There are work arounds, and the good folks at Evernote are trying to make it more agile in dealing with these items, but let’s be honest, Evernote is no substitute for Trello, or Assana, or ToDoist, or Remember the Milk or even Google Tasks. Fortunately TaskClone has an answer: Take all your notes in Evernote, include tasks to-do’s or even appointments and TaskClone will export all those items to any of over 4 To Do list and Task Managers, or even to Google Calendar. Take a look! Get control of your inbox courtesy of Me (Steve Dotto) and the good folks here at Lifehack. For a limited time you can take my 3 Steps to Inbox Zero course for FREE ($99 value) Click here for more info. For a limited time, 3 Steps to Inbox Zero is FREE!!!