Though their results are always seen by others what is not always so obvious is their thinking, the way they look at things and even more importantly the way they look at themselves. This inner part of them is actually the most important thing which makes them successful. So, how successful people look at themselves?

1. They think they must have fun at whatever they do

It is impossible to do something successfully while being bored by it. It just doesn’t work that way. Having fun at work takes out all the stress from even the most difficult tasks. One of the greatest ambassadors of fun at work and always enjoying at whatever he is doing is a business wizard, Richard Branson. He is an epitome of a mixer of success and pure enjoyment.

2. They think there is always something new they have to learn

Successful people never stop learning from the others and also from their failures. They know that in order to find new ways of doing things they have to be open for the new knowledge. So they think of themselves as constant learners.

3. They consider themselves as very disciplined

In order to reach their goals, successful people know they have to discipline their lives. They do things which others don’t like doing it and cancel things which distract their focus. Successful people don’t spend hours watching TV or spend hours drinking in a pub chatting about the weather and politics. They rather spend their time productively, like focusing on their present job or taking care of their body.

 4. They think they have to leave a mark in this life

Successful people have the inner urge to think not just how to improve their own life but also how to improve other’s people lives. They know that they are here because they have to make some improvements by doing new products which make other people’s life easier or by changing old patterns of thinking. A good example of such successful person is Nelson Mandela who despite being imprisoned for 27 years have stopped the apartheid in South Africa and improved the lives of millions of people.

5. They never think of themselves as failures (even if they fail)

Successful people never take a failure personally. If they are selling something they know that when people say to them “no” they just mean “not yet”. So they go ahead with no bad feelings. If they fail sometimes in their life or in business they take it just as a part of the process and they use a failure to learn something from. Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded.

 6. They see themselves as great fighters

Successful people know life is full of challenges so they don’t stop at the first obstacle which comes on their way. They don’t accept any circumstances for not succeeding. Their second nature is being great fighters for their ideals. One of the most prominent examples of a great fighter is Oprah Winfrey. She was born in poverty. She was sexually abused as a child by her relative so she would have enough reasons for pitying herself – if she wasn’t thinking she can fight her way against all the odds right to the top.

7. They think they are very passionate

Passion is the fuel of any successful man or woman. They are addicted to it. They put all their feelings in the thing they do. Their passion helps them cross all the obstacles on their way to success no matter how big the obstacle is. Their passion is always bigger than the barrier in front of them.

8. They think of themselves as risk takers (and never regret it)

Every successful person knows that sometimes you just have to cross the line when nobody else wishes to do so. They know that risk-taking is part of success and if they fail, they never regret it. They trust so much their risk-taking nature that they know there will be always more wins than failures in their life.

9. They see themselves as very spiritual people

Successful people are concessions that there is more in life than only their physical presence. They feel they need some guidance on their way to success and that the best guidance always comes from within. They take great care of their spiritual life by reading motivational books, attending self-development seminars, meditating and constantly practicing their gratitude.

10. They see themselves as resourceful

Successful people always look for the solutions. They don’t accept answers like “It can’t be done” or “It is too hard to do it.” Because successful people think of themselves as being resourceful they naturally look for new ways to do things. They know there is always a solution for just any problem. A good example of a very resourceful and successful person is Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, Tesla cars and SpaceX. While other big companies like Toyota were concerned just how to make good enough electrical cars he concentrated on finding the solutions how to make fast electrical cars.

11. They think of themselves as givers

Successful people know that the more you give more you receive so they are usually great philanthropists. Successful rapper 50′ Cent and well-known motivational speaker Anthony Robbins joined their forces with Feeding America to help providing meals for families across America in order to solve domestic hunger. So if you want to improve results you have in your life right now and become (even more) successful think of the way you see yourself and try to improve some thought patterns which might hold you back. All the best on your way to your success! Featured photo credit: John P. via