Now, when you are on the brink of hardship, this is a hard pill to swallow, but the aim of this article is to give you a simple process that you can use to gain momentum and flow into your life. If we don’t break this cycle these patterns and circumstances will continue to unfold in our lives; therefore, it is worthwhile making the change. Understand the metrics and use the system to increase your flow.

1. Like attracts like; hate attracts hate; money follows money.

Imagine you are a light and everyone on this planet is also a light and we live on a massive light grid. We all shine at a different level of brightness; we attract the same intensity of light frequency. It’s all about an energy exchange. You have to do the work to ensure you don’t attract the same thing into your life—you need to raise your light frequency. There have been cycles throughout my life: attracting abuser after abuser, job after job and money comes and goes. It was this cycle that just continued to play throughout my life. I didn’t even understand what was happening at the time—I just knew I had to do something to break the cycle. You don’t need to see the entire staircase in order to take the first step. It started with my relationships; I was attracting toxic relationships into my life.

2. Decide to break the cycle.

Make the decision to do anything to break the cycle. Become so committed to breaking the cycle that you no longer focus on what you don’t want and become crystal clear on what you do want. By switching your focus on what you do want and defining that, you begin to feel like-worthy. The love that you have for yourself is restored, reinvigorated and on a whole new level of self acceptance.

3. Surround yourself with people who have healthy relationships.

Begin to see and understand what love is really about, what a healthy relationship looks like and that it is possible to experience real, healthy, true love, but only once you’ve felt it for yourself.

4. 100% let go of what you want.

Ask yourself some important questions, like: “What do I want to do with my life? Are you happy?” Do whatever you like as long as it’s FUN. You don’t need a partner, because your life is already fulfilled. Do what you love to do, in a way you like to do it. Although you may not have the big vision about what you want in your life, you can’t see the entire staircase. Just take one step at a time in a direction that feels amazing. It’s flicking the switch and having gratitude for what you have; in order for more things to come… it’s when the need becomes a want, that’s when you’re in your power.

5. Be the change you want to see.

Within all areas of your life, money, love, health and your profession, work on raising your light and focus on what you want and set strong intentions. What you put out there, what you are will be exactly what you attract. Be the path, own the path, just get going and keep going! Don’t lose hope or focus because you are gaining traction at every step. As long as you know what you want, take action towards it and let go and it to happen. It’s already happening.

6. Money is important.

Love it, appreciate it, give thanks, nourish it, spend it with love and know that if you’re constantly raising your light, you will continue to attract, grow and expand your wealth beyond what you can ever imagine.

7. When “stuff” happens, focus on the moment.

Things happen and it’s how we perceive something that will determine how we respond. When we react, we do it without thinking, but when we respond, it’s a much more elegant way to dance with life. There is no right or wrong; it’s just our perception around it. What if it was just another “thing” that has to happen in order for us to evolve and grow? Write a list of 7 things that will help you through times when you’re feeling a dis-ease, anxiety or stress. Take three deep breaths, jump up and down ten times, go for a walk, play really loud music and dance, go outside and feel the wind on your face, smell a flower or meditate—whatever it is that brings you back into the moment. Don’t worry about what was or what’s going to happen; just breathe and know that all that matters in this moment is right now—this is exactly where you’re meant to be. Featured photo credit: Adjective of the Week: gleaming by Kevin Dinkel via Flickr via