1. Glamsquad

Ebeauty? Glamsquad is an in-home beauty service that sends the hair stylist and makeup artist straight to the client. Sounds great…except that it is currently only located in NYC. The Big Apple has never looked so pretty.

2. Woot

An American Internet retailer with the slogan,  “One Day, One Deal,” consists largely of electronics. While Woot has several business spin off sites, its focus on electronics on its flagship site is understandable, given founder Matt Rutledge was a former electronics wholesaler.

3. Inside

Stay up-to-date with real time journalism. Inside.com hopes to provide readers customized, current journalism to satiate each unique viewers content hunger.

4. Whisper.sh

A hybrid of Twitter and Mashup, this mobile app lets you send anonymous messages to millions and allows for replies…shh.

5. ThriveOn

A site for your mind, ThriveOn.com provides mental health options based on your assessment to questions. Can it replace the annual physical? Not quite. Can it give customized health assessment without having to go to a hospital? Check.

6. Elepath

Looking to improve your nighttime story telling or listicle skills? This app allows users various fun options, including narrating pictures, recording sounds and creating lists.

7. Imgur

Another photo sharing site? Not quite. Imgur has a gallery filled with in real time viral photos. Seems a few steps ahead of Google Image.

8.  Shapeways

Three dimensional printing is getting even more quaint. Shapeways allows users the chance to not only create images, but to also buy and sell the products from 3D printing. Can’t wait for 4D…

9.  Thumb.it

Ever wonder what those people passing you on the street really thought about your looks and outfit? Thumb.it allows you to wonder no more! Get instant thumbs up or down after submitting your photo.

10. Bufferapp.com

Keep this app open all day and Buffer will recommend posts to you while also helping you to share favorite websites on your various social media. One less click for you to do.

11. Shots.me

Need a new place to take your selfies? Shots.met allows users to post their pictures for networking. Kim might just have a new favorite start-up.

12. Skillbridge.co

Are you a freelancer? Skillbridge was created for you. Post, find, and deliver short-term finance, strategy, and marketing projects…linking the independent contractor to those in need.

13. Exaleague

It’s social media for start-up companies; Exaleague helps grow start-up business with various marketing options and keeps you current on your competitors. I wonder if Mark Zuckerberg would have used it.

14. NarrativeScience

This site makes the confusing world of Big Data navigable and easy to use. Basically, NarrativeScience transforms figures and numbers into paragraphs, making trends more understandable to mathematically disinclined.

15. Poet

Poet (Point of Experience Technology) is an interactive site aiming to inform its users about products prior to sale. This is done through learning about the product of their choice through their an interactive, digital site.

16. Sociota.net

Always wanted to be the life of the party but needed an assistant? Sociota not only manages your social media, but monitors it to keep you at the top of your game.

17. Mywebroom

Your room is now virtual. Create your room, organize it, surf and bookmark websites, and add friends. It’s like your life is finally becoming more SIMS-like.

18. Prezi

An online presentation tool? We’ve evolved from chalkboards to overhead projectors to presenting from anywhere – including your browser, desktop and iPhone. You’ll be feeling as cool as the POTUS with this one.

19. Shadow

Count sheep? Go to sleep! Shadow allows you to record your dreams on your mobile phone, so that you might never forget them again. Their crowdfunding campaign was a success; who knows; Whisper might just have given you the incentive to catch your Zzzs more often, see here.

20. Brāv

Ask.com and Skype – with a referee; Brāv trains anyone, called Brāv Ones, to aid in other’s conflicts on the site’s face-to-face platforms. And since disputing parties hash out differences online, look for people finding solutions to personal or professional problems while in the comfort of their pajamas. Look out for their segment and fun video which aired on FOX September 7th.