Moving home can be a hectic and stressful time, so it’s important that you are completely prepared and have the best plan in place beforehand!
- Make A Calendar Being as prepared as possible will make the transition a lot easier. Make sure you have all the equipment you need such as usable boxes and some extra cash at hand for surprise expenses.
- Measure The Space There’s nothing worse than moving all your stuff to a new place where they won’t fit!
- Clean Up First Make sure your new place is clean before you start to move your things in.
- Order Utilities And Furniture In Advance You don’t want to get into your new place and find you’re having to wait a fortnight for your bed to turn up.
- Change The Locks For extra security.
- Pack The Essentials Box. This box will contain all the things you’ll need on the first night, so you don’t have to root around in boxes looking for a bowl.
- Decide How You’re Actually Going To Move Your Stuff. You can move your stuff by yourself by asking family and friends to help you, or if you’re on your own a dolly cart. You could also hire a rental tuck with a driver that simply moves all your stuff from point A to point B, or you can acquire full service movers. It’s all about what’s most affordable really. The Ultimate Guide to Your First Big Move | Self Storage Finders