1. Listen to Music

You can resort to other forms of art in order to help create art itself. Listening to music while painting can definitely set the mood that you want to be shown out of your artwork. A strategy that never fails is to listen to music that can make you feel nostalgic such as albums you listened to during your teenage years.

2. Take a Lot of Photos

Carry a camera with you wherever you go and just take snaps of anything that would catch your attention. Once you review the pictures that you have taken, one of these images will surely give an inspiration or spark an idea of an artwork that you can create. For a better visual aspect, pin these images on the wall or create a scrapbook out of them that you can look up to every once in awhile.

3. Read a Book

Regardless of the concept of the story that you are reading, your mind can right away be stimulated whenever you read a book. Your imagination goes to work as your mind tries to display images of the words that you are reading. This is why many popular artworks were taken out as excerpts or popular scenes from timeless novels. Having a sketchbook nearby may help in transferring imageries as you have imagined them while reading a book.

4. Go Out and Travel

The reason why you feel all so cramped up is maybe that you are already so used to your surroundings that you need a new environment that you can work on. The perfect solution for this is to go out and travel. Explore new sceneries and be exposed to different cultures that can spark an inspiration for your project. You do not really have to go overseas in order to achieve this because, a simple walk along the beach or a hike in the woods can already serve as an inspiration for a great artwork.

5. Remember Your Dreams

Sometimes the best of ideas cannot be witnessed in the physical plane but are rather left in our subconscious levels. The only way for us to keep in touch with our sub-conscience is through our dreams and even nightmares. Dreams have inspired numerous artists since forever. A lot of dreams maybe weird and some are completely vague that you may not remember the entire details of it, but they can give out an idea that you can work on for your art project. Having a sketchbook near your bedside can be instrumental so that you can right away sketch out the dreams that you just had after waking up.

6. Do a Collaborative Project or Work With Other Artists

Artists are known to be unique on their own and even if styles can be contradicting, you can actually get inspiration from another colleague because his or her style is much different than yours. Try checking out an abstract art online gallery then talk with the artists responsible for their ideas. Since you will have your own perception of the abstract art that you are looking at, you can actually combine their ideas with yours in order to create your own masterpiece. It is already proven that bizarre images, random shapes and different colors can spark an inspiration in you. If this still not works, then you can ask an artist friend of yours to start a project but allow you to finish the art for a collaboration. Featured photo credit: MorJer’s Art via google.com