1. Making Empty Promises

Only say things you know are true, and people will trust and respect you. A big part of success is being honest and reliable.

2. Blaming Others

Your life is in your hands – accept responsibility  for your mistakes, and you will be forced to work on improving them.

3. Looking for Others’ Approval

Unless you work for them, you don’t need their approval. Do what makes you happy and don’t worry too much about other opinions.

4. Aiming Small

You have one life – aim bigger! If you try to achieve more, it is very likely you will succeed and have a successful life.

5. Living in The Past

As the saying goes: “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” Take advantage of the present, and make your time count.

6. Trying to Be Perfect

No one is perfect. Trying to be is a waste of time. Instead, learn to love your flaws and focus on overall self-improvement.

7. Trying to Do Everything Alone

For some tasks in life, you need more than one person. Don’t sell yourself short by refusing to accept help from others.

8. Waiting for Luck

Don’t wait for luck to come around – it may never arrive. Start making your own luck today.

9. Waiting in General

Try not to rely on other people or life when it comes to your own success. Take matters into your own hands whenever necessary.

10. Forgetting About Small Achievements

Small goals are important too – pat yourself on the back every time you do something you’re proud of.

11. Being Scared of Making Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, including you. Acceptance of that fact, and forgiving yourself, are vital pieces to achieving success. But make sure you learn from your mistakes.

12. Being Scared of Change

Don’t fear the unknown – you can’t improve without change.

13. Not Realizing Your Potential

You are smart and motivated – embrace these traits and see what you can achieve.

14. Giving Up

Life will have ups and downs – don’t let the bad parts stop you working towards the good parts.

15. Holding Onto Grudges

If someone hurt you in the past, they can no longer change that. Let your anger go – it’s not helping anyone, including yourself.

16. Not Having a Positive Attitude

With a negative attitude, you will see the worst parts of the world. Keep a positive attitude, and you will see all of the opportunities the world has to offer.

17. Trash Talking

If you don’t like someone, don’t talk about them and avoid associating with them. Gossiping about others is more likely to reflect badly on you than them.

18. Not Focusing on Being Happy

Happiness doesn’t just happen; it takes work, so try to do at least one thing every day that puts a smile on your face.

19. Not Having a Career Plan

Your work takes up 40 hours (or more) of your week. Make sure you find something you enjoy and feel proud of.

20. Not Having a Life Plan

Fail to plan and life will pass you by. So, make sure you think of the future as well as enjoying the present.

21. Missing Out on Opportunities to Learn

Education doesn’t finish with school – the whole world is full of life lessons that will help you to gain success and happiness.

22. Spending Time with Negative People

Your friends should lift you up and motivate you to achieve more – if they don’t, you don’t need them in your life.

23. Not Being Happy for Others

If someone else gains success, they don’t take your success away. Remember this and be happy for anyone you know who is enjoying a successful life.

24. Not Listening

If you only talk and don’t listen, you can miss many great opportunities for success. Don’t let this happen to you – keep your ears open!

25. Not Allowing Yourself to Relax

The most successful people make sure they take breaks to relax and unwind. Without a chance to relax, you will struggle to work effectively. So, remember to put your feet up when you can.

26. Settling

You can always achieve more and gain greater success – don’t settle if you’re not 100% happy with your lot.