1. Excellent source of high-quality protein

One of the best nutritional benefits of whey protein is its property as a source of high-quality protein. Whey protein is the liquid separated from milk when producing cheese. This makes it a good source of protein for one’s health.

2. Promotes muscle growth

You can use whey protein as way of preventing the decline of muscles, which decreases with age. As a nutritious food element, whey protein works to boost the body’s urge for high-quality protein to help in muscle growth. It is also useful for people who are weightlifting and desire to have their muscles grow bigger.

3. May lower blood pressure

As a dairy product, whey protein helps in lowering blood pressure; (blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease.) This is beneficial to people facing the risk of high blood pressure.

4. Enhances the body’s antioxidant defenses

Whey protein has the ability to enhance the body’s antioxidant defenses in the body, reducing oxidative stress, which eventually cuts the risk of various chronic diseases.

5. Reduces hunger

Whey protein is highly filling and thus can help to reduce hunger. Therefore, when you take whey protein, you will not have to eat a lot to feel full. This means that you will only need to take a dose of whey protein to sustain you as a whole meal. (Please know it is not recommended to only have whey protein in your diet; you need well-balanced meals of protein, fruits, vegetables, and grains too!)

6. Helps in weight loss

If you are looking for ways to lose weight, then whey protein offers one of the best strategies to do that. Whey protein helps in reducing weight by:

Suppressing appetite, which leads to lower calorie intake Boosting metabolism to burn more calorie Helps to maintain muscle mass while losing weight

Despite the many nutritional benefits of whey protein, there are some side effects associated with it.

1. Reduces appetite

One of the side effects of using whey protein is that you may reduce your appetite. Though mentioned as a benefit for those going through the weight loss process, it may be harmful to others.

2. Stomach pains

Another disadvantage of whey protein is that it may lead to stomach pain if you take high doses.

3. Fatigue

Another unwanted side effect of whey protein is fatigue. Those who take whey protein may experience general body fatigue, especially if you don’t eat or drink anything else.

4. Headache

You may also experience some episodes of headaches when you continually use whey protein as part of your diet.

5. Kidney stones

As a high-quality protein, whey protein has the risk of making you form kidney stones. Excessive consumption of whey protein could lead to formation of kidney stones, which can be a serious health risk.

6. Digestive trouble

If you are sensitive to lactose, you may end up having digestive problems from whey protein, as it contains dairy. (Even if you are not lactose intolerant, you may experience digestive problems to some degree.)


It’s obvious whey proteins has benefits and side effects. It’s really up to you to decide. Some people swear by whey protein; others don’t. Ultimately it depends on your body (i.e. if you’re lactose intolerant or have digestive issues…) and your goals (i.e. if you want to build muscles…). Featured photo credit: bulksupplements via bulksupplements.com