Many thoughts are repetitive, day after day, year after year, and decade after decade. Imagine if some of those repetitive thoughts are not of the highest possible vibration? Could it effect our bodies, our minds and our lives? In the attached video, Dr. Masaru Emoto showed the impact of how thoughts put into music or written down, effected the water he was testing. Many of our thoughts are repetitive and arise from the deep subconscious level. So, if we are experiencing over 60,000 thoughts per day and we are not aware of many of them, how are we creating our lives? Are we creating by default, using old, outdated thoughts and beliefs? Or are we aware of our thinking, influencing it, and taking charge of what we are thinking? It becomes clear when we remember that the adult human body is approximately 70% water and infant bodies are about 90% water. We can be hurt emotionally and, as the water can be changed, for the worse physically by negativity. However, we are always closer to beauty when surrounded by positive thoughts, words, intentions and ultimately those vibrations.”1

Thought Power Process:

So how does one begin to master their thoughts? It’s actually quite simple using this exercise below.

Step 1:

For the next minute, think consciously. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Are these thoughts happy or sad, fearful or delightful, loving or hateful? How do the thoughts make you feel inside?

Step 2:

All thoughts, conscious or unconscious, will create a feeling inside of you.  Acknowledging that feeling allows you to define the type of thought you are experiencing. This is the beginning of awakening your own mind and power. Welcome to the potential of creating a new world for yourself.

Step 3:

Decide. Do you like the feeling the thought is creating within you? Does it make you feel good or bad, happy or sad, revengeful or forgiving, fearful or loving? You begin to ask yourself, are these even my thoughts? Am I just repeating old beliefs that were handed down to me by friends, society, and family? Do I really believe these thoughts I am thinking? Then make a conscious decision to change the thoughts that are no longer serving your highest and best life.

The End Result:

Liberation. True freedom will begin to arise in your life. Repeating these three steps over and over will make the greatest changes you have ever seen in your life because as you change your thoughts, you change who you are, what you believe in and what you will experience around you. Dr. Joe Dispenza is author of, You are the Placebo-Making Your Mind Matter. He shares his findings on the power of the mind and the effect thoughts have on our health and our lives.

Thought is the spark from which the flame of creation is ignited in our lives.

The thoughts could be as simple as asking, “What should I have for lunch?” or as complicated as, “Why am I here?” Either way, as you become aware of the thoughts running through your mind, you begin to take charge of your thoughts and thus the creation of your life. You are awakening to a new level of awareness and a new level of power over yourself. You discover the real you as layer upon layer of false thoughts are removed. Your thoughts become your own and you challenge your own thinking. Once you understand you own, the power over your thoughts and what to think, you begin to retrain your mind to become your greatest power and best ally, in this adventure called life. There are wonderful websites that are accessible to provide information about your powerful thoughts.

Here are some:

Dr. Masaru Emoto Dr. Joe Dispenza Many great, successful individuals have always known the power of the thoughts we think. From the Buddha, to musicians, to writers, politicians and now even the every day human. Here are just a few of those magnificent quotes to share with you. May the new day bring to you the understanding of the greatest power you already possess- your thoughts. “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt 1 2 You are the Placebo-Making Your Mind Matter, by Dr. Joe Dispenza Pg 56-57 3 4 5 6 Featured photo credit: Inner Demon Affirmations via