How Much Time Do We Spend Each Day Working To Pay Taxes

But where does that money go? This infographic helps visualize where those funds go, as broken down by time worked per day to pay them and the actual value of those average daily taxes. Over half of the money we pay out goes to defense, social security and unemployment taxes, which is something everyone should be aware of, no matter what side of the political spectrum they happen to be on....

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 74 words · Robert Gaskins

How Short Term Suffering In Startups Leads To Their Long Term Success

Not only is the journey ahead of you epic but 90% of startups fail, according to Neil Patel, co-founder of Crazy Egg. Why? Because… you waited too long to launch, you hired poorly, or you simply lost focus. Until recently, I have been a serial failure as an entrepreneur. I lacked the understanding of how the short-term pain bleeds into long-term success. I have discussed these issues with a few entrepreneurs, and I have listed some of the mile markers they encountered on their journey to building a successful company:...

December 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1080 words · Carmen Card

How Texting Builds A Wall Between Me And My Friends

Personally, my experience almost cost myself a few buddies. I once texted my girlfriend about my rude yet funny friends. I mentioned how they tested the border-line tolerance of one another. I exemplified with some utterly crude incidence. I was so happy sharing until I figured out I had been talking directly to my friends and really infuriated them. Don’t lie. We all had that most embarrassing moment. Texting is detrimental to us....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 787 words · Latonya Dail

How To Answer The Tough Question What Are Your Salary Requirements

But then, you’re asked about your salary requirements and your mind goes blank. So, you offer a lower salary believing this will increase your odds at getting hired. Unfortunately, this is the wrong approach. Your salary requirements can make or break your odds at getting hired. But only if you’re not prepared. Ask for a salary too high with no room for negotiation and your potential employer will not be able to afford you....

December 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1495 words · Daniel Demski

How To Appreciate Life More And Be Grateful

Maybe you need to change everything. Gratitude takes a simple shift in your mindset. Notice the positive things, and you’ll feel positive. Notice the joys, and you’ll feel joyous. Notice goodness of the life you have, and you have more things to look forward to. Gratitude rewires the brain. The ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex are activated and “involved in feelings of reward (the reward when stress is removed), morality, interpersonal bonding, and positive social interactions, and the ability to understand what other people are thinking or feeling....

December 11, 2022 · 9 min · 1908 words · Roger Brody

How To Be A Genuine Expert In Your Field

Just because something is stated by an ‘expert’ doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s true. Back in 1830, scientific writer Dr. Dionysius Lardner said rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia. And in 1903, the president of the Michigan Savings Bank advised Henry Ford’s lawyer not to invest in the Ford Motor Co because the horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty – a fad....

December 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1281 words · Martha Swinton

How To Be More Courageous In Life

You don’t have to be in fear all the time! Learn how to deal with uncertainties and take control of your mind to become courageous in life in this episode of the Lifehack Show.

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 34 words · James Friley

How To Be More Creative Infographic

The most common causes for this tend to be a lack of time, the style of learning at school and pressures in the workplace to be more productive instead of creative. At the same time though, creativity is almost universally considered important in the workplace and for personal expression. In a survey of 1,500 CEOs by IBM, 60% of them placed creativity as the most important leadership quality. Whilst it is true that our creativity tends to peak very early in life – around 5-10 years old – we don’t lose the capacity to become more creative again....

December 11, 2022 · 2 min · 236 words · Gustavo Spencer

How To Become A Napping Expert

For example, the best amount of time for a quick power nap is 26 minutes, but if you need more time to catch up on your sleep, consider either an hour or 90 minutes. If you opt for a short nap, you should consider drinking a cup of coffee right before you get some shut-eye, as it will take effect when you wake up and give you an extra boost....

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 81 words · Margaret Adams

How To Become Smarter 21 Things You Can Do Daily

With enough motivation and determination, anyone can expand their mental capabilities and become smarter. Integrating new habits into your regular routine and providing proper stimulation can sharpen your intellect quickly and leave you inspired to take on new challenges each day. So how to become smarter? Brain health is an important key in complete physical health. The list below includes the best brain-engaging activities in daily life. Inviting Novelty To create new neural pathways and strengthen the brain, it’s critical for people to continually incorporate new experiences and information into their lives....

