Increase Boost And Improve Your Natural Mindset

This statement has profound connotations in regards to all of mankind’s universal beliefs, thoughts, and existence. The psychological aspect of a person’s learned behavior from birth could be described as a nearly impregnable wall of beliefs. An individual who was taught and self-taught in a material world. A world where the five senses of observation can become a religious following of accumulation. This psychological learned behavior can be the most beautiful or the most horrific prison of the mind....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 753 words · Erich Faul

Invoicing Web 2 0 Style A Quick Guide To Your Options

Invoicing is a part of every self-employed or freelancing individual’s life. Many of us are still using clunky old Word templates and those strange antiques known as printers—but why go to all the hassle, when there are so many web applications that offer reliable and efficient alternatives? Digital invoices eliminate so much time and hassle that it’s unbelievable. Eliminating the need to go to the post box and send off an invoice gives you ten more minutes to spend reading Lifehack, or even ten minutes to do something productive!...

December 11, 2022 · 5 min · 1044 words · Maria Hubner

Is All That Stuff Really Necessary

I’m a hoarder myself, but can appreciate that just because something is cheap, doesn’t mean it’s worth anything. That said, I can’t pass up a bargain. Paul continues to discuss that all this stuff that you may accumulate is probably worth a lot less than you originally bargained for. This collection may be weighing you down when you can live a much liberating life if you abolished a lot of it....

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 96 words · Derek Wagner

Is It Possible To Repay Your Sleep Debt Why Being Well Rested Matters

Most adults have incredibly busy lives. From trying to raise a family to working a full-time job and everything that happens in between, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Instead of going to bed when they are tired, they’ll spend that time catching up on items that weren’t accomplished during the day. While this may seem productive, it is actually harmful and can lead to sleep debt....

December 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1555 words · Frances Parmer

Is Saturated Fat Bad For Your Health And How To Eat Healthy Fat

Anything that contained fat were urged to throw out of the diet. A fat-free version of almost everything was released in the market, making it a billion dollar industry. But the million dollar question is, did that make people healthy and fit? The truthful answer would be NO! In the urgency to get rid of fat, we forgot to distinguish good fat from bad fat. Many studies have shown in the past that the bad fat present in meat, dairy products and high-calorie foods are harmful to the body and leads to heart diseases....

December 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1485 words · Sonja Nolan

Is Your Baby Crying Here Are 5 Things You Can Do

So, rather than ignoring these cries or attempting to decipher the message, the key is to focus on learning more about why babies cry and how to soothe them effectively. With this in mind, here are some practical actions that can help to soothe your baby when they are crying for no apparent reason: 1. Snuggle and Swaddle your Baby You may notice that your child spends a considerable amount of time crying in the first few weeks after their birth....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 778 words · Michael Rosenthal

Is Your Tinder Date Lying To You Run A Background Check

Online dating is the second most common way to find your partner, following being introduced by a common friend. The billion dollar industry built with help from the 50 million Tinder users has changed the dynamics of dating and marriage, increasing the your chance to stumble upon a dangerous person. You can never know who is hiding behind an online dating profile. The number of people who are setting up fake profiles, luring honest people into a scam only to have fun, harm them or else, is growing and it also has a name: catfish scam....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 643 words · Robert Basha

It S Good To Feel Stupid 5 Thoughts On Overcoming Fear And Self Doubt

“That’s what everyone tells me, but I don’t know,” she responded. “Competitions make me kind of nervous. I just think: what if I miss this lift and all of these people see it?” Let’s pause for a moment. Remember, this is someone who OWNS a gym. She misses lifts every single week and sees hundreds of other people do the same. And yet here she is, letting her fear of being judged prevent her from doing something that she’d like to do....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 830 words · Regina Wooldridge

It S Never Too Late Late Bloomers Who Succeeded Despite Their Age

Featured photo credit: Martha Stewart/ via

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 7 words · George Jones

It S Not Magic You Can Change The Color Of Your Shoes With An App

It’s a shame we can’t watch Carrie Bradshaw turn green with envy on “Sex In The City” with an app that could change the color of her coveted shoes – even Sarah Jessica Parker would thrill over this new invention! You don’t have to be a celebrity to have a serious shoe addiction nowadays and with this clever creation, you can buy one pair of shoes with multiple colors and styles....

