The scarcity of water is becoming a harsh reality because of the increasing demands of water supply, rapidly increasing population, water-intensive agriculture and the faster consumption of water by economic development. Climate change is also contributing to the water crisis. There are several disadvantages of consuming unsafe drinking water. Here are some of the reasons unclean drinking water can affect the health of people.

1. Waterborne Diseases

With the increasing water crisis, water should never be drunk or used without treatment. Before drinking water or using it for oral hygiene make sure that it is safe. Water is used for washing vegetables, fruits, and other foods. The cooking utensils are also washed with water. So it is important that water is free of any harmful organisms. There is a high possibility of the presence of pathogens in water. They are the cause of several serious diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, and more. These diseases can be fatal, so it is important to be extra careful about the water before using it. Water can also contain guinea or tapeworm which can cause serious problems for your health. It is wise to treat all the water as contaminated and use if only after it is processed. Water provides a perfect habitat for several harmful bacteria and pathogens. They live and flourish because it is a complete ecosystem for them. They are the source of water-borne diseases so they should be taken care of before using the water.

2. Contaminated Due to Chemicals

Water often absorbs pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in farming. They are not always good for your health. Industries also produce a lot of chemical waste. The industrial waste contains pollutants and toxic chemicals. Consumption of contaminated water can cause a lot of fatal diseases. This water can also affect the crops. The industrial waste contains toxic chemicals such as asbestos, lead, mercury, nitrate, etc. All of these chemicals are harmful for the health of people. They are not just detrimental to humans but also pose a serious threat to the marine life.

3. Improper Disposal of Human Waste

Water gets contaminated because of the improper disposal of human waste. Lack of sanitary facilities and sub-standard sewage systems are the cause of water contamination because of human waste. It can cause several serious diseases. The improper disposal of human waste has been the culprit behind epidemics such as cholera. So always remember to treat your water before using it. The drinking water can be boiled while water filtration systems can be utilized for cleaning water for domestic consumption.

Ensuring Access to Safe Drinking Water

Several options can ensure the availability of pure water. The world’s access to safe drinking water can be increased by the following things:

1. Water Conservation

Water conservation is one of the best ways of using the water supply wisely. There are areas in which clean water is pumped from the ground faster than it gets consumed. This results in wastage of perfect and pure water. People need to be educated about the small things that can result in saving millions of gallons of water.

2. Water Recycling

Recycling allows you to reuse the treated wastewater for non-drinking purposes. It is suitable for watering the lawns and industrial processes. It will not just decrease the waste of water but also save energy that would be wasted on purifying that water. It will also mean that your drinking water will be reserved just for drinking.

3. Water Purification

Water filtration plants can be used for cleaning the water. There are several efficient and affordable systems available. It is an easy alternative to boiling the water or using chemicals. Featured photo credit: via