How To Post On Social Media To Gain Popularity

It isn’t easy, of course. By its very nature, social media is governed by the people who consume it. Indeed, you could spend hours on end crafting the perfect tweet, but if you release it into the world at the wrong time and no one is around to see it or share it, then you will have put in all that effort for nothing. Your success within the realm of social media, then, is directly tied to your content being exposed to the right people, in the right format, at the right time....

December 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1218 words · Earl Mosely

How To Release The Creative Ideas Living Inside Your Head

So, how do you purposefully and intentionally unlock and release all the creative ideas living inside your head? I recently returned to “freewriting”, an old and often overlooked method for finding new ideas lurking in our heads, and I experienced incredible results. The Premise Your mental filters work extremely well…too well. Truthfully speaking, your brain actually operates too efficiently in regard to the creative process. When attempting to brainstorm, your mind constantly sifts your ideas through the multiple filters of history, reality, rationality and prudence....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 598 words · Edward Abud

How To Safely Browse The Deep Web For Beginners

You see, the entire Internet has two relevant parts: the surface web and the deep web. The surface web encompasses everything you can see or find through search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. These are websites like Facebook, Gmail, and Twitter that anyone can find using regular Internet browsers. The deep web, on the other hand, includes everything else that search engines miss. Technically, newly created websites are considered as part of the deep web....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 711 words · Susan Stavros

How To Select The Best Freestanding Fireplaces For Your Home

The position of the fireplaces and the portability matters a lot when you have to choose the best fireplace for your home.You can make a separate alcove for installing the fireplace. You can also have two separate shelves, one for storing the fire logs and another for installing and placing the actual fireplace. There are countless options that will surprise you with their installation methods and their appearance. These fire heaters can be convection temperature, traditional, wood, gas, stone, or metal....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 576 words · Ruth Brown

How To Spot The Signs Of Burnout And Overcome It Fast

If you’re having trouble focusing on your next task, have an immense urge to crash on the couch for a Netflix binge, or can’t seem to get yourself to wake up on time, even though you have a lot on your plate, you may be experiencing the symptoms of burnout. According to Deloitte’s workplace burnout survey, “many companies may not be doing enough to minimize burnout.” This is to say that the responsibility is not only on the employee....

December 11, 2022 · 9 min · 1840 words · Ray Schroeder

How To Stay Warm In This Freezing Cold Weather

Regardless of my butchering of a classic Christmas song, the weather in the Northern Hemisphere is freezing at the moment. Unfortunately, life can’t be put on hold during the winter (doesn’t hibernation sound amazing right now?) and sometimes you have to brave the cold temperatures. But just because you have to venture outside doesn’t mean you have to freeze your butt off. Check out some of these handy hints to stay warm outside this winter....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 655 words · Dawn Corey

How To Stop Automatic Negative Thoughts When You Re Overwhelmed

You’re sending out applications to several job openings, and every single response you get is a rejection. You’ve tweaked your resume and hired the best career coaches you could afford. You’ve attended networking events and your wallet is bursting full of business cards. Yet you can’t seem to get a call back for an interview. These rejections keep replaying in your head so you call yourself a failure. You call yourself a loser and quit searching....

December 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1637 words · Ethel Schwartz

How To Stop Peeling From Troubling You With Itchiness And Hygienic Issue

What does “peeling” mean and Why does it come? Peeling hand and foot disease is called horn disease or palm eczema and eczema. Expressions that are visible when peeling the skin of the limbs are the soles of the feet, hands that crack or peel off, peeling off each other, touching the feel of rubbing. There is some causes of peeling skin including: Inflammation caused by exposure to chemicals, soap, detergents, lime, cement and heavy metals Atopic dermatitis: occurs in people with allergy....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 530 words · Mary Webster

How To Super Boost Your Productivity By Taking Quick Nap

According to NASA, you can boost your productivity by about 35 percent if you take a 26-minute nap. Don’t worry — it doesn’t have to be exactly 26 minutes! If you want to do it privately, you can go to a napping spa where you will get a 20 minute nap for about $17. The important thing is to prevent the short nap from becoming a longer, deeper sleep (slow wave sleep)....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 815 words · John Clark

How To Work With Different Communication Styles In The Office

We all have run into people at both work and play that we just don’t seem to get. Not only do we not hit it off with them, we honestly have a hard time understanding the point they are making. It can be very frustrating interacting with someone when it seems like we are miles apart in the understanding department. On the flip side, it’s awesome when we hit it off with people that just seem to “get us”....