December 11, 2022 · 2 min · 401 words · Olivia Chandler

Joking Aside Sarcasm May Enhance Creativity

Beyond the cutting edge of sarcasm, however, lies a bright spot. It may actually promote creativity and serve as an indicator of intelligence. While sarcasm has long been associated with higher-level cognitive thinking, science is just now giving it proper recognition and consideration. One study illustrated the complexity of processing sarcasm using a simple storytelling task. Scientists recruited 17 healthy volunteers and 41 additional subjects suffering from mild brain damage following an illness or accident....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · 615 words · Jonathan Deerman

Laughter Is Timeless Imagination Has No Age And Dreams Are Forever

Walt Disney Lessons: 10 Magical Ways To Make Your Dreams Come True

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 12 words · Michael Gray

Learn A New Language Anywhere At Your Own Pace With Wokabulary

In a class, or videos or podcasts, teaching materials tend to be a little generic. The teacher behind these materials wants to fit the needs of many people at once. Therefore, your learning progress depends on them and not on your own capabilities. It’s hard to even keep track of your own progress, because the learning process relies on external measures meant to fit the many needs of a broad audience....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 696 words · Alex Matte

Life Is Scary Get Used To It

Unlike those caused by bad decisions, deathbed regrets tend to involve wishing you did certain things you never had the courage to do. In other words, when you’re dying, you tend to wish you did certain things rather than wishing you hadn’t done certain things like you might do now. Regret #1: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me....

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 125 words · Mary Woodruff

Lifehack Live For April 14 2008 Game Inventor Nick Kellet

This weeks’s guest is Nick Kellet, creator of the award-winning party game GiftTRAP, talking about innovation, marketing, and the elements that go into a successful game. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please let me know. Subscribe to the Lifehack Podcast Feed via RSS or iTunes.

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 48 words · Regina Partis

Magical Part Of Earphones That Most Iphone Users Don T Know

That tiny attachment that lives on your headphone cord? Yep, that’s it! By moving it up towards the mic button, it can clip the two cords together and keep them tangle free. You are welcome! Featured photo credit: Lifehack via

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 41 words · Mark Gaither

Making Fake Deadlines Real Completing Projects With Self Assigned Deadlines

Fake is a bit of a misnomer — I should really refer to it as a self-assigned deadline. There is a reason that I call such deadlines fakes, though: there doesn’t really seem to be any sort of consequence for not completing the project on time, or even ever. I hear “whenever” from a client and I translate it to “never.” I’ve even worked it out logically. If a client doesn’t feel a project is important enough to have a deadline, it must not be important to her....

December 11, 2022 · 5 min · 862 words · Essie Weckhorst

Mastering A Moment Of Purposeful Peace

Instead, it is actually a purgatory of limitless wanting, made up of over shopping, eating, traveling and working. All of it used to alleviate the guilt of being aimless. There is no time to think, just forward momentum and a false hope that things will improve on their own. Ultimately, it results in a jarring collision with reality, and questions like, “Am I happy?” and “Am I satisfied with my life?...

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 822 words · Carol Sun

Maximize Your Productivity To Stop Working So Hard

Of course, you’ll have to visit the original source to find the details about all of these steps, and not all of them will work for everyone (some people can’t attend fewer meetings), but these tips really can help you save time and energy while increasing your productivity.

December 11, 2022 · 1 min · 48 words · Nicholas Henig

Meet Rufus The Sleeping Dog Turned Model By His Creative Owner

Rufus is as rambunctious as his breed would suggest, which his owner, Sara Rehnmark, model, actress, dog photographer and hit blogger of Raising The Ruff, can attest to. “He’s a funny dog that smiles on command (and when he’s happy), enjoys having spaz-outs,” she says. But he can also often be found “Playing at the beach and sleeping.” Rufus receives at least two long walks a day and numerous hours of playtime, so it’s no surprise that when he finally falls asleep, he’s out like a light....

December 11, 2022 · 2 min · 265 words · Joseph Olivares