Within our body are energy centers known as the chakras: seven in total. When our chakras run optimally, they contribute to the person we are in positive ways. Our chakras are connected to our feelings and how we think, determining a lot of the decisions and actions we take. With that in mind, they are a source for how our lives will run for the good or bad. When the chakras are closed, they become over or under-active and you may not be living to your potential. Well balanced, opened chakras have many benefits to your daily life such as confidence, fearlessness, peace of mind and the ability to make good decisions.

Root Chakra

The first chakra sits near the tailbone and is your grounding chakra. It’s what allows you to feel at home in your own body or any given situation. When the Root Chakra is open, you feel safe and secure in your life. You feel welcome in situations and trust those that are worth trusting. You are able to make decision easily at work and have the energy and confidence to make your mark on the world.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra and is based near the pelvis. It is where your feelings and sexuality energy is and when opened, you can let your emotions flow. Your passion for everything is unleashed and your sexuality is at a healthy balance.

The third chakra, the Naval Chakra is what serves you with your assertion. You are sure of yourself and assertive in a good way, a benefit in your daily work life. You are in control with a healthy self esteem which assists you in public speaking or management.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is of course close to your heart. This chakra enhances love, kindness and affection within you. When your heart chakra is open, you can expect harmony in your relationships. This harmony is due to your emotional love and availability which inspires everyone around you.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and sits near your throat. It is what allows you to outwardly express yourself and communicate. If your throat chakra is closed off, you may have trouble communicating. In close relationships and at work, this chakra is essential so you can speak about the things you want as well as  communicating your ideas.

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is your third eye which sits in between your physical set of eyes. It is your intuition and visualization and serves great purpose for those who are creative. Being intuitive can help make the right choices in life for reasons you don’t even realize, you’ll just know what is good for you and what is not. Therefore, this chakra is essential in decision making and trusting yourself when you follow your heart.

Crown Chakra

The seventh chakra sits upon the top of your head and connects you to the world and creates a wisdom within you. When it is open, you are aware of the world around you and how you fit in it. You don’t ask questions like what your roll in life is, you just naturally allow yourself to be a part of the big picture that is the universe. This is a healthy mind set, you are in tuned with your spirituality and feel a sense of contentment. We feed our body so we have energy to go through our daily lives and we should also feed our spirit. There are things you can do to open your chakras and have a healthier inner self. There are meditation and visualization practises you can perform to cleanse and open the chakras. Some yoga postures also help open the chakras. When they’re open, you may find your life opens up to new possibilities quickly. It’s time to explore the chakras and ways to open them!

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