These disturbances and obstacles that life presents may clash with the daily goals and schedules at times. They also contribute a lot to a situation of lack of control. Letting these situations and issues become important and assume control is something that needs to be avoided at any cost. The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that regardless of what disruptions arise in a daytime, you are responsible for what you do at the end of the day. Resorting to excuses about why you could not complete the tasks that you set out to do at the beginning of the day shall lead you nowhere. A technique to take charge of a situation is to detach yourself from the problem and view the situation from a perspective. For example what advice would you give to someone who is facing a similar situation? When you look at the problem from a perspective, the solution you arrive at would most likely be the ideal one as there is no fear aspect involved which otherwise would be present when you are attached to the situation and the outcome. To give you an example, take the situation of a surgeon who is going to operate on his son. Even though the surgeon might have successfully operated on hundreds of patients, his hands may tremble this time. This is because the surgeon gets involved and is bothered about the outcome. Once you have detached yourself from the situation and have arrived at best possible solution, do not take time to get into action mode. Don’t fret about how your schedule was disrupted and how you will need to spend more time at office trying to ensure that you meet the deadlines that you have committed. Cribbing, making excuses and getting frustrated will take you no where. On the other hand, taking charge and accepting the situation and doing something about it will ensure that you emerge victorious from the situations that come your way. Time management is not just about following the schedule planned on paper but also involves handling surprises along the way. Vishal P. Rao shares his insights and tips on holistic living at Relishing Life.

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