December 11, 2022 · 9 min · 1881 words · Karen Avery

How To Write A Book In 60 Days

This article from LifeLearningToday talks about setting that time frame and how to write the book within it. From planning your fiction or non-fiction novel to writing it every day and getting it published, some great ideas are listed to help you out. How to Write a Book in 60 Days or Less – [LifeLearningToday] Also see How to get a six-figure book deal from your blog by BrazenCareerist.

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 69 words · Bertie Sugar

How To Write An Email That Will Not Be Ignored

To make sure your emails don’t get swallowed by the black hole, there are some basic rules to follow regarding what to include and utilize in your email — and what to leave out! Here they are: Keep the body short Firstly, the body of the email… The body is what is going to get read, or maybe skimmed over. You are hoping that every word gets read; however, if your emails look more like novels then that may not be the case....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 602 words · Caroline Vance

I Dread Picking Up Your Call But It Doesn T Mean I Don T Like You

Thinking it’s the beginning of a thriller? Nonono… You’re just too imaginative. It’s just my best friend calling. My description might be a bit too dramatic. But what’s sure is I feel sick whenever my phone rings. Don’t get me wrong. I love my family and friends and welcome them to contact me. What I dread is the idea of talking on the phone. You must be familiar with claustrophobia, cockroach phobia and even aqua phobia....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 569 words · Bryan Boris

I Look Back As An Adult And Realise My Childhood Fears Really Were Just Nothing

December 11, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Larry Mayberry

Idea Killers Ways To Stop Ideas

Not in our budget (Laughter) That isn’t what people want We’re already doing something else. Do it in your spare time, if it is successful we maybe use it Idea killers do not give much rooms for further brainstorming from the suggested idea. So how to express your opinion but still let the idea flows? Do not shot it down immediately. Before comment on the ideas, write ideas onto a whiteboard or piece of paper first....

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 94 words · Andrea Rosales

If You Can Give Me Only One Tip To Improve My Life What Would It Be

Keep your promises (including those made to yourself) This doesn’t just apply to the promises you make to other people, but the promises you make to yourself. In nearly any film you watch, one of the characters is going to make a promise. Whether or not he keeps that promise will determine the entire plot for the remainder of the film. While most movies are fictional, like Harry Potter promising to find all the horcruxes and kill Voldemort, the kept promises still stick with us in reality....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 834 words · Rodney Watts

If You Only Train Your Chest Muscle You Ll End Up Looking Worse

Understanding The Body Your back is the number one place in the body that overcompensates for all the other areas that are not in proper use. For instance if we are not training our core muscles properly, our back muscles will begin to overwork, thus resulting in pain, or strained muscles. This need not be the case. However there are negatives for any area that we overwork, or over train. When we talk about fitness, and bodybuilding, we are talking about making each part of the body work at its strongest, building the muscles so that they work together and the body works at its full capacity....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 524 words · Daniel Orosco

If You Want To Be Happy Healthy And Successful Start Doing These 10 Things Now

Take a look at these 10 things you can start doing today to get you on the right track: 1. Make a bucket list and tackle it Sit down and think about all the things you want to do before you die. Want to travel to another country? Skydive? Learn a new language? Whatever it is, write it down. Make a 30-day bucket list as well as a 5-year bucket list....

December 11, 2022 · 5 min · 1048 words · Todd Whitehurst

If You Want To Be More Successful Change Your Reading Habit In This Way

Be weary of the bestsellers. For example, when a book comes out about success and is on the bestseller shelf, it’s hard not to go over and pick it up. I mean, who wouldn’t? It must be full of useful information if it made it onto a shelf like that. What you don’t think about is how many other people picked up that same book and will utilize the information in it to get ahead....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 519 words · Suzanne Hunter

Imagination The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself For 2013

Create Inner Freedom The best way to improve your life is to create some inner freedom. Inner freedom is the ability to be flexible and adaptive in the face of changing circumstances, and we certainly have plenty of those! This inner freedom allows you to: Have a more unstructured and open view of both present and future Acknowledge your present reality and still be open to other possibilities at the same time Have a creative frame of mind See your creativity rather than your circumstances as the primary factor in your life Be more sophisticated by inviting all possibilities to the table of your life...

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 740 words · Justin Oldfield