You can never be too careful these days. Robberies are on the rise and you need to protect yourself. At the moment, staying well protected requires the use of several gadgets such as pepper spray, a GPS locator and a smartphone for emergencies. Losing just one of those tools could decrease your chances of evading an attack.

  With the help of the Defender, you can ward off criminals and get help at the same time. When you’re being attacked, every second counts. The gadget can simultaneously take a photo, release pepper spray and call local authorities with the push of a button. It can also send your close relatives and friends your location in order to receive extra help.

  Such features can lower the motivation of kidnappers and abduction cases. The greatest thing about this product is that it’s always ready, even when you’re not. The Defender: Smart Personal Protection | Indiegogo

This New Defence Gadget Could Save Your Life - 13This New Defence Gadget Could Save Your Life - 72