Most of us wake up to a raging alarm and daily news reports that outlines everything and anything that could have possibly gone wrong with the world. Then we tune into the rush hour traffic report followed by the weather report (if you live in a winter wonderland like me) to determine if we have a few extra minutes to spare or if we are already running late. There is absolutely no benefit in a stressful beginning and one needs to find a creative way out of the everyday anxieties of life. Here are some tips that can help ease your mornings.

Can You Avoid It All?

As prevention is the best cure, is there anything you can do to avoid rush hour in the first place? Ask your employer for flexible work hours or maybe arrange for a school bus for the kids and avoid the detour? Though your initial reaction might be that of disbelief that this is even a possibility, you’ll be surprised to see how many companies are actually open to the idea of a flexible working schedule. Being a part of the new generation, employers have also evolved with time and are more concerned with productivity and effective time management than a restrictive work schedule. The one solution fits all days are gone as skills of yesterday can become hindrances of tomorrow if they don’t adapt with time. Working from home once or twice a week is also becoming increasingly popular in the North American work culture. This gives employees some quiet working time free of office distractions as well as avoiding the regular commute while the employer is also at ease as productivity can easily be judged when you report back to the office the following day. Learn about your companies policies and talk to your HR manager to evaluate the outlook of your company. Talk to your boss to get his opinion and you just might be able to create a personalized solution for yourself.

Can’t Avoid It All?

Carpooling to me is the next best alternative if you can’t possibly avoid rush hour as it minimizes your exposure to it and maybe even gives you access to the priority driving lanes. Not only will this give you a break from the anxiety that exists between the accelerating and braking moments, it also gives you the opportunity to read a book or maybe even take an extra nap yet not lose the comfort of a private drive. If all other ways fail, giving yourself some extra time and having breakfast can make all the difference. Lets be honest, hunger only gets the unpleasant side of us out and an unfulfilled tummy combined with running late is simply a recipe for disaster. Be kind to yourself, find time for breakfast and give yourself an extra few minutes so that the heart rate does not rise with every red light that comes by your way. Why not try listening to something soothing and relaxing as you embark on your morning drive? Though hard rock and hip-hop sound cool to the ears in our teens, starting our mornings with heavy music can make the brain instantaneously tired and clumsy. Try listening to something soft and soothing instead. Maybe some meditation music or an audio disk of a book you’ve wanted to read or a new language you admire? If nothing interests you this early in the morning, let there be silence. This may be the only time of the day where you can actually have some quiet time. Featured photo credit:  a street of shanghai on the night via Shutterstock