1. Throw a Game Tournament

Dig out your old board games and play a few rounds of Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit with your friends. You can make snacks and drinks and play all of your favorite board games together. Split into groups and compete against each other as teams for a night of competitive fun! If you don’t really like board games, throw a video game tournament. Either way the night will probably get heated and competitive.

2. Host an Iron Chef Night

Invite your friends or family over for an Iron Chef cook-off. Ask your friend to only bring ingredients from their fridge, and you can both try to make a meal out of items that you already had! Note: While this is a hilariously fun way to spend a weekend night with your friends, there is no guarantee that either of the meals will be edible.

3. Throw a Swap Party

Throw a swap party and invite as many of your friends as you can. Ask them to bring boxes of old DVDS, CDs, clothes and board games to swap. This is a great way to spend time with your friends – and you will even get a few free second-hand items! It is also a useful way to de-clutter your home and wardrobe. Be sure to donate all of the leftover items to charity and help those in need. This is a win-win situation.

4. Arrange a City Scavenger Hunt

Who says scavenger hunts are just for children? You can arrange your own city-wide scavenger hunt with your friends, where you search for different things in your city. You could theme your scavenger hunt around visiting historical places in your city or places that you and your friends have shared memories. Split into two teams and start searching for the perfect scavenger hunt spots!

5. Have a Spa Day

You can easily throw your own relaxing spa day at home without spending any money. Invite your friends around and light some candles, put on a relaxing CD, and start to pamper yourself! You can lounge in the hot tub, paint each other’s nails and give each other facials. Instead of spending money on pre-packaged face masks, make your own at home with items you already have in your cupboards. Check out face masks that you can make at home here.

6. Have an Indoor Picnic

If the weather is cold but you want to see your friends, throw an indoor picnic. Simply clear a space on your living room floor and put down a few blankets and bring through a picnic basket. You can ask your guests to bring around food and drinks too – and you can sit and eat for as long as you want without worrying about the weather changing!

7. Start a Club

Explore one of your passions by starting a club at home, and advertising the club on social media and through word of mouth. You can start any kind of club, from a book club to a film club! Meeting on the weekend tends to be convenient for a lot of people since most people don’ t have work or school obligations.

8. Throw a Costume Party

Everyone loves a party – and they can be free. Instead of serving alcohol, serve drinks that you already have in the house and ask guest to bring nibbles. The party doesn’t have to be themed; just ask guests to turn up in their favorite costumes! You can play board games, chat and watch movies. Featured photo credit: Santiago Nicolau via flickr.com