So the question is in fact relevant to all of us. My guess is many of us do not get enough vitamin N in our lives. After all, it is easy for us to feel overwhelmed by the daily grind. Furthermore, it is easy for us to become distracted and lose sight of what’s really important in our lives. Luckily, this is where vitamin N can help potentially turn you into a very different person. And this is proved by numerous researches!

It improves our brain functions

Most people are forced to deal with the pollution and smog of cities on a daily basis. This takes its toll on the brain over an extended period of time. When we are able to get away from these large populated areas, we are able to take in clean, fresh air. In fact, the air is more ionized and contains a cleaner chemical make up. This is better for us in the long run. This clean air fills your lungs and insures that your brain remains oxygen-rich. Recent studies show that going out in to nature and simply breathing the air is good for your brain because it helps improve your memory, focus, and attention.

It brings our senses alive

It is often the case where our daily lives essentially desensitize us from our surroundings. This is especially the case in the larger, more populated cities. Over time, we can feel like our senses are not as sharp. This is where vitamin N can help. Human beings’ natural habitat is nature; it is in nature where our ancestors made their homes. Although we have experienced significant technological advancement, we remain the same from a basic physical standpoint. Try it out for yourself. Go in to nature and take in your surroundings. You will notice that you will have a heightened sense of sight and smell.

It can reduce depression and improve psychological well-being

Depression is often the result of stress, namely the stress associated with the daily grind of everyday living. Do you think subjecting yourself to a stressful routine, such as living in New York City and taking the subway to work everyday, can magnify depression? Of course it can. But once again this is where vitamin N saves the day. Researchers have gone so far as to conclude that joggers who exercise in a natural green setting are far less anxious and depressed than joggers who exercise in an urban setting.

It gives us confidence and a sense of the bigger picture

Returning to a state of nature enables us to hit the rewind button. No matter what we are going through in our lives, it usually takes a backseat to the beauty of nature. Have you ever lost your train of thought because you were so captivated by the beautiful scenery you were witnessing? If so, then this is what you have experienced. Nothing else seems to matter because for a brief moment in time, all of your problems and worries are forgotten. You feel enlightened. You feel inspired. You feel like you can overcome any challenge life gives you. In fact, one study goes so far as to prove that mental patients’ self-esteem improved dramatically when they exercised in a green environment versus a normal environment.

It heals us and turn us into better people

The mind is a powerful tool. What we think often comes in to being. More specifically, our mindset often plays a huge role in our physical existence. When we feel good mentally, our body feels great. When were are in a mental funk, this often translates to injury or even illness. Vitamin N helps us get right mentally. Try it out for yourself. The next time your body is aching or you are sick, go out and experience nature for a day. You will relax. You will feel at peace. The weight of the world will be lifted off your shoulders. Most importantly, you will give your body a chance to heal. Featured photo credit: Nature/Miguel Angel Soutullo via