When asked why they chose to share the sheets with their companions, many report a feeling comfort that helps them drift off to sleep without quite realizing why. Remarkably, recent studies have documented a number of relaxing effects that pets can have on us, thus helping us get a better night’s sleep!

How Can Sleeping With Pets Help Us Sleep?

Ironically, it was initially believed pets were more likely a source of disturbance of sleep. However, 41% of participants of a sleep study reported that snuggling with their pets actually significantly helped them get to sleep. Of those who were sleeping with their pets, their comfort could be further explained as a sense of security and companionship. Interestingly, single sleepers were more willing to share the sheets with their pets. Researchers concluded that although some were quite unaware, these increased feelings of contentment and security contributed to their state of mental and physical relaxation. As a result, they were able to slip off to sleep more soundly with their pets by their side.

Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep With Your Companions

Now it must be said that sleeping with pets is not for everyone, especially if you have allergies! However, these tips will help ensure you have both have a harmonious night’s rest:

Certain pathogens and diseases can be transmitted from animals to humans. Sleeping with pets can still be hygienic, so long they are regularly bathed, checked for fleas/ticks, vaccinated and checked up.

If you’re a light sleeper it may be wise to set up their sleeping area separately. After all, cats are nocturnal by nature and dogs are prone to snoring and cat chasing dreams!

If you have young pups and kittens, house training may be an ongoing endeavour. In the meantime, you’ll need to take precautions such as crates or waterproof sheets.

For those with partners, watch out for jealous or guarding behavior from dogs. This needs to be nipped in the bud quickly through training.

If you have playful dogs and cats banning toys (especially squeaky ones) will help you both wind down peacefully.

Prevent pushy behavior from dogs by showing them who’s boss. Remember to show your dog who’s boss, make them wait and call them to the bed.

Intimate moments can still be successfully navigated, either by temporarily shutting pets out, giving them a distracting treat or simply letting them be.

If your dog will eventually grow large, consider that it’s difficult to transition them out of the bed later. Using a sleeping crate from the beginning can make it much easier. Sharing Your Bed With Your Lovely Pet Can Bring Better Sleep  Study Finds - 69Sharing Your Bed With Your Lovely Pet Can Bring Better Sleep  Study Finds - 21