If you’ve been feeling tired of life, there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t have to give up. It’s actually not that hard to make a U-turn back into the life you love. Do you want to find out what these 6 easy tips are to get you out of the life that you’re tired of? All you have to do is continue reading!

Signs That You’re Tired of Life

The thing is that you cannot treat or fix an issue that you don’t realize exists. Therefore, for the tips to give their full effect, you have to first identify your situation. Life is full of ups and downs. You need to be sure whether you’re really tired of life or just going through a tough week. The following signs indicate that you’re experiencing more than just a bad week or month. They are red flags that you are giving up on life.

1. You Get Extremely Angry Over Little Things

If you’ve lost control over your rage, it may be a sign of exhaustion. The smallest inconvenience triggers you. You may even realize that you’ve been overreacting but you either can’t be bothered to fix it or you just don’t know what to do.

2. You Are Consistently Emotionlessness

Gone are the days when you experienced different emotions. It’s like you’ve forgotten what ups and down felt like. You are neither happy nor sad. All that you feel is mere emotionlessness and numbness.

3. Nothing Excites Your Inner Self Anymore

You’re not anymore interested in anything. Nothing seems to be good enough to look forward to. You’re not even excited about the things you’re passionate about. Even though you once loved to sing or paint, it seems like such a burden now.

4. A Good Night’s Sleep Seems like a Distant Reality

Most of your nights are restless. You’ve not woken up in the past few weeks feeling fresh. Sleep is just another part of your day. It doesn’t refuel your body and mind anymore.

5 You Haven’t Truly Enjoyed a Day for a Long Time

When you look back on your recent past, you can’t pinpoint a day that you had fun on. You haven’t really made memories at this time. All the parties, get-togethers, and special occasions were just another day for you.

6 Tips to Help You Regain Your Liveliness

If three or more of these signs are identified, you need to put the following tips into action to get back on the track to live life like you’re supposed to!

1. Picture Your Ideal Life

You’re tired of the life that you’re living now. But if you think about it, is there a life that you imagine that you would absolutely love? This won’t be a picture you can imagine instantly. Give yourself time to figure out the aspects of life that come to your mind when you think about the ‘ideal’ lifestyle. Is it a life in the same place but with a different mental state? Or do you picture a completely different physical environment? What kind of people surround you? Whatever you idealize, note it down.

2. Look Back on the Life That You Enjoyed the Most

Nobody gets tired of life as soon as they are born. They live a good life before they get to a point of exhaustion. Look back. Think of the times when you lived your life to the fullest. It could’ve been your time at school or when you had different relationships or you lived in a different city. Also, think about the hobbies and activities you had at this time. You may have had a different passion back then. List down the factors that you think made your life worthwhile back then.

3. What’s Missing From Your Life Right Now?

Now, you’ve got a list of things that either made your life amazing in the past or you think will improve your life. It’s time to point out exactly what’s missing. Since you’re tired of life, you probably don’t have anything from the list in your life. However, look closer. Maybe you’re the one who has pushed those factors away. Whatever the case is, pinpoint what you feel like is missing from your life. Once again, list them down so that you have written proof of how your mind perceives all this information. This isn’t a list that you should or have to make within a day. Give it some time. Refine your list so that it has the things that you really think will make your life better. Add to it, remove from it, and once you think everything on the list is exactly what you need, it’s time to move to the next tip.

4. Highlight the Things That Are in Your Control

By this point, you know what you want in life, what you’ve already got, and what’s missing. So, naturally, the next step to fix your life is to add the things that are missing. Usually, when we’re trying to improve our lives, what we tend to do it focus on the negative. So instead of finding out what would make us feel better, we point out the negatives and try to eradicate them. But if you’re tired of life, you’re probably going to perceive in your current life as bad. Therefore, instead of suggesting you get rid of the negatives, you should first add some positives. From the list you made in the previous tip, highlight the things that you think are in your control. For example, you can change relationships, work towards a different career, shift homes, etc. If you think it’s in your control, get on with it. Devise an extensive plan on how you can achieve it. Work every day on your plan to achieve one thing at a time. With your mind on the road to what you think will be a better life, it’ll be way easier for you to regain your enthusiasm.

5. Make an Effort in Areas That Seem to Be Out of Your Hands

The difficult part of the list is where you think you’re not in control. You may not have the money to shift to the city that you want to. You may have lost a loved one that you can’t bring back. Whatever the case is, remember that there’s always a second option. You can always find a second-best alternative that is quite possibly in your hands too.[1] This is a time-consuming step. You’ll have to convince yourself, get content with the idea, and then work to achieve it.

6. Set Goals

Remember how not having anything to look forward to was a sign of your exhaustion from life? Well, guess who’s got the control to fix it? Yes, it’s you. Really think about it. What are your goals? Why are you even living? What’s the point of your existence? If you haven’t got anything that you’re constantly trying to achieve, you’re basically living a purposeless life. This is one huge factor that makes you want to give up on life. So it’s only right if you set some goals for yourself. These goals can be a way to achieve the life that you idealize, work on your health, strive for a better lifestyle, and anything else that you think is worth fighting for. What you set as a goal isn’t important. But how you define that goal impacts your progress. You might have heard of SMART goals. That’s what you’ve got to keep in mind so that you can actually work on them without losing more motivation.

How to Regain Motivation

A major contributing factor to your will to live is your motivation level.[2] Once you start wanting to do little things in life, you’ll start enjoying life in general, too. It’s something that you have to try and test yourself to figure out what works best for you. Start by assigning one day of the week solely for yourself. This day, do anything that you have the slightest will to do – paint, dance, meet someone, or just sleep all day long. For the other 6 days, continue your normal regime but add in some motivational stepping stones here and there. Wear your favorite perfume, dress comfortably, exercise, stay hydrated, eat well, and stay away from things that drain you mentally or physically.

Bottom Line

Being tired of life isn’t a feeling you should ignore. Try out these tips to feel better but if nothing seems to be working for you, don’t shy away from seeking professional help. Pay attention to your mental health, work hard for your happiness, and stay enthusiastic about the life that you’ve been gifted!

Read These If You Feel Tired of Life

How to Crush Your Lack of Motivation and Always Stay Motivated How to Endure and Overcome the Worst of Life’s Hardships 6 Things You Can Do When You’re Mentally Exhausted

Featured photo credit: Tiago Bandeira via unsplash.com