Based in London, Boomf offer nine marshmallows with any pictures from your Instagram account printed onto them for just £12. They’re called Boomf as that’s the “sound of the mallows landing on your doormat”; everything about this product is adorable. Eat a picture of your gran, your dog, your ex, most probably other food you’ve taken pictures of; anything you like. Boomf suggests you pick good quality and well lit pictures so they can keep the detail in the printing process, and well because a blotchy picture of the night sky isn’t all that appealing. Here’s how it works: They currently only ship to Europe and North America, however there’s nothing stopping you from shipping these to someone who doesn’t live in these regions as they last as long as 6 months after delivery. Right now the only flavour available is vanilla, however Boomf are working hard on creating other flavours. The mallows are gluten and nut free, but they are not suitable for vegetarians and aren’t halal or kosher.

This Prints Your Instagram Photos On Marshmallow Which Makes It Taste Even Sweeter - 39