Focus On The Journey Not The Endgame With These 5 Tips
1. Live in the Present. 2. Enrich your life. 3. Stay positive. 4. Unplug. 5. Relax. Featured photo credit: Panos Photographia via
1. Live in the Present. 2. Enrich your life. 3. Stay positive. 4. Unplug. 5. Relax. Featured photo credit: Panos Photographia via
Throwing food away is not only damaging your bank account, but it’s also having a detrimental effect on the environment – all because we’re not storing or looking after our food properly. Well, enough is enough. This infographic from Self Storage Finders has looked into what we can do to store our food properly and ultimately save food, money and the world. As a starting point, fruit and vegetables should be kept away from raw meat and dairy products....
Every day, I find things that I’d like to in order to live a better life, such as doing a certain exercise every day, drinking enough water, or writing morning pages. These are all things that I know will make me feel better or learn more. So why are they so friggin’ hard to do consistently? My theory as to why these things are hard stems from Isaac Newton’s first law of motion: a body at rest tends to stay at rest....
How to Forgive Someone You Really Hate
There are many ways to pay for college. This article focuses on making the scholarship search as easy as possible for you, whilst trying to keep it realistic and relevant to your needs. 1. Be prepared. Be prepared to thoroughly research relevant scholarships yourself and send in the applications. Do not pay someone to do this research for you. Both searching for and completing the applications is time consuming, and it may feel like you are having to repeat a lot of information in slightly different ways, but it’s worth it when successful....
Truth Facts | Kind Of Normal Featured photo credit: Truth Facts | Kind Of Normal via
The proceeds will help their respiratory team upgrade their current invasive lung cancer diagnostic method to endobronchial ultrasound. While the new unit costs well over $100,000, every little bit helps. With endobronchial ultrasound, the diagnosis of lung cancer will be safer and less risky for the patient and will help detect cancer much earlier, providing the patient will a better survival rate. The Web Productivity Bundle has got some real winners in this one — the softeare packaged in this bundle is worth $116 in total....
When a loved one dies, the first stage of grief is denial. It makes sense, right? We refuse to believe they could really be gone. By failing to accept the truth, we allow ourselves to come to terms with the reality slowly. But once we get past the pain and shock, we can toughen up and start to accept what has happened.[1] But how do we get over denial when we don’t feel strong, or when the thing we are denying is something we have to face?...
Amen… Indeed, Emory, this is an erotic novel for an addicted productivity guy. I don’t instantly reply to every single email. I don’t accept every meeting invite. I am happy. I’m not balled up under my desk in the fetal position. I’m not in the office every night until 8pm. Therefore, I must be slacking off. The problem with GTD, for me, seems to be that it releases so much stress and guilt from my psyche that people who do not have some sort of wicked workflow think I must be doing nothing....
Good and Bad Procrastination – [Paul Graham] You can’t look a big problem too directly in the eye. You have to approach it somewhat obliquely. But you have to adjust the angle just right: you have to be facing the big problem directly enough that you catch some of the excitement radiating from it, but not so much that it paralyzes you. You can tighten the angle once you get going, just as a sailboat can sail closer to the wind once it gets underway....
So get ready, be open and look forward to passing more life tests and learning more life lessons. There are many things in our lives that we have to do, even though we may not want to do it. The trick to managing these aspects of our life is to have activities in our life that we actually enjoy and love doing. It is all about keeping perspective and balance in your life....
Coffee and green tea contain different amounts of caffeine, brimming with antioxidants, they have some great health benefits. They are both safe and healthy– except for pregnant women– who might have to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day as advised by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Although both green tea and coffee contain caffeine, coffee has a significantly greater amount per cup. A cup of coffee contains 100-150mg of caffeine, while a cup of green tea contains about 26mg....
Researchers found that each minute spent on commuting is identified with a 0.0257-minute exercise time reduction, a 0.0387-minute food preparation time reduction, and a 0.2205-minute sleep time reduction. An example of what this equates to is someone who commutes for a total of 3 hours a day in their working week for a year, will miss out on half an hour of sleep each day. How Can You Combat The Commuting Blues?...
Hand Sanitizer One thing I would never leave home without is hand sanitiser. You see, here is the thing: Most of our diseases come via our nose, mouth and eyes – so how does it get to there? From our hands! Most people never stop to think about being out and about, touching things, picking up things and inspecting them and then touching our face. You will not always have access to soap and water so pull out that hand sanitizer and put it to use!...
So, for those of you who are looking to shine this year and be the best you you can be, here are ten tips for how to achieve it. 1. Drink water every morning. One of the easiest ways to shine this year is start every day off by drinking plenty of water as part of your early morning routine. The reason? Drinking water first thing in the morning has an incredible set of health benefits, including purifying the colon and allowing better nutrient absorption, aids weight loss and better metabolism, helps give you glowing skin thanks to flushing out toxins, and helps balance your lymph system....
Most people have at least a little bit of clutter in their homes, those spots that are a little embarrassing, that feel unmanageable and are a consistent source of frustration. Many others have whole rooms full of stuff they don’t use, things they think they might need someday so they are hesitant to throw it out, leaving whole sections of their home unusable for their intended purposes. Still others have homes full of so many things they are unwilling to have people over, can’t easily navigate their space and can’t find the things they need when they need them....
A recent post on showed massively retweeted screenshots from a user who’d found that their DropBox account had frozen a file transfer due to a DMCA violation notice.After some heavy speculation on the sketchiness and surveillance tactics of the cloud sharing company, it turned out that yes, DropBox does monitor transfers for information that contains hash functions from a prearranged list of DMCA blocked files but that the system they use doesn’t actually view the contents of your transfers....
Meet Jack Potter and his wife, Phyllis. Their story is every bit as good – and, in fact, greater – than the fictional love story portrayed in Hollywood. The two met in 1941 at a wartime dance hall and quickly fell in love. “I remember it like it was yesterday the first time I met her – she came up to me and asked me to dance,” Jack told Daily Mail....
This is just my story with the intention of acknowledging you and inspiring you to make adversity your calling to greatness. How it all began I woke up in my uncle’s house feeling the buzzing of my cellphone at 6:36 a.m. It’s Tim – my friend from Hamburg. He invited me with his group to come down to Munich and enjoy the Oktoberfest celebrations. I begin to remember moments of last night, drinking great beer with my fellow Germans and I began laughing out loud (yes, by myself) at the funny memories we enjoyed....