too. Jargon is addictive. It’s also useful and harmless in its place. That place is among people who share a defined skill or expertise. Within skilled or professional groupings from doctors to plumbers, jargon is a sensible way to discuss things that apply to their sphere of knowledge....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 453 words · Michael Johnson

Use Design Methods To Define Problems

Defining the Problem with Tom Chi – [Functioning Form]

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 9 words · Roland Dougal

Use F Lux To Reduce Eye Strain When Using Your Computer At Night

I read about this free application in an article on Gizmo’s Freeware, Rob Shifreen explains that F.lux alters the color scheme of your monitor depending on the time of day. During daylight hours the display is bright and cool, but at night it changes to warmer tones that are easier on your eyes. This makes your monitor easier to look at and can save your eyes a bit of strain....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 100 words · Maria Wertz

Using Questions To Control Communication

Before getting involved in an interaction with someone, ask yourself a couple of questions: By realizing that most people are very similar and possess some fundamental qualities by which you can appeal to them, you will be able to stand out and excel in your interactions. Remember, it never hurts to pay someone attention, a compliment, or to highlight their strong suits. Questions are an amazing way to control communication....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 399 words · Robert Caravella

Video Animation Of Labor And Delivery By Vaginal Birth

Are you giving birth in the near future and a little nervous about your vaginal birth plan? Are your medical provider’s explanations just a little too medical? Having a visual tool to explain the three stages of vaginal childbirth is a great means of answering any questions you may have, as well as assuaging any fears. Nucleus Medical Media created educational animations for all members of its medical audience. With members of the world’s population giving birth once every eight seconds, videos such as this one, Labor and Vaginal Birth (Childbirth), provide valuable information....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · 293 words · Israel Kraus

Virtualization Document Management

The biggest reminder for me is to come up with one directory & file naming convention and stick to it. That led to a solution I’ve used now for several years: virtualize my document management! It’s a system that worked great for me and I think will work for any tech-savvy person, so I’ll share it here in the hope it might help you. It involves a Perforce revision control system, a document scanner, and several hard drive organizational conventions and file editing habits....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 121 words · Patricia Prince

Volunteer Management And Environs

Before we get started, let me explain why volunteer management is increasingly applicable. More and more, we’re seeing organizations shy away from traditional hierarchies. While this leads to more flexibility, it also puts the onus on individuals to contribute freely of their time while at work. Additionally, networking activities often revolve around volunteer activities. In my book, a volunteer is anyone who is willing to help you who isn’t obligated to do so....

December 12, 2022 · 5 min · 922 words · Virginia Hutching

Want To Read That Later On Facebook Introducing Save On Facebook

A constantly updating newsfeed only means one thing. Posts can and will get lost. In order to prevent that from happening, Facebook released a new feature that allows users to save pages, posts and more. This handy feature works by simply pulling up the content on the screen and choosing the saved function from the drop-down menu. After time has passed and you’re ready to read the saved content, go to the saved tab....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 153 words · Naomi Lopez

Ways Of Getting Off The Phone

When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Get Off the Phone. Helps End Unending Phone Conversations – [Sorry Gotta Go]

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 19 words · Lawrence Roberts

We Don T See Things As They Are We See Them As We Are

December 12, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Betty Velasquez

Web Design Tool Denim Site Sketching

Whether you’re the web designer or someone trying to communicate your ideas to a web designer, this little piece of software, called Denim, will come in handy. What Denim does is allow you to create a mock website, with linking pages, just from your rough sketches. Obviously, this will work particularly well with a tablet interface. Supports Windows, Mac and Unix. Denim by the University Of Washington

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 67 words · Steven Michael

What Building A Website Taught Me About Myself

Let me share a few of the things I learned about myself by building a website. I don’t like asking for help One of my biggest challenges is knowing when to ask for help. I will fight myself internally and will try to find my own solution much longer than I should. Most times, it turns out to be easier to call up a friend that knows the answer and simply ask for their help....

December 12, 2022 · 3 min · 609 words · Russell Johnson

What Do Your Sleep Habits Say About Your Personality

Electronics are a nightmare for many people when it comes to trying to sleep, if it’s not the TV it might be your phone or your laptop. Thankfully we can fix this and become sleeping pro’s if we just calm down and remember that sleeping is not a chore or an interruption in your day but a crucial part of life! What’s Your Sleep Personality? | Comforpedic Featured photo credit: What’s Your Sleep Personality?...

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 78 words · Marion Carmon

What Elements Are Needed For Successful Producitivty

This YouTube video highlights the science or methodical aspects of productivity. Fueling productivity with emotions will always result in failure due to lack of consistency. Successful productivity requires constant variables such as time management and focus. An example of this is task repetition. By repeatedly performing the same set of tasks on a daily basis, you’re developing productive habits. Unfortunately, that’s just one of the many aspects of productivity. There are other essential components to consider such as deadlines and accountability....

December 12, 2022 · 1 min · 148 words · Mark Bork

What Every Successful Person Knows But Never Says

Each week, This American Life is broadcast to more than 1.7 million listeners across 500 different radio stations. For Glass, who is featured in almost every episode, the show has led to a wide range of opportunities including book deals, feature films, and appearances on popular television shows. Of course, it wasn’t always that way. What Every Successful Person Knows, But Never Says Glass started out at NPR as a 19-year-old intern....

December 12, 2022 · 6 min · 1143 words · Kevin Crouch

What Is A Serial Entrepreneur How To Run Multiple Ventures

This is especially true for serial entrepreneurship, where your routines, methods, and ideas must work in perfect unison to cater to a series of enterprises. People like Elon Musk have already discovered the right mindset unleashing a portfolio of incredible startups, with his eyes currently set on the horizons of another planet. Have you struggled to develop your mindset for entrepreneurship? Have you ever wondered how entrepreneurs can create one successful startup after the next?...

December 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1339 words · Barbara Teixeira