Paper based organizer won the popularity battle in 2005. Online organizer is still waiting for its moment when everyone has Internet access on the run. Electronic based organizer has its own place – the release of GTDTiddlyWiki created a hit around the Internet. People were amazed on how portable it is and how easy to update data because it is Wiki based. Then, we created some trends on the sleeping cycle. Bloggers have started to look into it, including our friend Steve Pavlina has tried and it works for him. How to manage yourself and work with others? Management was a big topic in 2005 and it will continue its place among Life Hacks topics. No matter if you are working for others or a manager – You will be effective when you know how to communicate, motivate yourself and others, handle tasks and self-manage yourself. We also covered different topics that were trends around the Net – introducing some quick hacks and tips on audio book, cooking, writing, and software. When I was compiling the best posts of 2005 in, I was amazed we have already passed 700 posts mark. I am thrilled to see how far has gone so far. During 2005, my priority has been changed personally and profressionally and I am so happy is still running and supported by many people everyday. To select the best posts, It would be a difficult task if you ask me to select the best among those posts by hand. For now, I have selected the top 23 of the most popular posts, based on visits, trackback and comments. Here you go, the most popular posts of 2005: This is probably the last post of the year if there aren’t any breaking news. Thank you everyone for their support in 2005! I wish all readers 2006 will be the best and most productive year. My new year resolution is to continue my journey of improving myself, and keep running as long as I can. Remember the 12 self-management checklist we have introduced this week? To help you achieving your new year resolution, I encourage you to make a public commitment here by dropping down into the comment below, if you feel comfortable on doing so. will see you next year!