December 11, 2022 · 11 min · 2326 words · Louis Beardsley

How To Build A Digital Brain Your Second Brain

According to the Scientific American journal, The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. If each neuron could only help store a single memory, running out of space would be a problem.[1] What if you can not only store more data but easily retrieve them and make more room in the brain for problem-solving and creativity?...

December 11, 2022 · 12 min · 2496 words · Michael Richard

How To Build Confidence From Scratch

Eddie was slightly overweight, extremely far sighted (he wore thick glasses) and trained in second hand equipment. At times he even stayed in a Finnish mental hospital because he couldn’t afford genuine accommodation. Many people came to doubt his ability as a skier. If he didn’t have confidence in himself, he could never have endured all this, and never would have made it to the Olympics; which he did, and became internationally loved as a figurehead and emblem of the Olympic spirit....

December 11, 2022 · 5 min · 965 words · Timothy Diaz

How To Change Your Life By Exploring

The office door opened, and my boss walked in straight to his desk. He motioned for me to sit down, as he sat down at his computer, peering at his monitor through the lower half of his glasses. I took my seat in a chair across his desk and took a deep breath, trying to make it as silent as possible. Telling your boss you want to quit isn’t easy, but hiding the anxiety is better than letting it show....

December 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1103 words · Brian Bernabe

How To Choose The Right Mba Course For You

As a result of their studies, MBA students can enjoy promotions and career progression which may have not been available to them previously. In a survey by the Association of MBAs (AMBA), the number of students in senior management roles went from 12.8 percent, before joining an MBA course, to over a third in the months following graduation. When studying for an MBA, you have the choice whether to study for a general MBA or to go for a more specialised course....

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 182 words · Mary Guild

How To Conquer Clutter In A Month

I know this can be overwhelming; however, with a good plan it can be done. The best way is to declutter one room per week. 1st week – Living Room Use basic furniture only: Sofa, coffee table, bookshelf, and end table. Have a storage system that works. Keep toys in decorative boxes and trunks since they can be used as side tables too. Now, let’s focus on the coffee table; a clutter hotspot, usually littered with remote controls and magazines....

December 11, 2022 · 2 min · 258 words · Charles Schwenke

How To Cope With Traumatic Events And Stress

All I really knew was that I woke up feeling scared, very scared. And then all of a sudden, I started hearing the screams, and then in the distance, the sirens, lots of sirens. By that point, it was clear that something very bad had happened. I looked outside of my bedroom window to see what was going on, but everything was unusually dark with just a handful of lights flickering like stars through what appeared to be early morning fog....

December 11, 2022 · 9 min · 1866 words · Andrea Anderson

How To Cut To The Front Of The Line At Almost Any Restaurant

Imagine how much time you could save if you didn’t have to waste it standing in line for lattes and lobster rolls? These iPhone apps will let you order ahead, so not only will you stride up to the front of the line, but your purchase will be waiting for you when you get there. Snap a Finger and Skip the Line Zingle Txt Now 4 No Lines K? Seamless Ordering for No Waiting Use ChowNow to Skip the Line at Local Restaurants ChowNow is creating the apps that make it possible for you to cut the front of the line at your favorite burrito spot....

December 11, 2022 · 2 min · 306 words · William Smith

How To Earn Residual Income Efficiently

1. Affiliate Marketing Basically, an affiliate connects a customer with a desired or needed product. The affiliate is responsible for marketing to drive sales to the retailer. It is best to purchase a domain name and build a user-friendly website to draw customers and convert them to purchasing the chosen product. Build interest through pay-per-click advertising, content articles about the product, and through posting on forums with a relevant website link....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 656 words · Elizabeth Maccarone

How To Fix Your Most Dangerous Driving Habits

We should remember that a car accident is a colossal safety failure and that even basic steps can help you avoid an accident. Therefore, some of the most dangerous driving habits are also some of the easiest to fix. Here are five habits which far too many drivers do and what you can do to avoid them. I once had a boss who was extraordinarily calm and respectful in the office, yet turned into a ball of rage whenever we drove together to an outside meeting....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 758 words · Albert Royal

How To Gain More Time Like Making Money

Imagine you were able to save $10 per day, and let it build. After a year you will have accumulated $3,650. Equally, if you were able to save 10 minutes of a day to be reused later, by the end of the year, you would have saved 60 hours. What would you choose? Most would go with the money. It’s understandable. Humans like tangible rewards. However, money by its nature is salvageable....

December 11, 2022 · 5 min · 921 words · Petra Draper