As per the National Autistic Society, there is no known “cure” for autism, but their understanding has grown tremendously, making more interventions available to help those that are diagnosed with autism. Benjamin is a 10 year old little boy with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a form of autism. He was asked to write a poem at school for National Poetry Month, “I Am”. The first two words in each line of the assignment were provided, and it was up to Benjamin to fill in the blanks. As Benjamin pours his heart out through the words of his poem, the bittersweet truth hits home to many. What started as a simple school assignment has since gone viral after Benjamin’s mother shared her son’s poem on the National Autism Association Facebook page.
Understanding autism is even more difficult for children, so we as parents should discuss it with them, and encourage our children to be kind to one another, no matter what our differences are. No child, with or without special needs, should be laughed at by their peers, made to feel “out of place” or inferior. Benjamin, if you are out there somewhere reading this right now, know that you are loved!