Self -discipline and its guarantee for freedom
The long term benefits of self-discipline are perhaps, unknown by most and this is why many do not commit to the moment and endure, so that they can turn out stronger and wiser. Instead, they look for shortcuts, which only leads them in short circles of bliss, only to entangle them much later. When this happens, they start to cry out for freedom and when freedom remains evasive, they tend to propagate that freedom is unattainable in our present societal settings. For readers who desire freedom, this article explains that self-discipline remains the only price to be paid for the prize of freedom in the future. It is the secret weapon to improvement and the best way to likewise appreciate your true self-image.
The importance of trust in the attainment of freedom
Agreeably, an ideal self-image is a very vital part of being true to one’s self and the attainment of freedom, which in this sense is not the physical freedom but that of the mind. Therefore, the onus lies on the individual to trust only themselves and to hold every other person on the same scale, while giving room for various inadequacies prone to man. Self-acceptance cannot be achieved without a true, positive self-image, likewise freedom can never be achieved without a true self-image and self-acceptance as pillars to rely on. Conclusively, it boils down to the choices we make and for what purposes and end in mind we make them. Often, we subject ourselves to illusions and we think it is humility when we do not outshine others in our comfort zones. As a result, we choose tasks that we know pose some difficulty to us, so that we can appear fallible as others and in the process, we try to build our confidence in tasks that will never be profitable to us. The best bet to true freedom, is in making choices that enhance our abilities to the best possible height. To read the full article, click here.