Money can stop us from doing what we love because we feel we don’t have the financial freedom to do it. It can also be the reason why we are working at jobs we don’t enjoy, to be making a pile of money as if it could solve all our problems. Our society puts so much emphasis on economic capital that we can feel, if we don’t make much of an income, that we are left behind. But it doesn’t have to be this way when we know the rules of the game. Do you know other types of capital can be a lifehack to a dream life? Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, explored that social capital, for example a social group you adhere to, and cultural capital, like the education or intellect you have, can be traded for economic capital. Having them can lead you to have the same advantages as having money and help you to make your dreams a reality. The capital types are transposable. That’s the reason why Paris Hilton is able to use her standing, acquired with money capital, for social and cultural capital, to be famous and an actress; or why doctors can use their cultural capital to get a high bracket of income. How do you acquire enough capital to reach dreams that you feel aren’t attainable without it? Below are some ways to use shortcuts in the game and make your way to your dreams.

How to Reach Your Dreams

Get capital to do what you love with:

Education. One of the best known ways to get cultural capital is to get a college degree. But to differentiate yourself, you could aim for a Ph.D., because it brings prestige and recognition in our society. Experiences. What can separate you from other candidates for a dream job is how efficient you are in this position. Having worked for many similar positions, even if you were on a voluntary basis or you started a company that didn’t work out, can make you stand out. Get more opportunities to work in your niche. Acquaintances. Sure enough, people you know can help you advance. But another way is to get together with similar people and jumpstart your career together. If you want to be a freelancer, you could start a freelance company with colleagues, and gain importance together. Norm fitting. Fitting with the stereotypes of your dream life is getting you more chances to realize it. It’s playing the rules of the game. As much as I dislike some of those rules, it’s true; it can be to dress as you’re supposed to, for example, women who wear make up have more chances of a higher pay check. Also observe how those who succeed in your domain act, and adopt the same habits. Opting out. This is my favorite one: start your own game. One of the ways to do your own thing is to hang out with similar people, who are conscious about the main game and decided it’s not for them, and start your own. Even if you’re still a sub-part of the main game, at least for now, you can play by your own rules and live your own small utopia. You could for example start an ecovillage, live minimally, or explore living without money.

Whatever the game you decide to play, find out what your dreams really are (are they yours or society induced?), remember who you are, play fair, and share this lifehack, to do what you love and for more happiness in our society. (Photo credit: Baby Reaching for Bubble via Shutterstock)

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