Fast forward some years later and I am looking for a way to stimulate my hair growth after having a haircut from a stylist with bad karma: since she cut my hair, 6 months ago, my tresses are the exact same length! Anyway, forget the bad karma lady, let’s focus on hair growth. I conducted an extensive research on hair growing boosters and “miracle-cures” over the internet and found interesting solutions or, at least, ideas. I am now able to present you the most unexpected hair growth solutions that exist online.

1. The Peanut Butter Trick

One of the ways to enhance your natural hair regrowth is using peanut butter as conditioner. This is not a crazy idea, as peanut butter contains vitamin E, which stimulates the hair follicle health and makes them stronger. You can make a mask or conditioner out of melted peanut butter and massage it into your scalp, or you can turn to hair regrowth smoothies, which are normal smoothies plus a healthy dose of peanut butter.

2. Massage Your Scalp For Hair Growth

A simple scalp massage can accelerate the hair growth, especially if you know how to do it. Massage is a great way to stimulate muscles and one muscle is linked to hair growth: the occipitalis. To massage your scalp the right way, place your fingers between the hairline and the eyebrows, then start massaging to the back of the head. Your ears should move as you do the massage. This technique is promoted by many sites dedicated to men’s baldness. If we look at the science behind it, the massage stimulates the blood circulation, which, in turn stimulates the cell growth and hair follicles, so it should be legit, and even if the massage won’t turn you into a Rapunzel, you will feel amazing!

3. The Upside Down Trick

One of the most “interesting” tips in this list, the upside down is actually backed up by science when it comes to natural hair regrowth. The trick is to flip your hair upside down and brush it, keeping the position for four minutes. This method may seem crazy, but it’s actually legit: standing with your head upside down, your blood will rush to the head, including the scalp. With more blood comes more oxygen and nutrients, which stimulate the hair follicles, boosting hair growth. Match this tip with a scalp massage for better results.

4. The Cream Treatment For Hair Growth

This tip might not be attractive, but those who tried it swear by it. Looking on Makeup Alley, Monistat cream – yes, the yeast infection cream for “down there”! – has an amazing rating for hair growth. The reality is rubbing the cream on the scalp balances the natural flora and restores the normal hair growth pace.

5. The Smelly Remedy

There were times when people wanted to see blood, sweat, and tears to believe in the effectiveness of a remedy and the next tip for hair regrowth seems to fit the bill to the letter. Here is the onion juice for hair growth. You take four white onions, chop them, and boil them in a litre of water for couple of minutes. Strain the liquid and let it cool, then use it to rinse your hair after shampooing. Onions contain sulfur, which enhances the blood circulation and stimulates the production of collagen, thus promoting hair growth. Because onions have anti-bacterial and anti-fungi properties, they act like the yeast cream and balance the scalp flora. These remedies are not appealing at all, but out there, in the online medium, there are many real women who attest their effectiveness in hair growth.