Most jobs require employees to work with or under managers. A good work ethic is always an expected trait and working hard is definitely a pre-requisite for a successful career. However, that’s not the ONLY pre-requisite. Although different job descriptions may have different specific requirements, almost all jobs require a set of certain traits that distinguishes good employees from outstanding employees. Managers look for specific traits and qualities in their future or current employees. It’s no secret that a successful employee is well liked and hard working, but he or she also has a few more absolutely essential traits that managers are usually looking for. Have you ever yearned for a promotion but haven’t gotten it? What keeps you just at the tip of getting a promotion? In this cut throat world, you may be wondering what it is that can make you stand out What are the top things managers look for? What are these skills? Can you train to develop these skills? Yes, you can! Once you know the top 7 skills that managers look for, you can train for them too! This info-graphic illustrates the top 7 things that managers are looking for in a potential employee.

Featured photo credit: SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget via

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