Drinking smoothies everyday can provide the average person an incredible amount of benefits. Too many people do not get the vitamins and minerals they need on a daily basis. But when you can drink your way to better health with a convenient smoothie, there is little stopping you from experiencing the benefits of proper nutrition. Here are six things that you will notice after you start drinking smoothies everyday:

1. Your Digestion Will Improve

After you have started to make a healthy smoothie part of your regular routine, you will see improved levels of digestion. Experiencing a better digestive system is one of the main reasons that people include a smoothie in their everyday menu. However, if you want to experience better movement in your abdomen, you will need to be consuming smoothies that are high in fiber. Smoothies that include plenty of greens, flax, nut butters and probiotics will be better for improving your digestion than a smoothie made only of fruit.

2. You’ll Develop A Strong Immune System

A healthy diet will help you fight disease and build a strong immune system. But you can supplement your healthy diet with daily smoothies. You can include immune system boosting ingredients into any smoothie. These ingredients will help you battle everything from the common cold to a suppressed immune system. To create a cold-fighting smoothie, make sure you add plenty of Vitamin C. You can get Vitamin C from fruit sources like oranges and berries. Some evidence suggests that probiotics also lends your body immune support in addition to aiding digestion. You can get probiotics from a good brand yogurt.

3. You Will Get Your Five A Day

Most people are so busy with everything that is going on in their lives that it feels impossible to cook a healthy dinner. If it is hard to cook dinner, it is even harder to take the time to count the micronutrients. If you are always on the go, a good smoothie is a great way to ensure that you are getting the nutrition you need. Getting these nutrients is only to your benefit if you live a busy life. The nutrients you consume allow you to function on the highest level possible. When you increase the amount of raw fruit and vegetables you consume, you will notice great benefits. Some of these benefits include better sleep, fewer sick days, more energy and a general feeling of well-being.

4. You’ll Feel Hydrated and Full

The combination of added water and water derived from raw food will help you feel both hydrated and full after you consume a smoothie. Hydration is one of the most important facets of human life. Yet, many people remain dehydrated because they struggle to remember to drink water. Smoothies are a great way to get plenty of water in your system. You even have the added benefit of combing your hydration with a plethora of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You might even consider adding coconut water into your smoothie. Coconut water provides extra hydration because it also contains electrolytes. These electrolytes help you rehydrate the same way that sports drinks do – but without the added sugar!

5. You’ll Be Able To Nix the Cravings

Many of the cravings that people experience are phantom cravings. When you feel like you want a big bar of chocolate, what your body is really missing is magnesium. If you want to get your hands on a soda, you may be low in calcium. Of course, many cravings are also due to an intense sugar addiction. Most people do not realize how much they rely on sugar until they try to cut their sugar intake. A smoothie a day will help you nix all of the cravings you experience throughout the day. When you get all of the nutrients that you need, your body will not go looking for them in other places. When you have an intense craving, you should be reaching for a healthy smoothie instead. You will often find that you feel more satisfied after a smoothie than you do giving in to an unhealthy craving. The things that you experience when you drink a smoothie every day will leave you feeling like the happiest and healthiest you. Once you experience what it feels like to be well rested, fully hydrated and full of all of the nutrients you need, you may find that smoothies become your new craving.