Under the pretext of chasing our dreams, we destroy ourselves by neglecting our mental and physical needs and striving for happiness as a reward for our hard work. But instead of a gorgeous life, we have to deal with depression, stress-disorders and the mountain pressure of deadlines. Not only does such an attitude take an immense toll on our health but also affects our relationships with friends and family, as we fail to make time for those who truly matter. We fail to realise that by focusing too much on the future, we completely miss the beautiful present moment which is all we’ll ever have.

Stop Planning, Start Doing

Most of us have a blueprint of the perfect life we want to lead and live life like a zombie trying to complete all the tasks on our to-do lists and belittling ourselves when we fail to reach the impossible standards we’ve set for ourselves. While making a plan of where we want to go is definitely a good idea, it is okay to steer off course a bit sometimes and simply follow the whims of our hearts. In fact, instead of planning every moment, it is more beneficial to simply throw yourself into things and go with the flow. Instead of wasting time sketching out the future and procrastinating, it is better to start doing things even if you don’t have the end in mind. It is a lot like writing a novel. Instead of trying to work out the ending  and fates of every character from the beginning itself, it is okay to start with a rough sketch and then experiment and let intuition guide you.

How To Focus On Today And Do Your Best

If you want to be successful, then you must appreciate the importance of living in the present. Always remember, the best preparation for tomorrow, is doing your best today. Here are some tips to motivate you to make the most of the present.

  1. Be Grateful For The Little Things: Start a gratitude journal or take time out to appreciate the things going well in your life, or the things you take for granted. Find the good in every situation and look for miracles in the mundane.
  2. Train Yourself To Do One Thing At A Time: Don’t work on too many projects no matter how big your ambitions are. Finish one task at a time. Take it one day at a time, and soon you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve managed to accomplish.
  3. Ask Yourself Questions To Be In The Present: Remind yourself of where you are by asking yourself, ‘Is this what I should be doing right now?, ‘Am I feeling happy doing this thing?’, ‘What is the one thing I can do to make today count?’ Become self-aware and listen to your feelings.
  4. Schedule Some ‘Me Time’ And Make The Most Of It: Make some time out of your busy schedule to indulge in a creative hobby, enjoy the beauty of nature or simply some pop culture entertainment. Not only ll it help you relax, it will also aid you in focusing better at your tasks. In other words, instead of waiting to get started, START NOW.