The average person spends 22 minutes a day on Facebook. And surely this social media site is willing to squeeze more time out of you. You really are not meant to like everything you see on your newsfeed and all Facebook’s fancy algorithms may not be what will inspire the most productive feed for you. Your Facebook newsfeed reveals how productive you are and how much you want to get value for your time. For many productive people I know, decluttering their newsfeed aids their productivity. Here is how your Facebook can tell you how productive you are.

1. You have fewer unknown friends.

We tend to put so much meaning to the word friend. We could think that many others users in our networks are friends, but how many do we really know? I have not met many of my “friends” on Facebook in person and when you either have to unfriend or unsubscribe a “friend,” we feel we might hurt someone’s feelings. Busying yourself with the activities or “noise” from unknown friends can affect your productivity negatively. The best thing is to appreciate quality over quantity and focus on the friends that are known and add value to your progressive goals. The rest you can either unsubscribe or unfriend or make adjustments to.

2. You have reduced many annoying applications.

There is nothing as irritating as being informed about someone’s farm or requests about you joining a farming group when actually this is not your interest. Such doesn’t add to your productivity so go to the upper right-hand corner of the app posting and block apps like Farmville and other annoying applications.

3. You are more selective about the posts you want to see.

Truthfully some of our friends on Facebook posts great content, but these contents could be deluged and clogged by poor contents from certain friends. If you have taken the time to engage in beneficial posts from perhaps from influential thought leaders, it means you are willing to be more productive and selective and have more of such incisive posts on your Newsfeed. You could also improve on your Facebook experience by seeing less of someone’s annoying posts by clicking the Friends box and select “Close Friends” or “Acquaintances.” The acquaintances list will rarely be shown while “close friends” will be shown more often.

4. You have fewer sponsored posts and ads.

Some sponsored posts and ads can be annoying and distracting. Yet there is no way to fully eliminate ads from you News Feed. However productive people who’re concerned about less distracting ads use Adblock plus to get rid of annoying ads, and focus on the nitty-gritty of being on Facebook. You could also reduce annoying ads by providing feedback on the ads you like and those you don’t like by clicking the arrow in the upper right-hand corner of annoying ads.

5. You are willing to be flexible with your Facebook account.

People who get stuck to the old ways and approach are really unproductive and not willing to improve on their feeds. Being productive means you are willing to take measures to get value for your time. Getting informed about changes Facebook is making to the Newsfeed shows you are willing to get more value for your time and improve on what you see on your Newsfeed. Featured photo credit: via