Now ask yourself:

On that day, what did you do differently? What did you eat? What strategies did you use to avoid distractions, eliminate procrastination, and stay focused all day long? What one thing did you accomplish that made you feel your best? That made you feel alive?

The truth is, most of us don’t pay nearly enough attention to our daily routine. That’s why doing a weekly, monthly or yearly review of your routine is beneficial. As federal employees, sometimes, you can’t find the time to reflect. But next week, you can. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, signed an executive order for a half-day closing of executive departments and agencies of the federal government. You can check it out here: So, instead of spending that extra four hours on doing something that won’t move the needle for you in your career, why not use that time to feed your soul, F.O.C.U.S.(Follow one course until complete) and make 2016 your best year yet. Use these four hours to focus and reflect on what you did right this year and how you can build on that momentum and do even more next year. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Focus on your priorities.  Do first things first. Map out your day the night before. If you don’t have a clear goal for your day, you will pilfer your time and not accomplish what you set out to do. Motivational speaker  Zig Ziglar said “Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have 24 hours in a day.” Focus on the benefits of sticking to your set course.
  2. Focus on the end results.  If the one goal you set will take the entire year to accomplish, don’t get tired half way and give up. Keep reminding yourself why achieving this goal will make your life better. “Whatever your goal for this year, you can get there — if you’re willing to do the work,” Oprah said in her magazine.
  3. Focus on the present.  Zig Ziglar said “Yesterday ended last night. Today is a brand new day and it’s yours.” Even if you get off track from pursuing your goal, remember that tomorrow is another day. Don’t get stuck on the trivial or mundane — or yesterday. Jump back on the horse and give things your best shot the next day. Focus on the positive things that you can do in the future, not on what you failed to do yesterday. You can learn from failures but must move beyond them.
  4. Focus on your strengths.  Everyone has some things he or she is good at as well as things he or she is not so good at. Make sure the goal you set is something you can realistically accomplish and preferably something you are good at or can become proficient in over time. Mozart, Beethoven and other musical geniuses developed their skills through practice and sheer dedication to their craft. You could take this time to focus on your strengths and better channel them into experiences in 2016. Taking these four hours can actually transform your year if you use your time to better set up your future. It is possible to transform your life for 2016. If you want to achieve similar results, you must have laser-like focus. Time is valuable, you can never get it back. So use your four extra hours on Christmas Eve to jump start your 2016. Let’s prove to Barack Obama, the President of the United States that he was right in granting us this half-day off.