Remember that summer you made vodka watermelon inside the melon? Well this is even better. This is Jello shots inside the melon. Ingredients:
Red Jello unflavoured gelatin vodka a watermelon
You cut the melon in half and scoop out all of the flesh. Then you make the Jello mixed with vodka and gelatin and pour it into the two empty watermelon halves, making sure to keep them steady. Once the jello is set you cut it into slices. Voilà! Link: Here’s How To Make XXL Watermelon Jell-O Shots by Macey Foronda
Strawberry Marguerita Jello Shots
25 strawberries a box of strawberry jello 235ml tequila 175mls Cointreau salt for garnish
These little beauties are made inside the strawberry! (So yes, you can eat the whole thing.) Cut the bottom of the strawberries flat so they’ll stand, then hollow them out, careful not to leave a hole at the bottom! Mix the jello and alcohol, pour into the strawberries and set over night. Wet the rim and dip in salt to garnish. Link: STRAWBERRY MARGARITA JELL-O SHOOTERS by Macey J. Foronda
Lemon Meringue Jello Shots
lemons (6) water (1 cup) whipped-cream flavoured vodka (1 cup) one and a half cups of Jello (maybe two)
Prepare the Jello as you normally would, just replace the water with vodka. Halve the lemons and fill with the Jello mix, leaving in the fridge overnight and then slice into wedges when they’re set. Link: Jello-Shot of the week by Jaymee Sire
Red Bull vodka Jello shots
vodka Red Bull gelatin cherries with stems
All you need to do is heat and mix the Red Bull, gelatin and vodka and half fill the ice tray with this mix. When it’s set, place a cherry in each mould (stem up) and top up the Jello mix. Set overnight and then pop the out and enjoy. Link: Red Bull Vodka Jello Shots by Michelle
Pink Lemonade Jello Shots
12 lemons a cup of vodka, 2 packs of gelatin 1 glorious cup of pink lemonade
Pink pink pink lemonade. And Jello. These sweet little beauties are ready to consume in no time at all. Heat and combine the gelatin and lemonade and then stir in the vodka. Pour into the lemons and refrigerate for around 4 hours. Slice into pretty wedges when they’re set. Too easy. Link: Pink Lemonade Jello Shots by Michelle Featured photo credit: Flickr via