We have gone through a period of searching and filtering through employment options, then when we get that job we so desire we start becoming apprehensive that we are not good enough to perform successfully in the role. We may feel our experiences and academic qualification don’t line up with  the requirements of the job. But this should not deter you. Rather than feeling guilty for being the one picked for the job, look inwards and realize that you really do have powerful things to offer your new workplace:

1. You are passionate

If you are someone who is excited about every new project- even when you are not the perfect fit to execute it- you still bring a lot of energy to seeing that the job is completed successfully. What fuels you is not simply the nature of your job, but you are passionate about being challenged in a new work environment. Your passion and work ethic will become characteristic and could energize your workplace. Never underestimate your passion as it is something every employer likes to see.

2. You have integrity

Employers love credibility. Your reputation, if solid, can help you soar above controversies and earn excellent recognition. You may not be the most talented person in the workplace but when what you do is consistent with the highest ethical standards you are sure to make an impression on your employer and on fellow employees.

3. You are bold

You are willing to try new things. Your boldness means you are willing to accept new challenges and to take risks even when there is a high degree of uncertainty and a strong possibility of failure. You can speak up and say what you think and feel will work- even in a difficult situation. Employers tend to admire men and women who can speak their minds.

4. You are competent

You can be entrusted with work and you are determined not to disappoint your boss. You are dependable and can prioritize tasks. You are able to separate the relevant from the irrelevant and then focus on what needs to be done. Such reliability makes you attract responsibility, and is something you should be proud of.

5. You are likable

People with warm personalities are always more popular and effective in the workplace. They can collaborate and connect with others, making team projects a success. Employers love it when an employee can be easygoing, cooperative, and friendly. Such an attitude shows that they are willing to be part of a team and part of the work family. Being likable creates a positive atmosphere and a sense of ease in the workplace, breeding joy and work satisfaction.

6. You have the willpower to make things work

Definitely there will be challenges in the workplace and things could get bumpy. However, you have the inner strength and willpower to continue in the face of hardship and persevere against the odds that you are up against. Your willpower will help you maintain your cool when there is an inevitable crisis during the day-day-day operations of the company. Featured photo credit: http://www.compfight.com via compfight.com