Today, the average web surfer can search for a number of differently phrased words or keywords related to a specific topic and still come up with a plethora of great information from a myriad of sources. However, the world wide web wasn’t always so easy to navigate; there was once a time when one had to know the exact wording of a website’s title to find what they were looking for they. A search for “social media” didn’t prompt the search engines to provide the user with related topics and keywords, and adding a URL to an engine’s index sometimes took months to complete. But, many thanks to evolving technology and the search engines’ star Google who made this process much better and easier, where you even don’t bother to type your quires, now with the help of Aladdin’s Magic Lamp you just need to command the genie with your voice and he will bring instant results that will be quite accurate according to your desire. So here are 60+ voice commands for Googlers to use the search engine giant more efficiently, go ahead, say the magic words or tap the hell out of that microphone button and try them out yourself!

General Voice Commands

“Say [where is the ATM kiosk] in [Australia]?” “Who invented [the pajama]?” “What is the meaning of [Irfan]?” “Stock price of [Twitter]” “Post to Google+ [I’ll not post anything today, except cool selfies]”

Notes and Reminders Commands

“Set alarm for [11 PM]” “Remind me to [pay bill] at [8 AM]”

Time and Date Voice Commands

“What time is it in [Karachi]?” “When is the sunset [in New York City]” ”What is the time zone of [Brazil]”

Communication commands

“Call [Bill]” “Send [email] to Anna, [Subject: Transaction], [Message: Thanks, I’ve got the money]” “Send [SMS] to Mike mobile, [Don’t forget to buy cookies]”

Weather commands

Say “[Weather]” “Is it going to rain [Saturday]” “What’s the weather in [Florida]?”

Maps & Navigation

“Show me the nearby [Bar] on map” “Navigate to [Changai] on car” “How far is [Chao Phraya River] from [Wat Arun]?”

Conversions and Calculations Commands

“What is the tip for [200] dollars?” “Convert [currency / weight / length …] to [currency / weight / length …]” “How much is [28] times [96]?” “What is [15] percent of [9680]?”

Sports Commands

“How are [Grays Athletic] doing?” “When is the next [Los Angeles Lakers] game?” “Did [Bayern Munich] win their last game?”

Flight Information

“Flight [Jet Airways]?” “When will [AA 125] land / depart?”

Web Browsing Commands

“Go to [Mashable]?” “Open [Social Media Examiner]” “Show me [TechCrunch]”

Entertainment Commands

“Listen to / play [I’m with you] by [Avril Lavigne]?” “YouTube [The most amazing videos]?” “Who acted in [The avengers]?” “When was [Iron Man 3] released?”

Easter Eggs

“Okay Jarvis, …” (Instead of “Okay Google, …”) “What’s the loneliest number?” Infographic by trendblog. How To Search Google With Voice Commands | Digital Information World

The Best Google Voice Command Hacks - 58